Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT 2024 para Professor Nível Superior – Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135653 Não definido
Pandemia de Covid-19 afetou até a Lua; entenda

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando

Pesquisadores descobriram que a superfície da Lua pode ter sido indiretamente impactada pela pandemia da Covid-19. A equipe descobriu que as temperaturas noturnas na superfície lunar caíram significativamente durante o rigoroso período de bloqueio, de abril a maio de 2020.

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem
mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando. E eles propõem que isso aconteceu devido à queda
da radiação emitida da Terra pela atividade humana, que diminuiu de forma significativa durante os períodos de isolamento. O estudo foi publicado no mês passado no periódico Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.   

Eles acreditam que esse estranho fenômeno pode ser explicado por uma redução significativa nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa durante o bloqueio, o que acabou levando ao resfriamento da superfície lunar.

"A Lua possivelmente sofreu o efeito do bloqueio da COVID-19, visualizado como uma diminuição anômala nas temperaturas
da superfície lunar noturna durante esse período", afirmaram os pesquisadores em seu relatório.

Pesquisadores observaram que, durante a noite lunar, a temperatura da superfície teve queda brusca em seis locais
observados no lado do nosso satélite natural que fica sempre voltado para a Terra. Os pesquisadores levantam a hipótese de
que esse resfriamento foi causado por uma queda repentina na radiação emitida pela Terra, à medida que a atividade humana
foi interrompida durante o bloqueio, o que por sua vez reduziu a quantidade de calor que escapava da atmosfera.

A primeira onda de Covid-19 impactou o mundo em março de 2020. Naquela época, as vacinas ainda não estavam disponíveis. Neste período, governos de todo mundo emitiram protocolos de lockdown rigorosos em uma tentativa de desacelerar a disseminação do vírus. Em abril, aproximadamente metade da população global foi solicitada ou ordenada a ficar dentro de casa.

Isso reduziu significativamente a quantidade de radiação terrestre gerada na Terra. Isso porque o lockdown interrompeu
muitas atividades geradoras de gases de efeito estufa, como deslocamento, industrialização e mineração. Pesquisas
mostraram que as emissões globais diárias de CO² caíram cerca de 17% no início de abril de 2020, em comparação aos níveis médios de 2019.

Fonte: Acesso em: 14 out. 2024.
A leitura atenta do texto permite a conclusão de que a pandemia de covid foi capaz de:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135654 Não definido
Pandemia de Covid-19 afetou até a Lua; entenda

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando

Pesquisadores descobriram que a superfície da Lua pode ter sido indiretamente impactada pela pandemia da Covid-19. A equipe descobriu que as temperaturas noturnas na superfície lunar caíram significativamente durante o rigoroso período de bloqueio, de abril a maio de 2020.

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem
mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando. E eles propõem que isso aconteceu devido à queda
da radiação emitida da Terra pela atividade humana, que diminuiu de forma significativa durante os períodos de isolamento. O estudo foi publicado no mês passado no periódico Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.   

Eles acreditam que esse estranho fenômeno pode ser explicado por uma redução significativa nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa durante o bloqueio, o que acabou levando ao resfriamento da superfície lunar.

"A Lua possivelmente sofreu o efeito do bloqueio da COVID-19, visualizado como uma diminuição anômala nas temperaturas
da superfície lunar noturna durante esse período", afirmaram os pesquisadores em seu relatório.

Pesquisadores observaram que, durante a noite lunar, a temperatura da superfície teve queda brusca em seis locais
observados no lado do nosso satélite natural que fica sempre voltado para a Terra. Os pesquisadores levantam a hipótese de
que esse resfriamento foi causado por uma queda repentina na radiação emitida pela Terra, à medida que a atividade humana
foi interrompida durante o bloqueio, o que por sua vez reduziu a quantidade de calor que escapava da atmosfera.

A primeira onda de Covid-19 impactou o mundo em março de 2020. Naquela época, as vacinas ainda não estavam disponíveis. Neste período, governos de todo mundo emitiram protocolos de lockdown rigorosos em uma tentativa de desacelerar a disseminação do vírus. Em abril, aproximadamente metade da população global foi solicitada ou ordenada a ficar dentro de casa.

