Questões de Concurso Público DATAPREV 2011 para Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

Foram encontradas 5 questões

Q440364 Inglês
Many of our travelers enjoy having the option to purchase a first class seat or - if you're a Medallion
member - receive a complimentary upgrade to one; but that hasn't been an option on our smaller, regional  jets. Now, if your flight is over 750 miles, you can expect the same two-cabin service that we offer on larger aircraft. We figure if we get to choose the plane, you should get to choose where you'd like to sit.
                             Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Mark T (true) or F (false) and, then, choose the correct option.

( ) "Jets" and "aircraft" are related to the same idea in the text.

( ) It would be possible to write "We think that" instead of "We figure".

( ) The word "that" in "that we offer on larger aircraft" is linked with "two-cabin service".
Q440365 Inglês
Many of our travelers enjoy having the option to purchase a first ciass seat or - if you're a Medallion
member - receive a com plim entary upgrade to one; but that hasn't been an option on our sm aller, regional jets. Now, if your flight is over 750 miles, you can expect the same two-cabin service that we offer on larger aircraft. We figure if we get to choose the plane, you should get to choose where you'd like to sit.
                                  Imagem associada para resolução da questão

According tc the text, it’s correct to say that:
Q440366 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Read each of the sentences below.

I. The word "them" in " When I showed them Star Wars" means "that day".
II. The word "progeny in "If your progeny were meh on any other sci-fi classic" means "kids".
III. The text is a kind of letter to a philosopher.

We can say that:
Q440367 Inglês
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"If your children don`t know Star Wars, can they ever truly know you?"

Now choose the correct option:

Q440368 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Mark T (true) or F (false), according to the text, and then choose the correct option.

( ) A good example of today's narrative is Star Wars: A New Hape, according to the author.

( ) Kevin Decker is one of the editors of the new Star Wars movie.

( ) A good way to make kids enjoy the movie is to equip them with ersatz lightsabers.
1: A
2: C
3: B
4: C
5: D