Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Maracajá - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1819106 Inglês
O seguinte trecho poderia ser provavelmente encontrado em qual gênero textual?
“J.K. Rowling prepared the first Harry Potter book in the Nicolson's Café in Edinburgh. Then J.K. Rowling tried to find a publisher. She offered her first book to twelve publishers in England but they didn't like it.”
Q1819107 Inglês

Which is the best alternative to fill in the following question tag?

“I often come home late, ______?”

Q1819108 Inglês
Qual alternativa registra apenas palavras escritas com ortografia correta?
Q1819109 Inglês
Em qual alternativa há a sequência correta de palavras para preencher as lacunas das perguntas abaixo?
____ did you go yesterday? I went to the mall. ____ is it important to learn English? Because you will be a citizen of the world. ____ is Rio de Janeiro from São Paulo? It is 358 km. ____ do you live with? I live with my father and my mother.
Q1819110 Inglês
Leia o trecho abaixo e assinale a alternativa que melhor descreve o assunto tratado.
“What can we do about the problem of water? Clean drinking water is a basic need for all people, but not everyone can get it easily. In some dry places, like deserts, it is expensive to transport water, difficult to store it, and if a water system stops working, an engineer is needed to repair it but sometimes the nearest engineer is miles away.”
16: C
17: A
18: B
19: D
20: A