Isso reduziu significativamente a quantidade de radiação terrestre gerada na Terra. Isso porque o lockdown interrompeu
muitas atividades geradoras de gases de efeito estufa, como deslocamento, industrialização e mineração. Pesquisas
mostraram que as emissões globais diárias de CO² caíram cerca de 17% no início de abril de 2020, em comparação aos níveis médios de 2019.

Fonte: Acesso em: 14 out. 2024.
“A equipe descobriu que as temperaturas noturnas na superfície lunar caíram significativamente durante o rigoroso período de bloqueio, de abril a maio de 2020” (1º parágrafo).  
Nesse trecho, a oração destacada pode ser classificada como:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135655 Não definido
Pandemia de Covid-19 afetou até a Lua; entenda

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando

Pesquisadores descobriram que a superfície da Lua pode ter sido indiretamente impactada pela pandemia da Covid-19. A equipe descobriu que as temperaturas noturnas na superfície lunar caíram significativamente durante o rigoroso período de bloqueio, de abril a maio de 2020.

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem
mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando. E eles propõem que isso aconteceu devido à queda
da radiação emitida da Terra pela atividade humana, que diminuiu de forma significativa durante os períodos de isolamento. O estudo foi publicado no mês passado no periódico Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.   

Eles acreditam que esse estranho fenômeno pode ser explicado por uma redução significativa nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa durante o bloqueio, o que acabou levando ao resfriamento da superfície lunar.

"A Lua possivelmente sofreu o efeito do bloqueio da COVID-19, visualizado como uma diminuição anômala nas temperaturas
da superfície lunar noturna durante esse período", afirmaram os pesquisadores em seu relatório.

Pesquisadores observaram que, durante a noite lunar, a temperatura da superfície teve queda brusca em seis locais
observados no lado do nosso satélite natural que fica sempre voltado para a Terra. Os pesquisadores levantam a hipótese de
que esse resfriamento foi causado por uma queda repentina na radiação emitida pela Terra, à medida que a atividade humana
foi interrompida durante o bloqueio, o que por sua vez reduziu a quantidade de calor que escapava da atmosfera.

A primeira onda de Covid-19 impactou o mundo em março de 2020. Naquela época, as vacinas ainda não estavam disponíveis. Neste período, governos de todo mundo emitiram protocolos de lockdown rigorosos em uma tentativa de desacelerar a disseminação do vírus. Em abril, aproximadamente metade da população global foi solicitada ou ordenada a ficar dentro de casa.

Isso reduziu significativamente a quantidade de radiação terrestre gerada na Terra. Isso porque o lockdown interrompeu
muitas atividades geradoras de gases de efeito estufa, como deslocamento, industrialização e mineração. Pesquisas
mostraram que as emissões globais diárias de CO² caíram cerca de 17% no início de abril de 2020, em comparação aos níveis médios de 2019.

Fonte: Acesso em: 14 out. 2024.
“Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando” (2º parágrafo). Em seu contexto de uso, a palavra destacada tem sentido:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135656 Não definido
Pandemia de Covid-19 afetou até a Lua; entenda

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando

Pesquisadores descobriram que a superfície da Lua pode ter sido indiretamente impactada pela pandemia da Covid-19. A equipe descobriu que as temperaturas noturnas na superfície lunar caíram significativamente durante o rigoroso período de bloqueio, de abril a maio de 2020.

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem
mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando. E eles propõem que isso aconteceu devido à queda
da radiação emitida da Terra pela atividade humana, que diminuiu de forma significativa durante os períodos de isolamento. O estudo foi publicado no mês passado no periódico Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.   

Eles acreditam que esse estranho fenômeno pode ser explicado por uma redução significativa nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa durante o bloqueio, o que acabou levando ao resfriamento da superfície lunar.

"A Lua possivelmente sofreu o efeito do bloqueio da COVID-19, visualizado como uma diminuição anômala nas temperaturas
da superfície lunar noturna durante esse período", afirmaram os pesquisadores em seu relatório.

