Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porto Alegre - RS 2023 para Professor - Lingua Inglesa

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Q2166440 Inglês
Considering word order, which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?
Q2166441 Inglês
The “ed” at the end of simple past regular verbs can be pronounced as 1-/ɪd/, 2-/t/, or 3-/d/, depending on the sounds that precede the suffix. Which of the alternatives below shows verbs that follow the “ed” pronunciation rules in this order: 1-/ɪd/, 2-/t/, or 3-/d/?
Q2166442 Inglês
Consider weather the gaps in the following sentences should be filled with 1 – a, 2 – an, 3 – the, or 4 – no article: •   They would like to visit __ Metropolitan Museum when we go to New York. •   Kathy is in __ high school, so she has some time to think about what to study next. •   I don’t have __ cat, you must have seen __ neighbor’s. •   That day we saw __ man who looked like Johnny Depp.
Mark the alternative that fills in, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above:
Q2166443 Inglês
Consider the following statements:
I. The sentence “If you want to improve, you need to practice” is an example of the zero-conditional structure, which is used to talk about something that is always true or always the consequence of something else. II.“They would be able to travel more if they didn’t have so many dogs” is an example of the first conditional, and it is used to talk about possibilities for the future, specially when they are likely to happen. III. “I wouldn’t have called if I knew you were studying” is an example of the third conditional, which is used with unreal hypothesis because it is about something in the past.
Which statements are correct?
Q2166444 Inglês
In which of the following sentences “used to” is connected to a past action?
51: E
52: B
53: A
54: C
55: C