Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Cordilheira Alta - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1304453 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following statements:

I. In line 1, the blank should be filled in by ‘for create’.


II. The verb ‘to thank’ is always followed by the preposition ‘for’ plus a noun.

Considering the sentences above:

Q1304454 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following statements:

I. ‘colder’ (line 09) is the superlative form of ‘cold’.

II. In line 11, ‘less sad’ is incorrect, ‘saddest’ should have been used.

III. ‘sadder’ (line 13) has a spelling error as it should have been spelled with only one letter ‘d’.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304455 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following sentences about the word ‘Yeesh’ (l.11):

I. It’s an emphatic word.

II. It is informal.

III. A word to describe something that isn't good.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304456 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following sentences about the use of ‘must’ along the text (lines 3, 5, 11, e.g):

I. It is used to indicate possibility.

II. It is used for emphasis.

III. It shows that something is necessary, as a requirement.

Which ones are correct? 

Q1304457 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider “Error: Password must not be an item you’re looking at on your desk.” (l.17) and the following sentences:

I. The pronoun ‘you’ refers exclusively to the reader.

II. The item being referred to is a desk lamp.

III. The sentence is not coherent, because there’s no reference available in the text.

Which ones are correct?

31: E
32: A
33: D
34: C
35: B