Questões de Concurso Público SP-URBANISMO 2014 para Analista Administrativo, Tecnologia da Informação / Desenvolvimento

Foram encontradas 60 questões

Q449687 Programação
Na plataforma J2EE, a interface JspPage, que descreve as interações que uma página JSP deve suportar, é uma subinterface de
Q449688 Sistemas Operacionais
Analise o texto a seguir.

A multiprocess system (also known as multitasking system) is one that executes many processes concurrently (simultaneously or in interleved fashion). In a uniprocess system, when the lone process executes a wait operation, the processor would sit idle and waste its time until the process comes out of the wait state. The objective of multiprocessing is to have a process running on the processor at all times, doing purposeful work.

(Sibsankar Haldar, Alex Alagarsamy. Operating Systems. Pearson Education India, 2010)

De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
Q449689 Inglês
Supporting information technology risk management

As information technology (IT) has evolved into a central component of business operations, the business has become increasingly vulnerable to IT risk. IT events can no longer be contained without impacting overall business functions. Today, data loss, corruption and inaccessibility, as well as system and infrastructure failures, can severely impact an organization’s productivity.

( infotype=SA&subtype=WH&htmlfid=BUW03025USEN#loaded)

No contexto, o termo data loss tem o significado de
Q449690 Inglês
Contextual Database Security

A database is the primary repository and retrieval mechanism for an enterprise’s critical data – so protecting that database is crucial. As more application traffic moves over the web, sensitive data is exposed to new security vulnerabilities and attacks. Standalone technologies that protect against web or database attacks are available, but their disconnection from one another means they lack context. Organizations need an end-to-end web application and database security solution to protect their data, their customers, and ultimately their businesses.

( infosphere-guardium-white-paper.pdf)

Segundo o texto, as organizações necessitam de mecanismos para proteger seus
Q449691 Inglês
Dentre as alternativas a seguir, considerando-se o contexto, aquela que expressa o sentido contrário ao empregado no texto pela palavra lack é:
56: B
57: A
58: C
59: E
60: B