Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Balneário Rincão - SC 2024 para Professor (Língua Inglesa)

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q3200458 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

'Bolha de calor' pode causar um dos setembros mais quentes da história do Brasil?

Uma forte onda de calor atinge o Brasil na primeira quinzena de setembro, segundo alguns dos principais institutos de meteorologia do Brasil. A previsão é de que os termômetros registrem temperaturas máximas entre 40°C e 45°C em alguns Estados nesse período.

Isso poderia elevar a média da temperatura para a época e pode tornar este um dos meses de setembro mais quentes já registrados no país. Mas por que isso acontece?

A BBC News Brasil ouviu especialistas para entender se isso é algo atípico e quais fenômenos estão causando esse calor fora do comum.

Segundo o MetSul Meteorologia, uma massa de ar quente está cobrindo boa parte do Brasil e vai ganhar ainda mais força nos próximos dias. A previsão é que ela se expanda e leve altas temperaturas inclusive para o sul do país, onde as temperaturas são mais amenas nesta época do ano.

De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet), a previsão para os próximos em São Paulo é de temperaturas máximas de 33°C e 34°C até pelo menos a próxima sexta-feira. Cuiabá deve registrar máxima de 42°C na quinta e sexta.

Até mesmo a cidade de Curitiba, no Sul, pode registrar, segundo o Inmet, máximas de 33°C na terça e na quarta.

Guilherme Borges, meteorologista do Climatempo, diz que ele e seus colegas de trabalho avaliam que não é possível fazer projeções de que possamos ter recordes históricos.

"Vai ser forte, mas não é possível dizer que vai bater temperatura. Não temos como afirmar isso com base nos modelos que usamos. O que enxergamos são temperaturas entre 40 e 44°C nos próximos dias. Será uma onda de calor importante", diz.

Guilherme explica que essa onda de calor, chamada pelo MetSul de "bolha de calor", é causada pela estabilização de uma massa de ar quente e alta pressão atmosférica em boa parte do país.

"Ela intensifica a formação do ar quente de cima para baixo dificultando a formação de nuvens de chuva e deixando o tempo mais seco.

Ele explica que é normal esse calor no mês de setembro e que em 2023 também houve uma onda de calor semelhante, mas que ocorreu na segunda quinzena do mês e não na primeira como agora.

"Isso é culpa das mudanças climáticas, que têm um papel significativo nesses extremos de calor e chuva. Isso ocorre porque nosso planeta tem que dimensionalisar energia. Essas ondas de calor e chuva extremos ocorrem para compensar esse aquecimento", diz. acordo%20com%20o%20MetSul,7%C2%B0C%20em%202005

Identifique a alternativa em que um dos trechos, retirados do texto, apresenta um vício de linguagem conhecido como Barbarismo.
Q3200459 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

'Bolha de calor' pode causar um dos setembros mais quentes da história do Brasil?

Uma forte onda de calor atinge o Brasil na primeira quinzena de setembro, segundo alguns dos principais institutos de meteorologia do Brasil. A previsão é de que os termômetros registrem temperaturas máximas entre 40°C e 45°C em alguns Estados nesse período.

Isso poderia elevar a média da temperatura para a época e pode tornar este um dos meses de setembro mais quentes já registrados no país. Mas por que isso acontece?

A BBC News Brasil ouviu especialistas para entender se isso é algo atípico e quais fenômenos estão causando esse calor fora do comum.

Segundo o MetSul Meteorologia, uma massa de ar quente está cobrindo boa parte do Brasil e vai ganhar ainda mais força nos próximos dias. A previsão é que ela se expanda e leve altas temperaturas inclusive para o sul do país, onde as temperaturas são mais amenas nesta época do ano.

De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet), a previsão para os próximos em São Paulo é de temperaturas máximas de 33°C e 34°C até pelo menos a próxima sexta-feira. Cuiabá deve registrar máxima de 42°C na quinta e sexta.

Até mesmo a cidade de Curitiba, no Sul, pode registrar, segundo o Inmet, máximas de 33°C na terça e na quarta.

Guilherme Borges, meteorologista do Climatempo, diz que ele e seus colegas de trabalho avaliam que não é possível fazer projeções de que possamos ter recordes históricos.

"Vai ser forte, mas não é possível dizer que vai bater temperatura. Não temos como afirmar isso com base nos modelos que usamos. O que enxergamos são temperaturas entre 40 e 44°C nos próximos dias. Será uma onda de calor importante", diz.

Guilherme explica que essa onda de calor, chamada pelo MetSul de "bolha de calor", é causada pela estabilização de uma massa de ar quente e alta pressão atmosférica em boa parte do país.

"Ela intensifica a formação do ar quente de cima para baixo dificultando a formação de nuvens de chuva e deixando o tempo mais seco.

