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A New Buzz In Teaching And Learning: ChatGPT
We live in a world constructed by data and content. With theavailability of AI chatbots, we can generate tons of them, with just
a few taps on our keyboards. Undeniably, ChatGPT is a powerful
and versatile language model, with the potential to revolutionize
how we learn and interact with machines. As the Chinese idiom
says, "Water can carry a boat but can also overturn it." This
expression is a reminder that everything has its pros and cons, and
it's therefore important to remain aware of potential risks and take
the necessary precautions. With this in mind, it’s of the utmost
importance to use this tool in a responsible and ethical manner, to
ensure that the output aligns with the desired use cases.
From: https://elearningindustry.com/a-new-buzz-in-teaching-and-learning-chatgpt