Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Itapetim - PE 2022 para Professor de Ensino Fundamental II - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q2680729 Inglês

Instruction: Answer to questions 38 to 47 based on the text below. The Highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.


01 ____Large hoofed animals belonging to the deer family, caribou and reindeer are actually the

02 same species — Rangifer tarandus. There are differences between caribou and reindeer though.

03 Caribou are native to North America, whereas reindeer are native to northern Europe and Asia.

04 Alaska does have some reindeer, however, imported from Siberia in the late 19th and early 20th

05 centuries.

06 ____Some people use the term "reindeer" to refer to domesticated work animals, such as those

07 pulling Santa's sleigh, but there are both wild and domestic herds of reindeer. Caribou, on the

08 other hand, are wild-living and long-migrating. Indigenous groups herd reindeer and use them for

09 their meat. That's also likely why reindeer evolved to be stockier than caribou.

10 ____Caribou make one of the world's great large-animal migrations. As summer approaches,

11 they head north along well-trod annual routes. Some herds may travel more than 600 miles to

12 get to their summer grazing grounds. They'll spend the summer months feeding on the abundant

13 grasses and plants of the tundra. This is also when they give birth. When the first snows fall each

14 year, the caribou turn back south. Herds of female caribou, called cows, leave several weeks

15 before the males, which follow with yearling calves from the previous birthing season.

16 ____They are taller and lankier than reindeer, likely because they evolved to make these long

17 migrations. They are the only deer in which males and females both have antlers—though only

18 some females have them. Cows have one calf each year, which can stand after only a few minutes

19 and move on with its mother by the next day.

20 ____Caribou are classified as vulnerable to extinction, one step above endangered. Because

21 they're migratory, changes in the landscape, such as the appearance of new fences or other

22 human development on their migration routes, can be especially disruptive. Climate change is

23 also a threat. As the Arctic warms, they become more susceptible to diseases and parasites,

24 which could quickly spread through a herd.

(Available in: – text adapted especially

for this test).

Why is there a hyphen in “large-animal migrations” (l. 10)?

Q2680731 Inglês

Instruction: Answer to questions 38 to 47 based on the text below. The Highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.


01 ____Large hoofed animals belonging to the deer family, caribou and reindeer are actually the

02 same species — Rangifer tarandus. There are differences between caribou and reindeer though.

03 Caribou are native to North America, whereas reindeer are native to northern Europe and Asia.

04 Alaska does have some reindeer, however, imported from Siberia in the late 19th and early 20th

05 centuries.

06 ____Some people use the term "reindeer" to refer to domesticated work animals, such as those

07 pulling Santa's sleigh, but there are both wild and domestic herds of reindeer. Caribou, on the

08 other hand, are wild-living and long-migrating. Indigenous groups herd reindeer and use them for

09 their meat. That's also likely why reindeer evolved to be stockier than caribou.

10 ____Caribou make one of the world's great large-animal migrations. As summer approaches,

11 they head north along well-trod annual routes. Some herds may travel more than 600 miles to

12 get to their summer grazing grounds. They'll spend the summer months feeding on the abundant

13 grasses and plants of the tundra. This is also when they give birth. When the first snows fall each

14 year, the caribou turn back south. Herds of female caribou, called cows, leave several weeks

15 before the males, which follow with yearling calves from the previous birthing season.

16 ____They are taller and lankier than reindeer, likely because they evolved to make these long

17 migrations. They are the only deer in which males and females both have antlers—though only

18 some females have them. Cows have one calf each year, which can stand after only a few minutes

19 and move on with its mother by the next day.

20 ____Caribou are classified as vulnerable to extinction, one step above endangered. Because

21 they're migratory, changes in the landscape, such as the appearance of new fences or other

22 human development on their migration routes, can be especially disruptive. Climate change is

23 also a threat. As the Arctic warms, they become more susceptible to diseases and parasites,

24 which could quickly spread through a herd.

(Available in: – text adapted especially

for this test).

“Taller and lankier” (l. 16) are both comparative adjectives. Which words below follow the same spelling rules, respectively?

Q2680732 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 48 and 49 based on the text below.

Laura’s testimony about adopting Charley

01 ____We adopted Charley in January of 2019. She was from Texas and had been in a shelter for

02 months before we found her. She ____ my first adult rescue and the most incredible dog I ____

03 ever met. She adores people, loves the snow, and ____ give you the biggest smiles you ____

04 ever seen. She loves ____ next to you and bring you her toys. When we adopted Charley, we

05 didn't know she has some dog reactivity. It was a challenge because we had another dog at the

06 time. We’ve been working on this with her and she’s so much better. She’s intelligent and so

07 loving, and can make anyone smile.

08 ____I cannot thank you [Animal Humane Society] enough for all you do. You're the reason

09 Charley was brought into our lives, and I will never be able to express the gratitude I have for

10 that. She’s become me and my family's whole world.

(Available in:

2021-so-far – text adapted especially for this test).

In the sentence “She was from Texas and had been in a shelter for months before we found her.” (l. 01-02), the verb tenses in the bold structures suggest that:

Q2680734 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 48 and 49 based on the text below.

Laura’s testimony about adopting Charley

01 ____We adopted Charley in January of 2019. She was from Texas and had been in a shelter for

02 months before we found her. She ____ my first adult rescue and the most incredible dog I ____

03 ever met. She adores people, loves the snow, and ____ give you the biggest smiles you ____

04 ever seen. She loves ____ next to you and bring you her toys. When we adopted Charley, we

05 didn't know she has some dog reactivity. It was a challenge because we had another dog at the

06 time. We’ve been working on this with her and she’s so much better. She’s intelligent and so

07 loving, and can make anyone smile.

08 ____I cannot thank you [Animal Humane Society] enough for all you do. You're the reason

09 Charley was brought into our lives, and I will never be able to express the gratitude I have for

10 that. She’s become me and my family's whole world.

(Available in:

2021-so-far – text adapted especially for this test).

Which of the alternatives below best fills out the blanks in the first paragraph, respectively?

Q2680736 Inglês

In the cartoon below there is a man selling ice-cream, and a sign on his stand that says “The end is near, have a cone”. The word “cone” is countable, and that is why it was preceded by an indefinite article. What would be the correct form if we added “ice-cream” before “cone”?

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Source: @newyorkercartoons

46: A
47: C
48: D
49: A
50: B