Ele explica que é normal esse calor no mês de setembro e que em 2023 também houve uma onda de calor semelhante, mas que ocorreu na segunda quinzena do mês e não na primeira como agora.

"Isso é culpa das mudanças climáticas, que têm um papel significativo nesses extremos de calor e chuva. Isso ocorre porque nosso planeta tem que dimensionalisar energia. Essas ondas de calor e chuva extremos ocorrem para compensar esse aquecimento", diz. acordo%20com%20o%20MetSul,7%C2%B0C%20em%202005

Afinal, de acordo com o texto, setembro será mais quente da história do Brasil?
Q3200460 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

'Bolha de calor' pode causar um dos setembros mais quentes da história do Brasil?

Uma forte onda de calor atinge o Brasil na primeira quinzena de setembro, segundo alguns dos principais institutos de meteorologia do Brasil. A previsão é de que os termômetros registrem temperaturas máximas entre 40°C e 45°C em alguns Estados nesse período.

Isso poderia elevar a média da temperatura para a época e pode tornar este um dos meses de setembro mais quentes já registrados no país. Mas por que isso acontece?

A BBC News Brasil ouviu especialistas para entender se isso é algo atípico e quais fenômenos estão causando esse calor fora do comum.

Segundo o MetSul Meteorologia, uma massa de ar quente está cobrindo boa parte do Brasil e vai ganhar ainda mais força nos próximos dias. A previsão é que ela se expanda e leve altas temperaturas inclusive para o sul do país, onde as temperaturas são mais amenas nesta época do ano.

De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet), a previsão para os próximos em São Paulo é de temperaturas máximas de 33°C e 34°C até pelo menos a próxima sexta-feira. Cuiabá deve registrar máxima de 42°C na quinta e sexta.

Até mesmo a cidade de Curitiba, no Sul, pode registrar, segundo o Inmet, máximas de 33°C na terça e na quarta.

Guilherme Borges, meteorologista do Climatempo, diz que ele e seus colegas de trabalho avaliam que não é possível fazer projeções de que possamos ter recordes históricos.

"Vai ser forte, mas não é possível dizer que vai bater temperatura. Não temos como afirmar isso com base nos modelos que usamos. O que enxergamos são temperaturas entre 40 e 44°C nos próximos dias. Será uma onda de calor importante", diz.

Guilherme explica que essa onda de calor, chamada pelo MetSul de "bolha de calor", é causada pela estabilização de uma massa de ar quente e alta pressão atmosférica em boa parte do país.

"Ela intensifica a formação do ar quente de cima para baixo dificultando a formação de nuvens de chuva e deixando o tempo mais seco.

Ele explica que é normal esse calor no mês de setembro e que em 2023 também houve uma onda de calor semelhante, mas que ocorreu na segunda quinzena do mês e não na primeira como agora.

"Isso é culpa das mudanças climáticas, que têm um papel significativo nesses extremos de calor e chuva. Isso ocorre porque nosso planeta tem que dimensionalisar energia. Essas ondas de calor e chuva extremos ocorrem para compensar esse aquecimento", diz. acordo%20com%20o%20MetSul,7%C2%B0C%20em%202005

"Ela intensifica a formação do ar quente de cima para baixo dificultando a formação de nuvens de chuva e deixando o tempo mais seco."

"Guilherme explica que essa onda de calor, chamada pelo MetSul de "bolha de calor", é causada pela estabilização de uma massa de ar quente e alta pressão atmosférica em boa parte do país."

Em relação as classes gramaticais dos períodos acima, analise as afirmativas abaixo:

I.A locução adjetiva "de chuva" pode ser substituída por "fluvial".
II.A forma verbal "dificultando" está no gerúndio.
III.Os vocábulos "formação", "ar", "Nuvens" e "chuva" são substantivos abstratos.
IV."estabilização" e "pressão" são pluralizadas pela mesma regra.
V.O vocábulo "e" ,no primeiro período, tem valor de conjunção adversativa.
VI.O vocábulo "boa", no contexto, pode ser substituído por "grande" sem perder o sentido.

Estão corretas:
Q3200461 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

'Bolha de calor' pode causar um dos setembros mais quentes da história do Brasil?

Uma forte onda de calor atinge o Brasil na primeira quinzena de setembro, segundo alguns dos principais institutos de meteorologia do Brasil. A previsão é de que os termômetros registrem temperaturas máximas entre 40°C e 45°C em alguns Estados nesse período.

Isso poderia elevar a média da temperatura para a época e pode tornar este um dos meses de setembro mais quentes já registrados no país. Mas por que isso acontece?

A BBC News Brasil ouviu especialistas para entender se isso é algo atípico e quais fenômenos estão causando esse calor fora do comum.

