Questões de Concurso Público SERPRO 2014 para Analista - Engenharia Elétrica

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q1664717 Legislação Federal
Leia, com atenção, as condutas relacionadas a seguir.
I. Elaborar e apresentar informações que reflitam reais posições e resultados econômicos, financeiros, operacionais, logísticos e quaisquer outros que afetem o desempenho da Empresa. II. Priorizar e preservar os interesses do SERPRO junto a clientes, órgãos governamentais, instituições financeiras, fornecedores, entidades e outras empresas com as quais o SERPRO mantenha relacionamento comercial. III. Estar acompanhado, de outro empregado ou da chefia ou de um par, ao manter qualquer relacionamento com fornecedor ou parceiro que resulte ou que possa resultar em contratação que atenda a interesse ou necessidade do SERPRO. IV. Prestar estrita anuência com as diretrizes e a condução estratégica empresarial ao assumir função de confiança da Empresa.
São condutas aceitáveis aos dirigentes e empregados do SERPRO:
Q1664718 Legislação Federal
De acordo com o Código de Ética e de Conduta Empresarial, a missão do SERPRO é:
Q1664719 Inglês
Eric Schmidt says encryption will help Google crack Chinese
censorship and stop the NSA

By Rich McCormick on January 24, 2014 02:08 am Email

    Eric Schmidt thinks encryption is the answer to many of the internefs problems. Google's executive chairman said last November that "encrypting everything" could "end government censorship in a decade." Now Schmidt says that in that same decade, encryption could "open up countries with strict censorship laws," giving their people "a voice."
   Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Schmidt said that Google was attempting to strengthen its encryption so the world's governments "won't be able to penetrate it" and obtain private data. Those efforts, Schmidt said, would create particular problems for "governments like China's," which he thought responsible for "80 to 85 percent of the world's industrial espionage." The Google chairman also said he saw the eventual relaxation of Chinese censorship over time as the number of people using social media in the country continued to grow.
    Schmidt suggested the debate over the NSA surveillance scandal was good for the world, but also chastised the US government, saying "because you can do this monitoring does not mean you should do this monitoring." He was also asked his reaction to comments made by Microsoft that suggested non-US customers would be able to store their data outside of the US. "I don't understand it," was his reply.

(Disponível em
The expression "Google's executive chairman" refers to:
Q1664720 Inglês
Eric Schmidt says encryption will help Google crack Chinese
censorship and stop the NSA

By Rich McCormick on January 24, 2014 02:08 am Email

    Eric Schmidt thinks encryption is the answer to many of the internefs problems. Google's executive chairman said last November that "encrypting everything" could "end government censorship in a decade." Now Schmidt says that in that same decade, encryption could "open up countries with strict censorship laws," giving their people "a voice."
   Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Schmidt said that Google was attempting to strengthen its encryption so the world's governments "won't be able to penetrate it" and obtain private data. Those efforts, Schmidt said, would create particular problems for "governments like China's," which he thought responsible for "80 to 85 percent of the world's industrial espionage." The Google chairman also said he saw the eventual relaxation of Chinese censorship over time as the number of people using social media in the country continued to grow.
    Schmidt suggested the debate over the NSA surveillance scandal was good for the world, but also chastised the US government, saying "because you can do this monitoring does not mean you should do this monitoring." He was also asked his reaction to comments made by Microsoft that suggested non-US customers would be able to store their data outside of the US. "I don't understand it," was his reply.

(Disponível em


[...] encryption could "open up countries with strict censorship laws," giving their people "a voice."

[...] According to the text, If a country has a "strict censorship law", it means that:

Q1664721 Inglês
Eric Schmidt says encryption will help Google crack Chinese
censorship and stop the NSA

By Rich McCormick on January 24, 2014 02:08 am Email

    Eric Schmidt thinks encryption is the answer to many of the internefs problems. Google's executive chairman said last November that "encrypting everything" could "end government censorship in a decade." Now Schmidt says that in that same decade, encryption could "open up countries with strict censorship laws," giving their people "a voice."
   Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Schmidt said that Google was attempting to strengthen its encryption so the world's governments "won't be able to penetrate it" and obtain private data. Those efforts, Schmidt said, would create particular problems for "governments like China's," which he thought responsible for "80 to 85 percent of the world's industrial espionage." The Google chairman also said he saw the eventual relaxation of Chinese censorship over time as the number of people using social media in the country continued to grow.
    Schmidt suggested the debate over the NSA surveillance scandal was good for the world, but also chastised the US government, saying "because you can do this monitoring does not mean you should do this monitoring." He was also asked his reaction to comments made by Microsoft that suggested non-US customers would be able to store their data outside of the US. "I don't understand it," was his reply.

