Questões de Concurso Público IF-PE 2016 para Professor - Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias, (Opção 109)

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Q810028 Inglês

From the point of view of some popular authors Genre is a purposeful, socially constructed oral or written communicative event, such as a narrative, a casual conversation, a poem, a recipe, or a description. Different genres are characterized by a particular structure or stages, and grammatical forms that reflect the communicative purpose of the genre in question.

Considering teaching English for Specific Purpose (ESP) through a Genre-Based Approach, it is true to say that

I. receptive skills, particularly listening, are given enhanced status.

II. the main objective of ESP is to enable students to perform certain linguistic tasks related to their academic and professional settings.

III. the choice of the texts, to be used in the classroom, is based on the genres identified as important for students.

IV. needs analysis as well as content knowledge diagnosis are key steps in the planning and teaching through this Approach.

V. one of the key principles of the approach is that grammar as a receptive skill, involving the perception of similarity and difference, is prioritized.

The only correct alternative(s) is/are:

4: A