Segundo o MetSul Meteorologia, uma massa de ar quente está cobrindo boa parte do Brasil e vai ganhar ainda mais força nos próximos dias. A previsão é que ela se expanda e leve altas temperaturas inclusive para o sul do país, onde as temperaturas são mais amenas nesta época do ano.

De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet), a previsão para os próximos em São Paulo é de temperaturas máximas de 33°C e 34°C até pelo menos a próxima sexta-feira. Cuiabá deve registrar máxima de 42°C na quinta e sexta.

Até mesmo a cidade de Curitiba, no Sul, pode registrar, segundo o Inmet, máximas de 33°C na terça e na quarta.

Guilherme Borges, meteorologista do Climatempo, diz que ele e seus colegas de trabalho avaliam que não é possível fazer projeções de que possamos ter recordes históricos.

"Vai ser forte, mas não é possível dizer que vai bater temperatura. Não temos como afirmar isso com base nos modelos que usamos. O que enxergamos são temperaturas entre 40 e 44°C nos próximos dias. Será uma onda de calor importante", diz.

Guilherme explica que essa onda de calor, chamada pelo MetSul de "bolha de calor", é causada pela estabilização de uma massa de ar quente e alta pressão atmosférica em boa parte do país.

"Ela intensifica a formação do ar quente de cima para baixo dificultando a formação de nuvens de chuva e deixando o tempo mais seco.

Ele explica que é normal esse calor no mês de setembro e que em 2023 também houve uma onda de calor semelhante, mas que ocorreu na segunda quinzena do mês e não na primeira como agora.

"Isso é culpa das mudanças climáticas, que têm um papel significativo nesses extremos de calor e chuva. Isso ocorre porque nosso planeta tem que dimensionalisar energia. Essas ondas de calor e chuva extremos ocorrem para compensar esse aquecimento", diz. acordo%20com%20o%20MetSul,7%C2%B0C%20em%202005

"Isso poderia elevar a média da temperatura para a época e pode tornar este um dos meses de setembro mais quentes já registrados no país."

Identifique a alternativa que apresenta um verbo no mesmo tempo e modo do destacado no texto.
Q3200462 Não definido
Identifique a alternativa em que o termo destacado apresenta a figura de linguagem denominada CATACRESE.
Q3200463 Não definido
Cinco compositores foram selecionados para participar de um concurso e, por decisão da organização, em cada rodada, dois deles duelam entre si, apresentando suas músicas. Quantas combinações diferentes de duplas de compositores podem ser formadas para o duelo?
Q3200464 Não definido
Ao estudar Lógica Matemática, André se depara com a seguinte situação: "Se choveu durante a manhã ou o céu está nublado, então o passeio com a família será cancelado." No entanto, os filhos sabem que o céu está limpo, mas choveu durante a manhã.

Com base nessa informação, complete a tabela verdade abaixo.

_Q7.png (161×140)

A operação dada e seus valores verdade (de cima para baixo) são:
Q3200465 Não definido
Em uma reunião de planejamento, a diretora de uma concessionária de automóveis fala para sua equipe:

"Se implementarmos novas técnicas de venda ou ofereceremos mais vantagens aos nossos clientes, então poderemos aumentarmos as vendas."

Com base na declaração da diretora, identifique qual é o tipo de conectivo lógico utilizado na frase.
Q3200466 Não definido
Em uma competição de quebra-cabeças, quatro amigos — Ana, Bruno, Carlos e Diana — decidiram fazer uma aposta para ver quem consegue resolver um enigma mais rapidamente. Cada um escolheu um tipo de quebra-cabeça diferente: sudoku, palavras cruzadas, cubo mágico e quebra-cabeça de peças.

Ana não gosta de sudoku.
Bruno resolveu o quebra-cabeça de peças.
Carlos gosta de desafios numéricos.
Diana não resolveu o cubo mágico.

Com base nessas informações, indique a alternativa que identifica qual quebra-cabeça cada um dos amigos escolheu. 
Q3200467 Não definido
Keldson, professor de Matemática, chega na sala de aula e escreve no quadro:

"Se a soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo é 180°, então este triângulo é plano e tem três lados."

A frase escrita por Keldson é uma proposição simples ou composta e por quê?
Q3200468 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.


Pontus is a non-playable faction in Rome: Total War. Pontus was a Hellenistic Kingdom on the southern coast of the Black Sea.

Pontus are an eastern faction, based in Asia Minor (Modern-day Turkey), having their origins with an ambitious Persian noble who siezed the area when Alexander's empire broke up. They were best known for their support for the pirates of Cilicia and their subsequent defeat by Pompey. 

A refreshingly different faction, Pontus are similar in some ways to the Seleucids, but mainly they are unique. With a large amount of missile cavalry, chariots chariot archers, Cappadocian Lancers and Pikemen, they have a different balance to most factions, while not severely lacking in any department except heavy infantry.

