Questões de Concurso Público PRODEB 2018 para Especialista de TIC - Construção de Software

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q1165644 Arquitetura de Software
Sobre a interface de integração SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q1165645 Engenharia de Software
Sobre containerização de aplicações, prática atualmente utilizada por várias empresas que trabalham com desenvolvimento de software de forma virtualizada, existe uma plataforma que tem se destacado e é utilizada amplamente pelo mercado. Qual é o nome dessa plataforma?
Q1165646 Banco de Dados
Normalmente é necessário utilizar recursos para alteração das informações existentes em um banco de dados. A estrutura SQL fornece várias funções para manipulação desses tipos de dados, uma delas é a função que converte o conteúdo de um determinado campo texto para que seja exibido com as iniciais em caracteres maiúsculos. Qual é o nome dessa função?
Q1165647 Programação
De acordo com a linguagem CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) é possível configurar uma fonte de um programa HTML para que a mesma seja exibida em Negrito. Qual é a propriedade que proporciona essa funcionalidade?
Q1165648 Engenharia de Software
Uma funcionalidade muito utilizada em GIT é o trabalho com repositórios remotos. Um comando bastante necessário nesse sentido é o que permite ver quais são os servidores remotos que estão configurados no seu GIT. Qual é esse comando?
Q1165649 Engenharia de Software
O SCRUM é um método ágil que caracteriza-se por ter bem definido quais são os papéis que precisam estar envolvidos no desenvolvimento do projeto. Sendo estes:
Q1165650 Engenharia de Software
Um objeto frequentemente utilizado pelo padrão de desenvolvimento TDD (Test Driven Development) para a realização de testes é o Mock. Qual é a sua funcionalidade durante a realização de um teste de software?
Q1165651 Programação
De acordo com a programação de dispositivos móveis para android, uma estrutura bastante importante é denominada de Intent. Com base nisso, qual definição se aplica ao conceito de um Intent?
Q1165652 Inglês

Team Composition

      In a large organization, it is often the case that different roles emerge. In Tayloristic teams, these different roles are grouped together as a number of role-based teams each of which contains members of the same role. In contrast, agile teams use cross-functional teams. Such a team draws together individuals performing all defined roles. Rotations from one role to another are common. It is also possible to have highly specialized experts (for example, security analysts and usability engineers) shared among several teams in an organization.

      One advantage to role-based teams is that teams whose work products are independent of each other can work in parallel as long as there is not much knowledge flow among the different functional sub-team. However, in knowledgeintensive software development that demands information flow from different functional sub teams, role-based teams tend to lead to islands of knowledge and difficulty in its sharing among all the teams. As hand-offs between teams usually are based on document flow, the knowledge of one team that is required by the other team must be externalized and documented. Although reviews try to minimize the knowledge loss, externalization and documentation processes cannot guarantee that all knowledge is captured and even if most of it was rigorously captured, there is still no guarantee or way to check its correctness till the project sign-off.

      Cross-functional teams should be used to facilitate better knowledge transfer. This is especially the case for agile methods since they are recommended to be used where there is a lot of uncertainty and unknown knowledge about the domain and system requirements, and the technologies to be used are new and unexplored.

Adaptado de: CHAU THOMAS, MAURER FRANK e MELNIK GRIGORI. Knowledge Sharing: Agile Methods vs. Tayloristic Methods. (WETICE´03) Proceedings of the Twelft IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2003.

According to the text, what should be an agile time?
Q1165653 Inglês

Team Composition

      In a large organization, it is often the case that different roles emerge. In Tayloristic teams, these different roles are grouped together as a number of role-based teams each of which contains members of the same role. In contrast, agile teams use cross-functional teams. Such a team draws together individuals performing all defined roles. Rotations from one role to another are common. It is also possible to have highly specialized experts (for example, security analysts and usability engineers) shared among several teams in an organization.

      One advantage to role-based teams is that teams whose work products are independent of each other can work in parallel as long as there is not much knowledge flow among the different functional sub-team. However, in knowledgeintensive software development that demands information flow from different functional sub teams, role-based teams tend to lead to islands of knowledge and difficulty in its sharing among all the teams. As hand-offs between teams usually are based on document flow, the knowledge of one team that is required by the other team must be externalized and documented. Although reviews try to minimize the knowledge loss, externalization and documentation processes cannot guarantee that all knowledge is captured and even if most of it was rigorously captured, there is still no guarantee or way to check its correctness till the project sign-off.

      Cross-functional teams should be used to facilitate better knowledge transfer. This is especially the case for agile methods since they are recommended to be used where there is a lot of uncertainty and unknown knowledge about the domain and system requirements, and the technologies to be used are new and unexplored.

Adaptado de: CHAU THOMAS, MAURER FRANK e MELNIK GRIGORI. Knowledge Sharing: Agile Methods vs. Tayloristic Methods. (WETICE´03) Proceedings of the Twelft IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2003.

What is the grammatical form of the word “Although” used in the second paragraph of the text?
21: E
22: D
23: C
24: E
25: A
26: D
27: A
28: B
29: B
30: C