(Disponível em
Where did Schmidt said that "encrypting everything" could "end government censorship in a decade."
Q1664722 Inglês
Eric Schmidt says encryption will help Google crack Chinese
censorship and stop the NSA

By Rich McCormick on January 24, 2014 02:08 am Email

    Eric Schmidt thinks encryption is the answer to many of the internefs problems. Google's executive chairman said last November that "encrypting everything" could "end government censorship in a decade." Now Schmidt says that in that same decade, encryption could "open up countries with strict censorship laws," giving their people "a voice."
   Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Schmidt said that Google was attempting to strengthen its encryption so the world's governments "won't be able to penetrate it" and obtain private data. Those efforts, Schmidt said, would create particular problems for "governments like China's," which he thought responsible for "80 to 85 percent of the world's industrial espionage." The Google chairman also said he saw the eventual relaxation of Chinese censorship over time as the number of people using social media in the country continued to grow.
    Schmidt suggested the debate over the NSA surveillance scandal was good for the world, but also chastised the US government, saying "because you can do this monitoring does not mean you should do this monitoring." He was also asked his reaction to comments made by Microsoft that suggested non-US customers would be able to store their data outside of the US. "I don't understand it," was his reply.

(Disponível em
In the expression "NSA surveillance", the word "surveillance" refers to:
Q1664723 Raciocínio Lógico
A tabela a seguir é a tabela verdade para duas proposições simples a e b, considerando-se o Conectivo do tipo DISJUNÇÃO EXCLUSIVA.
                                            Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Assinale a alternativa que contém os valores corretos para 1, 2,3 e 4.
Q1664724 Matemática

Observe atentamente a MATRIZ a seguir:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Assinale a alternativa que contém os valores que devem ser colocados nas posições X, Y e Z da matriz.

Q1664725 Raciocínio Lógico
A seqüência a seguir representa uma progressão, a qual foi representada por seus primeiros 6 elementos:
P = (1, 9, 81, X, 6561, 59049, ...)
Assinale a alternativa que contém o valor do elemento X da progressão.
Q1664726 Raciocínio Lógico
O total de alunos de uma escola é igual a 1500, que, em uma pesquisa, afirmaram gostar de matemática ou geografia. Qual é o número de alunos que gostam de matemática, sabendo-se que 800 alunos gostam apenas de geografia e 200 alunos gostam das 2 disciplinas (matemática e geografia) ao mesmo tempo?
Q1664727 Engenharia Elétrica
A Norma El A/TIA 568-B define as distâncias utilizadas em cabeamento estruturado. Segundo essa norma, a distância máxima entre o equipamento ativo instalado no Armário de Telecomunicações e a Estação de Trabalho, denominada de segmento secundário, deve ser de:
Q1664728 Engenharia Elétrica
A característica básica de um cabeamento estruturado pode ser definida como:
Q1664729 Engenharia Elétrica
A Lei n° 5.194, de 24/12/1966, regula o exercício da profissão de engenheiro, arquiteto e engenheiro-agrônomo. O Capítulo I, Seção III dessa lei aborda os assuntos que são referentes a(à):
Q1664730 Engenharia Elétrica
Podemos definir um sistema UPS (No Break) como:
Q1664731 Engenharia Elétrica
A sistemática de aplicação de tarifas a preços diferenciados, denominada Horo-Sazonal, foi criada a partir da análise e considerações sobre alguns fatores, como:
Q1664732 Engenharia Elétrica
Para a correção do fator de potência na rede das concessionárias brasileiras utiliza(m)-se:
Q1664733 Engenharia Mecânica
Os Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, EPI, são utilizados pelos trabalhadores, para que estejam protegidos contra acidentes de trabalho. São exemplos de EPI:
Q1664734 Engenharia Elétrica
Para que um Data Center possa funcionar, é necessário que seja construída uma infraestrutura mínima, que possibilite condições favoráveis e seguras, compostas de:
Q1664735 Engenharia Mecânica
A Resolução n° 218, de 29/06/1973, do CONFEA, trata:
Q1664736 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
A Norma Regulamentadora NR-10 trata da Segurança em Instalações e Serviços em Eletricidade. O CHOQUE ELÉTRICO é um dos fatores da eletricidade abordados pela norma. Alguns fatores patológicos são causados pelo choque elétrico no corpo humano. Aponte quais.
21: A
22: C
23: A
24: B
25: E
26: C
27: B
28: E
29: D
30: A
31: E
32: D
33: A
34: A
35: B
36: C
37: B
38: C
39: C
40: A