Pontus is a small faction in Asia Minor. While their army is relatively weak at the low initial development levels of Asia Minor, Asia Minor itself is a relatively easy part of the map to take and hold. Trade and growth are relatively good around the area and Rhodes, Crete and the Seleucids are soon ripe for the picking. Tactically, Pontus are an eastern faction. Expect to field a mobile army of mainly missile units. There are Macedonian-influenced Pikemen though, allowing a solid infantry line to be made when dealing with the western armies and to provide more strategic options.

Pontus have mostly the basic eastern units, but with skirmisher cavalry instead of mounted archers. Scythed Chariots and Chariot Archers are also available, allowing further flexibility. The infantry is a little ticklish at times though; The early infantry suffers from poor morale and a lack of stopping power, although Eastern Infantry are very good at stopping enemy chariots. Pikemen and Cappadocian Lancers are available later on though, allowing more Seleucid-influenced tactics to be used to good effect.

It was founded by Mithridates I in 291 BC and lasted until its conquest by the Roman Empire in 63 BC. Despite being ruled by a dynasty which was a descendant of the Persian Achaemenid Empire it became hellenized due to the influence of the Greeks on the black sea and the smaller Hellenistic kingdoms in the Middle East. Pontus grew to its largest extent under Mithridates VI the great, who conquered Colchis, Cappadocia, Bithynia, Lesser Armenia, the Greek colonies of the Tauric Chersonesos and for a brief time the Roman province of Asia.

Pontus starts in north and east Asia Minor, north of the Seleucid Empire, and west of Armenia. Their cities are:

Sinope - Pontic Capital; Region - Pontus

Mazaka - Pontic Large Town; Region - Cappadocia

Pontus infantry units include the feared Bronze Shield Pikemen, the elite of the army of Pontus, among the heirs of the world-conquering phalanxes of Alexander the Great. Pontus has effective cavalry including Cappadocian Cavalry, which are are excellent horsemen, best suited to charging into and breaking through enemy formations with their lances. Pontic heavy cavalry are javelin-armed horsemen who can also fight hand-to-hand - a potent combination in one force.

After a long struggle with Rome in the Mithridatic wars, Pontus was defeated, part of it was incorporated into the Roman Empire as the province Bithynia et Pontus and the eastern half survived as a client Kingdom. The Bosporan Kingdom also remained independent under Pharnaces II as an ally and friend of Rome. Colchis was also made into a client Kingdom. Pharnaces II later made an attempt at reconquering Pontus. During the civil war of Caesar and Pompey, he invaded Asia Minor, taking Colchis, lesser Armenia, Pontus and Cappadocia and defeating a Roman army at Nicopolis. Caesar responded swiftly and defeated him at Zela, where he uttered the famous phrase 'Veni, Vidi, Vici' (i came, i saw, i conquered). Pontic kings continued to rule the client Kingdom of Pontus, Colchis and Cilicia until Polemon II was finally forced to abdicate the Pontic throne by the Romans in 62 AD.

Based on the text, which of the following is a likely reason for Pontus becoming "hellenized"?
Q3200469 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.


Pontus is a non-playable faction in Rome: Total War. Pontus was a Hellenistic Kingdom on the southern coast of the Black Sea.

Pontus are an eastern faction, based in Asia Minor (Modern-day Turkey), having their origins with an ambitious Persian noble who siezed the area when Alexander's empire broke up. They were best known for their support for the pirates of Cilicia and their subsequent defeat by Pompey. 

A refreshingly different faction, Pontus are similar in some ways to the Seleucids, but mainly they are unique. With a large amount of missile cavalry, chariots chariot archers, Cappadocian Lancers and Pikemen, they have a different balance to most factions, while not severely lacking in any department except heavy infantry.

Pontus is a small faction in Asia Minor. While their army is relatively weak at the low initial development levels of Asia Minor, Asia Minor itself is a relatively easy part of the map to take and hold. Trade and growth are relatively good around the area and Rhodes, Crete and the Seleucids are soon ripe for the picking. Tactically, Pontus are an eastern faction. Expect to field a mobile army of mainly missile units. There are Macedonian-influenced Pikemen though, allowing a solid infantry line to be made when dealing with the western armies and to provide more strategic options.

Pontus have mostly the basic eastern units, but with skirmisher cavalry instead of mounted archers. Scythed Chariots and Chariot Archers are also available, allowing further flexibility. The infantry is a little ticklish at times though; The early infantry suffers from poor morale and a lack of stopping power, although Eastern Infantry are very good at stopping enemy chariots. Pikemen and Cappadocian Lancers are available later on though, allowing more Seleucid-influenced tactics to be used to good effect.

