Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Vitória - ES 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica III – PEB III – Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q1651660 Inglês
In the text you read above (see QUESTÃO 41), the author cites Paulo Freire’s “banking system of education”. Authors usually bring different voices to their text in order to reinforce an argument with expert’s perspectives.
This is can also be done by resorting to:
Q1651662 Inglês
Questão 44 Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of thought and experience, which we were encouraged to believe was universal.”
Focusing on reported speech, choose the best alternative to rephrase the citation above.
1: B
2: A