Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Jardinópolis - SC 2019 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q1754557 Português

Texto para a questão:

O homem que se endereçou
Apanhou o envelope e na sua letra cuidadosa subscritou a si mesmo:
Narciso, rua Treze, nº 21.
Passou cola nas bordas do papel, mergulhou no envelope e fechou-se. Horas mais tarde a empregada colocou-o no correio. Um dia depois sentiu-se na mala do carteiro. Diante de uma casa, percebeu que o funcionário tinha parado indeciso, consultara o envelope e prosseguira. Voltou ao DCT, foi colocado numa prateleira. Dias depois, um novo carteiro procurou seu endereço. Não achou, devia ter saído algo errado. A carta voltou à prateleira, no meio de muitas outras, amareladas, empoeiradas. Sentiu, então, com terror, que a carta se extraviara. E Narciso nunca mais encontrou a si mesmo.
 BRANDÃO, Ignácio de Loyola. Cadeiras proibidas. São Paulo: Global, 2003.
Sobre o texto é correto afirmar:
Q1754558 Português

Texto para a questão:

O homem que se endereçou
Apanhou o envelope e na sua letra cuidadosa subscritou a si mesmo:
Narciso, rua Treze, nº 21.
Passou cola nas bordas do papel, mergulhou no envelope e fechou-se. Horas mais tarde a empregada colocou-o no correio. Um dia depois sentiu-se na mala do carteiro. Diante de uma casa, percebeu que o funcionário tinha parado indeciso, consultara o envelope e prosseguira. Voltou ao DCT, foi colocado numa prateleira. Dias depois, um novo carteiro procurou seu endereço. Não achou, devia ter saído algo errado. A carta voltou à prateleira, no meio de muitas outras, amareladas, empoeiradas. Sentiu, então, com terror, que a carta se extraviara. E Narciso nunca mais encontrou a si mesmo.
 BRANDÃO, Ignácio de Loyola. Cadeiras proibidas. São Paulo: Global, 2003.
Pode-se inferir que o objetivo do escritor ao redigir o conto era:
Q1754559 Português

Texto para a questão:

O homem que se endereçou
Apanhou o envelope e na sua letra cuidadosa subscritou a si mesmo:
Narciso, rua Treze, nº 21.
Passou cola nas bordas do papel, mergulhou no envelope e fechou-se. Horas mais tarde a empregada colocou-o no correio. Um dia depois sentiu-se na mala do carteiro. Diante de uma casa, percebeu que o funcionário tinha parado indeciso, consultara o envelope e prosseguira. Voltou ao DCT, foi colocado numa prateleira. Dias depois, um novo carteiro procurou seu endereço. Não achou, devia ter saído algo errado. A carta voltou à prateleira, no meio de muitas outras, amareladas, empoeiradas. Sentiu, então, com terror, que a carta se extraviara. E Narciso nunca mais encontrou a si mesmo.
 BRANDÃO, Ignácio de Loyola. Cadeiras proibidas. São Paulo: Global, 2003.
A carta voltou à prateleira,...” O acento grave indicativo de crase usado no fragmento anterior está corretamente empregado na alternativa:
Q1754560 Português
A conjunção em destaque na sentença a seguir expressa ideia de:
“Ele não almoçou nem jantou naquele dia.”
Q1754561 Português
Marque a alternativa em que o adjetivo não corresponde a locução adjetiva sublinhada:
Q1754562 Matemática
Para alimentar 90 animais suínos durante um período de 90 dias são necessários 6480kg de ração, nas mesmas condições, para alimentar 100 animais durante 95 dias, a quantidade de ração será de:
Q1754563 Matemática
Um torre tem 60 m de altura a uma certa hora do dia e produz uma sombra 12m de sua base. Um homem de 1,8 m de altura nesta mesma hora produzira uma sombra de aproximadamente quantos cm.
Q1754564 Matemática
Uma indústria tem lucro fixada em 60% sobre o valor do custo de cada mercadoria. Se esta indústria der um desconto 30% na compra e um cliente pagou R$162,40 neste período, quanto foi lucro dessa mercadoria?
Q1754565 Matemática
Em uma progressão geométrica o oitavo termo é igual a 312500 se a razão é igual a 5, qual é o valor do terceiro termo dessa progressão geométrica?
Q1754566 Matemática
Em um sitio há apenas galinhas e suínos perfazendo um total de 32 animais. Ao contar o número de pés dos animais obteve-se 88 pés. Com essas informações quantas galinhas tem no sitio?
Q1754567 Atualidades
Qual o País tem realizado frequentemente testes nucleares e ameaça principalmente os Estados Unidos da América?
Q1754569 Conhecimentos Gerais
O Congresso Nacional é bicameral, ou seja, composto pelo Senado Federal e Câmara dos Deputados. Quantos são os senadores e quantos são os Deputados Federais, respectivamente?
Q1754570 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
Pelos relatos históricos com registro de Jardinópolis, qual foi o primeiro nome dado pelos imigrantes ao local onde hoje é o município, na década de 1940?
Q1754571 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
O Município de Jardinópolis faz divisa territorial com os municípios de Formosa do Sul, Quilombo, União do Oeste, Irati e Sul Brasil. Pergunta-se: ao SUL, com qual(ais) município(s)?
Q1757682 Inglês