Pesquisadores observaram que, durante a noite lunar, a temperatura da superfície teve queda brusca em seis locais
observados no lado do nosso satélite natural que fica sempre voltado para a Terra. Os pesquisadores levantam a hipótese de
que esse resfriamento foi causado por uma queda repentina na radiação emitida pela Terra, à medida que a atividade humana
foi interrompida durante o bloqueio, o que por sua vez reduziu a quantidade de calor que escapava da atmosfera.

A primeira onda de Covid-19 impactou o mundo em março de 2020. Naquela época, as vacinas ainda não estavam disponíveis. Neste período, governos de todo mundo emitiram protocolos de lockdown rigorosos em uma tentativa de desacelerar a disseminação do vírus. Em abril, aproximadamente metade da população global foi solicitada ou ordenada a ficar dentro de casa.

Isso reduziu significativamente a quantidade de radiação terrestre gerada na Terra. Isso porque o lockdown interrompeu
muitas atividades geradoras de gases de efeito estufa, como deslocamento, industrialização e mineração. Pesquisas
mostraram que as emissões globais diárias de CO² caíram cerca de 17% no início de abril de 2020, em comparação aos níveis médios de 2019.

Fonte: Acesso em: 14 out. 2024.
Em “Eles acreditam que esse estranho fenômeno pode ser explicado por uma redução significativa nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa durante o bloqueio, o que acabou levando ao resfriamento da superfície lunar” (3º parágrafo), os verbos destacados estão respectivamente flexionados nos seguintes tempos do modo indicativo:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135657 Não definido
Pandemia de Covid-19 afetou até a Lua; entenda

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando

Pesquisadores descobriram que a superfície da Lua pode ter sido indiretamente impactada pela pandemia da Covid-19. A equipe descobriu que as temperaturas noturnas na superfície lunar caíram significativamente durante o rigoroso período de bloqueio, de abril a maio de 2020.

Segundo um novo estudo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Pesquisa de Física em Ahmedabad, na Índia, a Lua ficou bem
mais fria no início de 2020, quando a pandemia ainda estava começando. E eles propõem que isso aconteceu devido à queda
da radiação emitida da Terra pela atividade humana, que diminuiu de forma significativa durante os períodos de isolamento. O estudo foi publicado no mês passado no periódico Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.   

Eles acreditam que esse estranho fenômeno pode ser explicado por uma redução significativa nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa durante o bloqueio, o que acabou levando ao resfriamento da superfície lunar.

"A Lua possivelmente sofreu o efeito do bloqueio da COVID-19, visualizado como uma diminuição anômala nas temperaturas
da superfície lunar noturna durante esse período", afirmaram os pesquisadores em seu relatório.

Pesquisadores observaram que, durante a noite lunar, a temperatura da superfície teve queda brusca em seis locais
observados no lado do nosso satélite natural que fica sempre voltado para a Terra. Os pesquisadores levantam a hipótese de
que esse resfriamento foi causado por uma queda repentina na radiação emitida pela Terra, à medida que a atividade humana
foi interrompida durante o bloqueio, o que por sua vez reduziu a quantidade de calor que escapava da atmosfera.

A primeira onda de Covid-19 impactou o mundo em março de 2020. Naquela época, as vacinas ainda não estavam disponíveis. Neste período, governos de todo mundo emitiram protocolos de lockdown rigorosos em uma tentativa de desacelerar a disseminação do vírus. Em abril, aproximadamente metade da população global foi solicitada ou ordenada a ficar dentro de casa.

Isso reduziu significativamente a quantidade de radiação terrestre gerada na Terra. Isso porque o lockdown interrompeu
muitas atividades geradoras de gases de efeito estufa, como deslocamento, industrialização e mineração. Pesquisas
mostraram que as emissões globais diárias de CO² caíram cerca de 17% no início de abril de 2020, em comparação aos níveis médios de 2019.