It was founded by Mithridates I in 291 BC and lasted until its conquest by the Roman Empire in 63 BC. Despite being ruled by a dynasty which was a descendant of the Persian Achaemenid Empire it became hellenized due to the influence of the Greeks on the black sea and the smaller Hellenistic kingdoms in the Middle East. Pontus grew to its largest extent under Mithridates VI the great, who conquered Colchis, Cappadocia, Bithynia, Lesser Armenia, the Greek colonies of the Tauric Chersonesos and for a brief time the Roman province of Asia.

Pontus starts in north and east Asia Minor, north of the Seleucid Empire, and west of Armenia. Their cities are:

Sinope - Pontic Capital; Region - Pontus

Mazaka - Pontic Large Town; Region - Cappadocia

Pontus infantry units include the feared Bronze Shield Pikemen, the elite of the army of Pontus, among the heirs of the world-conquering phalanxes of Alexander the Great. Pontus has effective cavalry including Cappadocian Cavalry, which are are excellent horsemen, best suited to charging into and breaking through enemy formations with their lances. Pontic heavy cavalry are javelin-armed horsemen who can also fight hand-to-hand - a potent combination in one force.

After a long struggle with Rome in the Mithridatic wars, Pontus was defeated, part of it was incorporated into the Roman Empire as the province Bithynia et Pontus and the eastern half survived as a client Kingdom. The Bosporan Kingdom also remained independent under Pharnaces II as an ally and friend of Rome. Colchis was also made into a client Kingdom. Pharnaces II later made an attempt at reconquering Pontus. During the civil war of Caesar and Pompey, he invaded Asia Minor, taking Colchis, lesser Armenia, Pontus and Cappadocia and defeating a Roman army at Nicopolis. Caesar responded swiftly and defeated him at Zela, where he uttered the famous phrase 'Veni, Vidi, Vici' (i came, i saw, i conquered). Pontic kings continued to rule the client Kingdom of Pontus, Colchis and Cilicia until Polemon II was finally forced to abdicate the Pontic throne by the Romans in 62 AD.

Based on the text, what was the strategic advantage of Pontus in the game "Rome: Total War"? 
Q3200470 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.


Pontus is a non-playable faction in Rome: Total War. Pontus was a Hellenistic Kingdom on the southern coast of the Black Sea.

Pontus are an eastern faction, based in Asia Minor (Modern-day Turkey), having their origins with an ambitious Persian noble who siezed the area when Alexander's empire broke up. They were best known for their support for the pirates of Cilicia and their subsequent defeat by Pompey. 

A refreshingly different faction, Pontus are similar in some ways to the Seleucids, but mainly they are unique. With a large amount of missile cavalry, chariots chariot archers, Cappadocian Lancers and Pikemen, they have a different balance to most factions, while not severely lacking in any department except heavy infantry.

Pontus is a small faction in Asia Minor. While their army is relatively weak at the low initial development levels of Asia Minor, Asia Minor itself is a relatively easy part of the map to take and hold. Trade and growth are relatively good around the area and Rhodes, Crete and the Seleucids are soon ripe for the picking. Tactically, Pontus are an eastern faction. Expect to field a mobile army of mainly missile units. There are Macedonian-influenced Pikemen though, allowing a solid infantry line to be made when dealing with the western armies and to provide more strategic options.

Pontus have mostly the basic eastern units, but with skirmisher cavalry instead of mounted archers. Scythed Chariots and Chariot Archers are also available, allowing further flexibility. The infantry is a little ticklish at times though; The early infantry suffers from poor morale and a lack of stopping power, although Eastern Infantry are very good at stopping enemy chariots. Pikemen and Cappadocian Lancers are available later on though, allowing more Seleucid-influenced tactics to be used to good effect.

It was founded by Mithridates I in 291 BC and lasted until its conquest by the Roman Empire in 63 BC. Despite being ruled by a dynasty which was a descendant of the Persian Achaemenid Empire it became hellenized due to the influence of the Greeks on the black sea and the smaller Hellenistic kingdoms in the Middle East. Pontus grew to its largest extent under Mithridates VI the great, who conquered Colchis, Cappadocia, Bithynia, Lesser Armenia, the Greek colonies of the Tauric Chersonesos and for a brief time the Roman province of Asia.

Pontus starts in north and east Asia Minor, north of the Seleucid Empire, and west of Armenia. Their cities are:

Sinope - Pontic Capital; Region - Pontus

Mazaka - Pontic Large Town; Region - Cappadocia

Pontus infantry units include the feared Bronze Shield Pikemen, the elite of the army of Pontus, among the heirs of the world-conquering phalanxes of Alexander the Great. Pontus has effective cavalry including Cappadocian Cavalry, which are are excellent horsemen, best suited to charging into and breaking through enemy formations with their lances. Pontic heavy cavalry are javelin-armed horsemen who can also fight hand-to-hand - a potent combination in one force.

