Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Teresina - PI 2016 para Professor - Língua Inglesa

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Q730052 Inglês
     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.
According to what is developed throughout the text 04, what is the best title to it?
Q730061 Inglês
What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from Access: March 24th , 2016.  
According to the text 05, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is a common
Q730066 Inglês
The (in)appropriate speaker model?
"Anyone working in the field of English as a Lingua Franca (henceforth ELF) has to face sooner rather than later a serious contradiction: that despite the widespread acceptance of the extensive role of English as an international lingua franca and its increasing number of functions in this respect, there is still an almost equally widespread resistance to this lingua franca’s forms. Given the well-established sociolinguistic fact that languages are shaped by their users, and that nowadays “native speakers are in a minority for [English] language use” (Brumfit 2001, 116), it would make sense for English language teaching to move away from its almost exclusive focus on native varieties of English. This suggestion always meets, however, with strong resistance from many quarters, and this is particularly so in the case of accent. The result is that two particular native speaker English accents, Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American (GA), continue to command special status around the English speaking world including international/lingua franca communication contexts where sociolinguistic common sense indicates that they are inappropriate and irrelevant." 
Source: adapted from: JENKINS, J. (Un)pleasant? (In)correct? (Un)Intelligible? ELF Speakers' perceptions of their accents. In: MAURANEN, Anna and RANTA, Elina (Ed.).English as a Lingua Franca:Studies and Findings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, p.10-35.  
The main point made by the passage "Given the well-established sociolinguistic fact that languages are shaped by their users, and that nowadays "native speakers are in a minority for [English] language use” (Brumfit 2001, 116), it would make sense for English language teaching to move away from its almost exclusive focus on native varieties of English." (lines 10 to 18) is to:
Q730072 Inglês

Jeannie Dugger This is VERY TRUE! I grew up in communities with persons of many races, nationalities and cultures. In effect myself and other military are "color-blind". Our parents teach us that our value as a human being is not based on...See more
15 May 2013 at 14:05 · Like · 3
Source: adapted from: Access: March 2 
Considering the text 07, when the author states that "No one is born with hatred or intolerance", he understands that hatred and intolerance are:
5: E
6: D
7: B
8: D