Fonte: Acesso em: 14 out. 2024.
Em “Pesquisadores observaram que, durante a noite lunar, a temperatura da superfície teve queda brusca em seis locais observados no lado do nosso satélite natural que fica sempre voltado para a Terra” (5º parágrafo), as vírgulas foram empregadas à esquerda e à direita do termo destacado, pois o objetivo foi demarcar:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135658 Não definido
A mãe de Mariana está doente e ouviu sua filha afirmar: “Você estar se cuidando agora é condição suficiente para não voltar ao hospital”. Essa afirmação é logicamente equivalente a:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135659 Não definido
Na tabela a seguir, os números das duas primeiras linhas seguem padrões lógicos em sua formação, sendo um padrão para cada linha. Os números da terceira linha são obtidos a partir de uma operação matemática efetuada com os dois números da mesma coluna acima dele.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
O valor da soma (X + Y + Z) é igual a:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135660 Não definido
Um restaurante oferece um cartão de fidelidade a seus clientes. Toda vez que o cliente compra qualquer prato executivo (que tem um preço único), ele ganha um carimbo em seu cartão. Quando o cliente completa cinco carimbos, ganha um prato executivo de graça. Dessa forma, o cliente que completar os cinco carimbos, e consumir o sexto prato executivo de graça, terá recebido, sobre o valor total de todos os pratos executivos consumidos, um desconto que está mais próximo de:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135661 Não definido
Jandira, tranquilizando a filha ao telefone, afirmou para Jane: “Você vai morar em uma nova casa e sentirá uma saudade boa da casa antiga”.
A negação lógica dessa afirmação é:
Ano: 2024 Banca: SELECON Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT Provas: SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Assistente Social | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Dentista/Odontólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Veterinário | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Técnico de Desenvolvimento Educacional | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Judô | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fisioterapeuta | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Fonoaudiólogo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor de Música | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Futsal | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Ginástica de Condicionamento Físico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Taekwondo | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Instrutor Desportivo Nível Superior - Tênis | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ginecologista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Obstetra) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Pediatria) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Médico Especialista - (Ultrassonografista) | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Medico Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Educação Física | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Inglês | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Letras | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Professor Nível Superior – Pedagogia | SELECON - 2024 - Prefeitura de Nova Mutum - MT - Psicólogo |
Q3135662 Não definido
Lúcia tem 15 canetas esferográficas em uma gaveta, sendo sete vermelhas, três pretas e cinco azuis. Se ela pegar, ao acaso, três dessas canetas, a probabilidade de serem três vermelhas é igual a:
Q3181979 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Após a leitura do texto, é possível definir “flipped learning” como:
Q3181980 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Considerando as concepções metodológicas referentes ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua inglesa, a metodologia utilizada por um professor que solicita aos alunos que memorizem uma lista de verbos no imperativo antes da aula, com o objetivo de realizar uma atividade prática na qual os alunos executem as ações dos verbos estudados, enfatizando a aprendizagem através da prática corporal é:
Q3181981 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Considere a seguinte situação: um professor pede aos seus alunos que assistam a um vídeo explicativo sobre a passagem do tempo antes de ensinar verbos no futuro. Esta prática está alinhada com a teoria de aquisição da linguagem chamada:
Q3181982 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Analisando o trecho do texto: “Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points”, pode-se concluir que ao realizar tal tarefa, o aluno estará exercitando a habilidade comunicativa que envolve:
Q3181983 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
No primeiro parágrafo do texto, a expressão “buzz word” é definida como:
Q3181984 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
No trecho: “It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own.”, o termo em destaque classifica-se como:
Q3181985 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
No trecho “However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions…”, o termo em destaque expressa a ideia de:
Q3181986 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Na frase: “Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments...”, podemos substituir o termo em destaque, sem prejuízo de significado, por:
Q3181987 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
As vogais podem representar diferentes fonemas na língua inglesa. Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, aquela na qual a vogal /i/ tem como representação fonética o símbolo /ai/ é:
Q3181988 Não definido
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Analisando o trecho: “Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson”, a expressão idiomática que pode ser usada para se referir a este tipo de aluno é:
1: C
2: A
3: D
4: B
5: A
6: B
7: A
8: B
9: D
10: C
11: D
12: A
13: B
14: C
15: A
16: D
17: B
18: C
19: B
20: D