Use the text below to answer the question

Japanese Emperor

    A Japanese emperor has abdicated for the first time in more than 200 years. Emperor Akihito stepped down from the Chrysanthemum Throne on April 30 after 30 years of being the Japanese monarch. He made way for his son Crown Prince Naruhito to become the new emperor. Akihito decided to step down because of his health. At the age of 85, he has been visibly slowing down for the past few years. He has also had a couple of health scares. He believes his son is now better able to carry out the duties of emperor. Emperor Akihito will be remembered for using a personal touch to bring his people together after many national disasters. He continually visited people after earthquakes, tsunami and other tragedies.

    The new Emperor Naruhito became the 126th emperor to ascend the throne of the world's oldest monarchy. Naruhito, 59, spent two years studying at Oxford University. His wife, the new Empress Masako, studied at Harvard University and worked as a diplomat. A traditional ceremony took place as part of the historic handover. In the ceremony, Naruhito received a sacred sword, a jewel and official seals that date back thousands of years. The ceremony took place in the middle of a ten-day Japanese holiday. The traditional Golden Week holiday was extended to allow people to celebrate the new emperor. Millions of Japanese were glued to their TVs and smartphones watching the historic event.

Available at: Accessed on May,

06th 2019.

Use T-TRUE or F- FALSE according to the text:

( )Emperor Naruhito's wife studied at Oxford University.

( )Many Japanese people got stuck to their desks to not watch the historic event.

( )The new emperor is Japan's 126th monarch.

( )The last time a Japanese emperor abdicated was over 200 years ago.

The correct order is:

Q1757683 Inglês

Use the text below to answer the question

Japanese Emperor

    A Japanese emperor has abdicated for the first time in more than 200 years. Emperor Akihito stepped down from the Chrysanthemum Throne on April 30 after 30 years of being the Japanese monarch. He made way for his son Crown Prince Naruhito to become the new emperor. Akihito decided to step down because of his health. At the age of 85, he has been visibly slowing down for the past few years. He has also had a couple of health scares. He believes his son is now better able to carry out the duties of emperor. Emperor Akihito will be remembered for using a personal touch to bring his people together after many national disasters. He continually visited people after earthquakes, tsunami and other tragedies.

    The new Emperor Naruhito became the 126th emperor to ascend the throne of the world's oldest monarchy. Naruhito, 59, spent two years studying at Oxford University. His wife, the new Empress Masako, studied at Harvard University and worked as a diplomat. A traditional ceremony took place as part of the historic handover. In the ceremony, Naruhito received a sacred sword, a jewel and official seals that date back thousands of years. The ceremony took place in the middle of a ten-day Japanese holiday. The traditional Golden Week holiday was extended to allow people to celebrate the new emperor. Millions of Japanese were glued to their TVs and smartphones watching the historic event.

Available at: Accessed on May,

06th 2019.