After a long struggle with Rome in the Mithridatic wars, Pontus was defeated, part of it was incorporated into the Roman Empire as the province Bithynia et Pontus and the eastern half survived as a client Kingdom. The Bosporan Kingdom also remained independent under Pharnaces II as an ally and friend of Rome. Colchis was also made into a client Kingdom. Pharnaces II later made an attempt at reconquering Pontus. During the civil war of Caesar and Pompey, he invaded Asia Minor, taking Colchis, lesser Armenia, Pontus and Cappadocia and defeating a Roman army at Nicopolis. Caesar responded swiftly and defeated him at Zela, where he uttered the famous phrase 'Veni, Vidi, Vici' (i came, i saw, i conquered). Pontic kings continued to rule the client Kingdom of Pontus, Colchis and Cilicia until Polemon II was finally forced to abdicate the Pontic throne by the Romans in 62 AD.

What does the excerpt "a refreshingly different faction" suggest about Pontus compared to other factions in "Rome: Total War"?
Q3200471 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Cancer therapies are getting a makeover

By Vanessa Chalmers, Health Features Editor

Cancer is no longer a death sentence when diagnosed, thanks to the ongoing emergence of treatments that can extend lives as well as better detection methods to find the disease earlier.Scientists have learned a lot about the immune response to cancer and are now harnessing it.When we hear the word vaccine, we typically think of it as preventing disease.But in this case, vaccines are being used as a treatment. Once injected they train the immune system to recognise and fight cancer cells. The body itself is recruited to kill the cancer, rather than relying on medicines.The process leaves healthy cells untouched, unlike chemotherapy, which kills healthy tissue and causes debilitating symptoms. NHS England's national cancer director, Dame Cally Palmer, said cancer vaccines being trialled could mark a huge step in treating the disease.There are also personalised vaccines which are designed specifically for an individuals cancer, based on their genetics.The challenges with personalised vaccines and other hugely advanced cancer therapies is they are very expensive to develop - and the question is whether the NHS will be able to afford such therapies when they come to fruition. rs-growing-advanced-disease/ 

When preparing a discussion or a written essay on the topic of "innovative cancer treatments," how can the information from this text be used effectively?
Q3200472 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Cancer therapies are getting a makeover

By Vanessa Chalmers, Health Features Editor

Cancer is no longer a death sentence when diagnosed, thanks to the ongoing emergence of treatments that can extend lives as well as better detection methods to find the disease earlier.Scientists have learned a lot about the immune response to cancer and are now harnessing it.When we hear the word vaccine, we typically think of it as preventing disease.But in this case, vaccines are being used as a treatment. Once injected they train the immune system to recognise and fight cancer cells. The body itself is recruited to kill the cancer, rather than relying on medicines.The process leaves healthy cells untouched, unlike chemotherapy, which kills healthy tissue and causes debilitating symptoms. NHS England's national cancer director, Dame Cally Palmer, said cancer vaccines being trialled could mark a huge step in treating the disease.There are also personalised vaccines which are designed specifically for an individuals cancer, based on their genetics.The challenges with personalised vaccines and other hugely advanced cancer therapies is they are very expensive to develop - and the question is whether the NHS will be able to afford such therapies when they come to fruition. rs-growing-advanced-disease/ 

Based on the text, what can be inferred about the difference between traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and new vaccine-based therapies?
Q3200473 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Cancer therapies are getting a makeover

By Vanessa Chalmers, Health Features Editor

Cancer is no longer a death sentence when diagnosed, thanks to the ongoing emergence of treatments that can extend lives as well as better detection methods to find the disease earlier.Scientists have learned a lot about the immune response to cancer and are now harnessing it.When we hear the word vaccine, we typically think of it as preventing disease.But in this case, vaccines are being used as a treatment. Once injected they train the immune system to recognise and fight cancer cells. The body itself is recruited to kill the cancer, rather than relying on medicines.The process leaves healthy cells untouched, unlike chemotherapy, which kills healthy tissue and causes debilitating symptoms. NHS England's national cancer director, Dame Cally Palmer, said cancer vaccines being trialled could mark a huge step in treating the disease.There are also personalised vaccines which are designed specifically for an individuals cancer, based on their genetics.The challenges with personalised vaccines and other hugely advanced cancer therapies is they are very expensive to develop - and the question is whether the NHS will be able to afford such therapies when they come to fruition. rs-growing-advanced-disease/ 

Which of the following best describes the role of "the body itself" in the context of cancer vaccine treatments as mentioned in the text?
Q3200474 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

