Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Uberaba - MG 2023 para PEB - Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental (6° ao 9°) - Língua Portuguesa/Língua Inglesa

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Q2568886 Inglês
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Google Says AI-powered System Is Improving City Traffic Flows

Google says an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered system it created is helping improve traffic flow in major world cities. The system, called Project Green Light, is currently in use in 12 cities.

The project aims to save fuel and lessen air pollution, or emissions, from automobiles.

Google first announced the program in 2021, when it was testing the system in four areas of Israel. Since then, the company has kept expanding Project Green Light. Among cities now taking part in the program are Bangalore, Budapest, Jakarta, Manchester, Haifa, Hamburg, Rio de Janeiro, and Seattle.

In an online announcement, Google’s Yossi Matias explained the latest progress. He noted that the system is being tested in areas with severe traffic issues. Generally, this is at major crossings with heavy traffic and complex traffic lights. These areas where vehicles start and stop are known as intersections.

Available at: Accessed on: Oct. 16, 2023.
The pronoun “it” in “Google says an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered system it created is helping improve traffic flow in major world cities.” refers to: 
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