Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2022 para Diplomata - Tarde

Foram encontradas 156 questões

Q1927868 Inglês

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

The first speaker in the text is praying only for forgiveness. 

Q1927869 Inglês

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

The word “forestalled” in line 20 could be replaced by prevented without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q1927870 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 32, the word “might” can be correctly replaced with the modal verb could

Q1927871 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

The phrase “And so am I revenged” in line 34 refers to an action that has been fulfilled.  

Q1927872 Inglês

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

Hamlet expresses that his father’s sins were possibly forgiven by God before he was killed. 

31: E
32: C
33: C
34: E
35: E