Cancer therapies are getting a makeover

By Vanessa Chalmers, Health Features Editor

Cancer is no longer a death sentence when diagnosed, thanks to the ongoing emergence of treatments that can extend lives as well as better detection methods to find the disease earlier.Scientists have learned a lot about the immune response to cancer and are now harnessing it.When we hear the word vaccine, we typically think of it as preventing disease.But in this case, vaccines are being used as a treatment. Once injected they train the immune system to recognise and fight cancer cells. The body itself is recruited to kill the cancer, rather than relying on medicines.The process leaves healthy cells untouched, unlike chemotherapy, which kills healthy tissue and causes debilitating symptoms. NHS England's national cancer director, Dame Cally Palmer, said cancer vaccines being trialled could mark a huge step in treating the disease.There are also personalised vaccines which are designed specifically for an individuals cancer, based on their genetics.The challenges with personalised vaccines and other hugely advanced cancer therapies is they are very expensive to develop - and the question is whether the NHS will be able to afford such therapies when they come to fruition. rs-growing-advanced-disease/ 

Based on the text, what reading strategy would be most effective to identify the main idea about the new cancer therapies discussed?
Q3200475 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

The Future of Global Economy and Society


Emma: A professor of International Relations.

John: A journalist specializing in global economics.

Sophia: An environmental activist and policy advisor.

Emma: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'd like to delve into the intricacies of the global economy and its impact on society. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, what do you think are the key drivers reshaping our world?

John: From my perspective, the most significant factor is the acceleration of technological innovation. The digital economy is not just expanding; it's revolutionizing traditional sectors. Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things are all converging, creating a paradigm shift in how we understand and conduct business.

Sophia: I agree, John. However, I would argue that while technological advancement is transformative, it also presents ethical dilemmas. The digital divide is growing, and the disparity between those who have access to these technologies and those who don't is becoming a critical issue. Moreover, the implications for data privacy and surveillance are profound and cannot be overlooked.

Emma: That's an excellent point, Sophia. The ethical implications are vast. But moving beyond technology, how do you see geopolitical tensions influencing global economic stability?

John: Geopolitical tensions have always played a pivotal role. However, with the recent rise of protectionist policies and trade wars, we are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economic order. Countries are increasingly prioritizing national interests, which could lead to a significant realignment of global alliances and trade networks.

Sophia: And this realignment is not without consequences. We must consider the environmental impact as well. The current economic model, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, is unsustainable. We need a radical transition towards a green economy, and that requires international cooperation—something that's hard to achieve amid rising nationalism.

Emma: Absolutely. The concept of a green economy is gaining traction, but there's a lot of skepticism about its feasibility, especially in developing countries where economic growth is still heavily dependent on traditional industries. What are your thoughts on this?

John: It's indeed a delicate balancing act. Developing nations argue that stringent environmental regulations could stifle their economic growth and exacerbate poverty. On the other hand, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic, not just for these countries, but globally. Perhaps the solution lies in creating financial incentives for sustainable development.

Sophia: That's where policy-making becomes crucial. We need to implement more robust frameworks for international cooperation that include financial support, technology transfer, and capacity building. The global north has a historical responsibility to assist the global south in this transition.

Emma: These are compelling insights. It's clear that the path forward is complex and requires a multifaceted approach. Balancing technological, economic, environmental, and ethical considerations is a formidable challenge. However, it's also an opportunity for us to redefine the future of global society.

John: I couldn't agree more, Emma. The question is not whether we will face these challenges, but how we will respond to them collectively.

Sophia: Exactly. It's not just about adapting to change but about proactively shaping it. We must engage in more dialogue, foster innovation, and, above all, uphold our shared values of equity, justice, and sustainability.

Emma: Well said, Sophia. I believe our discussion today has highlighted the interconnectedness of these issues and the importance of global solidarity. Thank you both for this enlightening conversation.

John and Sophia: Thank you, Emma.

What can be inferred about the general stance of the three characters regarding the future of the global economy?
Q3200476 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

The Future of Global Economy and Society


Emma: A professor of International Relations.

John: A journalist specializing in global economics.

Sophia: An environmental activist and policy advisor.

Emma: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'd like to delve into the intricacies of the global economy and its impact on society. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, what do you think are the key drivers reshaping our world?

John: From my perspective, the most significant factor is the acceleration of technological innovation. The digital economy is not just expanding; it's revolutionizing traditional sectors. Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things are all converging, creating a paradigm shift in how we understand and conduct business.

Sophia: I agree, John. However, I would argue that while technological advancement is transformative, it also presents ethical dilemmas. The digital divide is growing, and the disparity between those who have access to these technologies and those who don't is becoming a critical issue. Moreover, the implications for data privacy and surveillance are profound and cannot be overlooked.

Emma: That's an excellent point, Sophia. The ethical implications are vast. But moving beyond technology, how do you see geopolitical tensions influencing global economic stability?

