Questões de Concurso Público CFO 2022 para Técnico em Tecnologia da Informação
Foram encontradas 8 questões
According to the text, there are many ways in which dental evidences can help solve criminal cases.
Differently from other parts of the human body, the teeth can resist to chemicals, fire and other substances.
According to the text, judge the item.
Only the forensic odontology was able to easily identify all the victims from the Haiti earthquake just by looking at the victims’ teeth.
According to the text, judge the item.
Forensic odontology can determine the age and gender of a person based on the size and the shape of the teeth, while Carbon-14 dating determines the time of death.
According to the text, judge the item.
The term “could” (line 15) is the past tense of can.
According to the text, judge the item.
The terms “easier” (line 10) and “further” (line 8) belong to the same word class: they are both examples of adjectives.
According to the text, judge the item.
Without changing the meaning of the text, the term “which” (line 3) could be correctly replace by that, and the term
“that” (line 12) could be correctly replaced by which.
According to the text, judge the item.
The terms “especially” (line 6), “inconclusive” (line 7) and “substances” (line 7) are Portuguese false cognates.