Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Tangará da Serra - MT 2025 para Professor dos Anos Finais - Língua Portuguesa e Estrangeira - Inglês
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( ) Basquiat lived in Puerto Rico for a few years.
( ) The artist’s first major exhibition took place in Germany.
( ) His artwork primarily focused on landscapes and natural scenes.
The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:

I. It is a passive voice structure.
II. It omits the agent of the action.
III. The verb “be” is in the infinitive form.
Which statements are correct?

I. “Had not met” is a negative structure in the past perfect tense.
II. “Have happened” is a present perfect structure.
III. This is a conditional sentence.
Which statements are correct?