John: Geopolitical tensions have always played a pivotal role. However, with the recent rise of protectionist policies and trade wars, we are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economic order. Countries are increasingly prioritizing national interests, which could lead to a significant realignment of global alliances and trade networks.

Sophia: And this realignment is not without consequences. We must consider the environmental impact as well. The current economic model, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, is unsustainable. We need a radical transition towards a green economy, and that requires international cooperation—something that's hard to achieve amid rising nationalism.

Emma: Absolutely. The concept of a green economy is gaining traction, but there's a lot of skepticism about its feasibility, especially in developing countries where economic growth is still heavily dependent on traditional industries. What are your thoughts on this?

John: It's indeed a delicate balancing act. Developing nations argue that stringent environmental regulations could stifle their economic growth and exacerbate poverty. On the other hand, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic, not just for these countries, but globally. Perhaps the solution lies in creating financial incentives for sustainable development.

Sophia: That's where policy-making becomes crucial. We need to implement more robust frameworks for international cooperation that include financial support, technology transfer, and capacity building. The global north has a historical responsibility to assist the global south in this transition.

Emma: These are compelling insights. It's clear that the path forward is complex and requires a multifaceted approach. Balancing technological, economic, environmental, and ethical considerations is a formidable challenge. However, it's also an opportunity for us to redefine the future of global society.

John: I couldn't agree more, Emma. The question is not whether we will face these challenges, but how we will respond to them collectively.

Sophia: Exactly. It's not just about adapting to change but about proactively shaping it. We must engage in more dialogue, foster innovation, and, above all, uphold our shared values of equity, justice, and sustainability.

Emma: Well said, Sophia. I believe our discussion today has highlighted the interconnectedness of these issues and the importance of global solidarity. Thank you both for this enlightening conversation.

John and Sophia: Thank you, Emma.

In the context of teaching writing skills, how could the dialogue be utilized to improve students' argumentative writing abilities?
Q3200477 Não definido

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

The Future of Global Economy and Society


Emma: A professor of International Relations.

John: A journalist specializing in global economics.

Sophia: An environmental activist and policy advisor.

Emma: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'd like to delve into the intricacies of the global economy and its impact on society. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, what do you think are the key drivers reshaping our world?

John: From my perspective, the most significant factor is the acceleration of technological innovation. The digital economy is not just expanding; it's revolutionizing traditional sectors. Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things are all converging, creating a paradigm shift in how we understand and conduct business.

Sophia: I agree, John. However, I would argue that while technological advancement is transformative, it also presents ethical dilemmas. The digital divide is growing, and the disparity between those who have access to these technologies and those who don't is becoming a critical issue. Moreover, the implications for data privacy and surveillance are profound and cannot be overlooked.

Emma: That's an excellent point, Sophia. The ethical implications are vast. But moving beyond technology, how do you see geopolitical tensions influencing global economic stability?

John: Geopolitical tensions have always played a pivotal role. However, with the recent rise of protectionist policies and trade wars, we are witnessing a fragmentation of the global economic order. Countries are increasingly prioritizing national interests, which could lead to a significant realignment of global alliances and trade networks.

Sophia: And this realignment is not without consequences. We must consider the environmental impact as well. The current economic model, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, is unsustainable. We need a radical transition towards a green economy, and that requires international cooperation—something that's hard to achieve amid rising nationalism.

Emma: Absolutely. The concept of a green economy is gaining traction, but there's a lot of skepticism about its feasibility, especially in developing countries where economic growth is still heavily dependent on traditional industries. What are your thoughts on this?

John: It's indeed a delicate balancing act. Developing nations argue that stringent environmental regulations could stifle their economic growth and exacerbate poverty. On the other hand, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic, not just for these countries, but globally. Perhaps the solution lies in creating financial incentives for sustainable development.

Sophia: That's where policy-making becomes crucial. We need to implement more robust frameworks for international cooperation that include financial support, technology transfer, and capacity building. The global north has a historical responsibility to assist the global south in this transition.

Emma: These are compelling insights. It's clear that the path forward is complex and requires a multifaceted approach. Balancing technological, economic, environmental, and ethical considerations is a formidable challenge. However, it's also an opportunity for us to redefine the future of global society.

John: I couldn't agree more, Emma. The question is not whether we will face these challenges, but how we will respond to them collectively.

Sophia: Exactly. It's not just about adapting to change but about proactively shaping it. We must engage in more dialogue, foster innovation, and, above all, uphold our shared values of equity, justice, and sustainability.

Emma: Well said, Sophia. I believe our discussion today has highlighted the interconnectedness of these issues and the importance of global solidarity. Thank you both for this enlightening conversation.

John and Sophia: Thank you, Emma.

What is the primary focus of the dialogue between Emma, John, and Sophia? 
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