Questões de Concurso Público SEDUC-CE 2016 para Professor - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q713129 Português
Nesse texto, defende-se a tese de que
Q713130 Português
De acordo com esse texto, é necessário investigar como a avaliação escolar observa
Q713131 Português
No trecho “...que um estudante exibe ao final de um determinado período...” (linha 2), a palavra em destaque refere-se
Q713132 Português
Sobre a acentuação gráfica de algumas palavras do texto, podemos afirmar corretamente:
Q713135 Português
Do mesmo modo que ocorre o emprego da crase no trecho: “... a noção de avaliação é reduzida à medição de competências e habilidades”, está correto o emprego da crase em: 
Q713137 Português
No trecho “... avaliamos muito mais do que pensamos avaliar.” (linhas 23-24), o verbo em destaque refere-se ao sujeito oculto determinado pelo pronome “Nós”. Nesse mesmo trecho, se o sujeito fosse substituído por “eles”, a forma verbal destacada passaria a ser
Q713138 Português
A respeito da sintaxe dos elementos da oração, assinale a opção correta.
Q713139 Raciocínio Lógico
Dada a proposição: “Pedro é professor de Matemática e Clara não é professora de Artes”, a negação desta proposição é:
Q713141 Raciocínio Lógico
Em um teste composto por cinco questões, numeradas de 1 a 5, foram apresentadas as seguintes instruções: • Se resolver a questão 1, não resolva a questão 2. • Se resolver a questão 3, não resolva a questão 4. • Se não resolver a questão 2, não resolva a questão 3.

Segundo essas instruções, qual é a quantidade máxima de questões que podem ser resolvidas? 

Q713144 Raciocínio Lógico
Maria, ao chegar a um restaurante self-service para almoçar, encontrou as seguintes opções a sua disposição:  • 3 tipos de carnes; • 5 tipos de saladas; • 2 tipos de sobremesas.
De quantas maneiras diferentes Maria pode fazer a escolha de sua preferência? 
Q713145 Raciocínio Lógico

Assinale a alternativa que nega a seguinte proposição:

Algum professor que trabalha na escola não é efetivo.

Q916910 Inglês

Text I


“Let’s go, Open your eyes, Open your mind to her dream. Let’s go, fight for what’s right, fight for her life."

Carl & the Reda Mafia, a young, dynamic, award-winning Dubai band, wrote the song “Fight for Your Queen” as a direct call to men to fight for gender equality. As they told UN Women: “HeForShe is a movement we have looked up to since its inception. The idea of ____________’s rights is something we truly believe in and support.” Lead singer Carl Frenais, who is from India, introduced the campaign to the band. He has been very passionate about fighting against the horrifyingly violent crimes against women in his home country.

We got over 500 men to pledge to support the movement. Even those who were afraid told us they support it.

Adaptation from: Access on: April 4, 2016. 

A sentence that summarizes the idea of UN campaign HeForShe was taken from the text. Choose from below the option that best completes what is missing in the text.
Q916911 Inglês

Text I


“Let’s go, Open your eyes, Open your mind to her dream. Let’s go, fight for what’s right, fight for her life."

Carl & the Reda Mafia, a young, dynamic, award-winning Dubai band, wrote the song “Fight for Your Queen” as a direct call to men to fight for gender equality. As they told UN Women: “HeForShe is a movement we have looked up to since its inception. The idea of ____________’s rights is something we truly believe in and support.” Lead singer Carl Frenais, who is from India, introduced the campaign to the band. He has been very passionate about fighting against the horrifyingly violent crimes against women in his home country.

We got over 500 men to pledge to support the movement. Even those who were afraid told us they support it.

Adaptation from: Access on: April 4, 2016. 

The first and second paragraphs of the text separately belong to two different genres which are respectively:
Q916912 Inglês

Text I


“Let’s go, Open your eyes, Open your mind to her dream. Let’s go, fight for what’s right, fight for her life."

Carl & the Reda Mafia, a young, dynamic, award-winning Dubai band, wrote the song “Fight for Your Queen” as a direct call to men to fight for gender equality. As they told UN Women: “HeForShe is a movement we have looked up to since its inception. The idea of ____________’s rights is something we truly believe in and support.” Lead singer Carl Frenais, who is from India, introduced the campaign to the band. He has been very passionate about fighting against the horrifyingly violent crimes against women in his home country.

We got over 500 men to pledge to support the movement. Even those who were afraid told us they support it.

Adaptation from: Access on: April 4, 2016. 

The verbs containing in the first part of the text are in the ________________, a very common verb tense/mood in the language of campaings, meaning ________________.
Q916913 Inglês

Text I


“Let’s go, Open your eyes, Open your mind to her dream. Let’s go, fight for what’s right, fight for her life."

Carl & the Reda Mafia, a young, dynamic, award-winning Dubai band, wrote the song “Fight for Your Queen” as a direct call to men to fight for gender equality. As they told UN Women: “HeForShe is a movement we have looked up to since its inception. The idea of ____________’s rights is something we truly believe in and support.” Lead singer Carl Frenais, who is from India, introduced the campaign to the band. He has been very passionate about fighting against the horrifyingly violent crimes against women in his home country.

We got over 500 men to pledge to support the movement. Even those who were afraid told us they support it.

Adaptation from: Access on: April 4, 2016. 

From the point of view of enunciation, in the text there are the voices or enunciators, one in each paragraph. The voices are respectively:
Q916914 Inglês

Texto II

Big Yellow Taxi

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique

And a swinging hot spot

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

Till it's gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees

And put them in a tree museum

And they charged all the people

A dollar and a half to see 'em

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

Till it's gone

They paved paradise

And they put up a parking lot

MITCHELL, Joni. Available at:<> . Accessed on 4/2/16

Joni Mitchell wrote and recorded the song “Big Yellow Taxi” in 1970 in order to
1: B
2: E
3: A
4: B
5: D
6: E
7: E
8: C
9: B
10: A
11: B
12: C
13: D
14: A
15: E
16: C
17: C
18: C
19: E
20: D