“ part of the historic handover.” The underlined word can be replaced by:

Q1757684 Inglês

Use the text below to answer the question

Japanese Emperor

    A Japanese emperor has abdicated for the first time in more than 200 years. Emperor Akihito stepped down from the Chrysanthemum Throne on April 30 after 30 years of being the Japanese monarch. He made way for his son Crown Prince Naruhito to become the new emperor. Akihito decided to step down because of his health. At the age of 85, he has been visibly slowing down for the past few years. He has also had a couple of health scares. He believes his son is now better able to carry out the duties of emperor. Emperor Akihito will be remembered for using a personal touch to bring his people together after many national disasters. He continually visited people after earthquakes, tsunami and other tragedies.

    The new Emperor Naruhito became the 126th emperor to ascend the throne of the world's oldest monarchy. Naruhito, 59, spent two years studying at Oxford University. His wife, the new Empress Masako, studied at Harvard University and worked as a diplomat. A traditional ceremony took place as part of the historic handover. In the ceremony, Naruhito received a sacred sword, a jewel and official seals that date back thousands of years. The ceremony took place in the middle of a ten-day Japanese holiday. The traditional Golden Week holiday was extended to allow people to celebrate the new emperor. Millions of Japanese were glued to their TVs and smartphones watching the historic event.

Available at: Accessed on May,

06th 2019.

“...were glued to their TVs and smartphones watching the historic event.” The possessive adjective in bold can complete only the sentence:

Q1757685 Inglês

Use the text below to answer the question

Japanese Emperor

    A Japanese emperor has abdicated for the first time in more than 200 years. Emperor Akihito stepped down from the Chrysanthemum Throne on April 30 after 30 years of being the Japanese monarch. He made way for his son Crown Prince Naruhito to become the new emperor. Akihito decided to step down because of his health. At the age of 85, he has been visibly slowing down for the past few years. He has also had a couple of health scares. He believes his son is now better able to carry out the duties of emperor. Emperor Akihito will be remembered for using a personal touch to bring his people together after many national disasters. He continually visited people after earthquakes, tsunami and other tragedies.

    The new Emperor Naruhito became the 126th emperor to ascend the throne of the world's oldest monarchy. Naruhito, 59, spent two years studying at Oxford University. His wife, the new Empress Masako, studied at Harvard University and worked as a diplomat. A traditional ceremony took place as part of the historic handover. In the ceremony, Naruhito received a sacred sword, a jewel and official seals that date back thousands of years. The ceremony took place in the middle of a ten-day Japanese holiday. The traditional Golden Week holiday was extended to allow people to celebrate the new emperor. Millions of Japanese were glued to their TVs and smartphones watching the historic event.

Available at: Accessed on May,

06th 2019.

Akihito decided to step down because of his health...” The underlined words indicate a phrasal verb. The incorrect meaning of a phrasal verbs is in:

Q1757686 Inglês

Use the text below to answer the question

Japanese Emperor

    A Japanese emperor has abdicated for the first time in more than 200 years. Emperor Akihito stepped down from the Chrysanthemum Throne on April 30 after 30 years of being the Japanese monarch. He made way for his son Crown Prince Naruhito to become the new emperor. Akihito decided to step down because of his health. At the age of 85, he has been visibly slowing down for the past few years. He has also had a couple of health scares. He believes his son is now better able to carry out the duties of emperor. Emperor Akihito will be remembered for using a personal touch to bring his people together after many national disasters. He continually visited people after earthquakes, tsunami and other tragedies.

    The new Emperor Naruhito became the 126th emperor to ascend the throne of the world's oldest monarchy. Naruhito, 59, spent two years studying at Oxford University. His wife, the new Empress Masako, studied at Harvard University and worked as a diplomat. A traditional ceremony took place as part of the historic handover. In the ceremony, Naruhito received a sacred sword, a jewel and official seals that date back thousands of years. The ceremony took place in the middle of a ten-day Japanese holiday. The traditional Golden Week holiday was extended to allow people to celebrate the new emperor. Millions of Japanese were glued to their TVs and smartphones watching the historic event.

Available at: Accessed on May,

06th 2019.

Mark the alternative with an incorrect description:

1: C
2: D
3: C
4: D
5: B
6: A
7: A
8: B
9: D
10: D
11: D
12: A
13: D
14: B
15: A
16: D
17: A
18: C
19: D
20: B