Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porciúncula - RJ 2019 para Professor - Inglês
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“The Referential Function is the one most commonly addressed in ESL/EFL settings because it concerns descriptions or contextual information. According to Holenstein (1974) it “dominates ordinary discourse [because we] designate objects and bestow them with meaning” (p.156). The most common topics addressed in beginning ESL/EFL course materials concern the surrounding environment (e.g., classroom objects and procedures, asking for or giving directions) or describing actions in physical or chronological context (e.g. daily routine, telling time.).” (Tribus, Angela C., 2017)
Analyzing the Referential Function as applied on the context above, it is correct to affirm that:
“If there were more buses, we would leave the car at home.”