Questões de Concurso Público CEMIG-TELECOM 2010 para Técnico de Operação

Foram encontradas 10 questões

Q108805 Inglês
The objective of this text is to:

Q108806 Inglês
Alice and Frank ____ about_______.

Q108807 Inglês
The expression such as in “ they should consider some points such as” indicates that some important aspects:
Q108808 Inglês
Write True (T) or False (F).

( ) Sherry says the best choice for her is to put off finding someone to take care of her pet.
( ) Jeff states that the most important thing is finding the right person to leave Max with.
( ) Betsy declares that Roo has been the least important thing since she got divorced.
Q108809 Inglês
The phrase figure out in “In addition, once you figure out who can take your pets,” means
1: D
2: C
3: C
4: B
5: D