Questões de Concurso Público UNICAMP 2022 para Analista de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q2052756 Português
1.png (770×218)  (Fernando Gonsales. Níquel Náusea., 10.04.2018. Adaptado)
Assinale a alternativa em que se indica uma correção para um problema de norma-padrão observado na tira:
Q2052757 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que a frase está redigida em conformidade com a norma-padrão de concordância:
Q2052758 Português
   O ano de 1833 aproximava-se do fim. A população de Santa Fé estava alvoroçada, pois confirmara-se a notícia de que em 1834 o povoado seria elevado a vila. No entanto o assunto preferido de todas as rodas era a política. Gente bem informada, vinda de Porto Alegre e do Rio Pardo, contava histórias sombrias. Depois da abdicação de d. Pedro I, as coisas na Corte andavam confusas. Seu filho, o Príncipe d. Pedro, não podia ser coroado porque era muito criança. Ali mesmo em Santa Fé, bem como acontecia nas carreiras, as pessoas tomavam partido. Uns eram pela maioridade; outros achavam que o melhor mesmo era que uma junta de homens direitos e sábios ficasse no governo. […]
    Muitas vezes o pe. Lara ia conversar com o cel. Ricardo no casario de pedra e vinha de lá com “notícias frescas”, que transmitia a alguns amigos na venda do Nicolau ou na do cap. Rodrigo. O cel. Amaral inclinava-se ora para o lado do Partido Restaurador, que desejava a volta de d. Pedro I ao trono, ora para o Partido Liberal de Bento Gonçalves, que se opunha àquele. Os restauradores tinham fundado a Sociedade Militar e Bento Gonçalves trouxera do Rio de Janeiro a promessa do governo central de impedir o funcionamento desse clube, que os liberais classificavam de retrógrado. Tudo parecia resolvido quando o comandante militar da Província, Sebastião Barreto, de novo tentou reerguer a Sociedade. Bento Amaral – que agora era representante em Santa Fé do juiz de paz de São Borja – chegara, havia pouco, de Porto Alegre e contava que a Câmara Municipal dera seu apoio aos liberais e que por sua vez o presidente da Província censurara esse pronunciamento da Câmara. Nas ruas da cidade, liberais e restauradores discutiam, diziam-se nomes, engalfinhavam-se a tapas e socos.

(Erico Verissimo. Um certo capitão Rodrigo. Companhia das Letras, 2005)
De acordo com informações presentes no texto, é correto afirmar que
Q2052759 Português
   O ano de 1833 aproximava-se do fim. A população de Santa Fé estava alvoroçada, pois confirmara-se a notícia de que em 1834 o povoado seria elevado a vila. No entanto o assunto preferido de todas as rodas era a política. Gente bem informada, vinda de Porto Alegre e do Rio Pardo, contava histórias sombrias. Depois da abdicação de d. Pedro I, as coisas na Corte andavam confusas. Seu filho, o Príncipe d. Pedro, não podia ser coroado porque era muito criança. Ali mesmo em Santa Fé, bem como acontecia nas carreiras, as pessoas tomavam partido. Uns eram pela maioridade; outros achavam que o melhor mesmo era que uma junta de homens direitos e sábios ficasse no governo. […]
    Muitas vezes o pe. Lara ia conversar com o cel. Ricardo no casario de pedra e vinha de lá com “notícias frescas”, que transmitia a alguns amigos na venda do Nicolau ou na do cap. Rodrigo. O cel. Amaral inclinava-se ora para o lado do Partido Restaurador, que desejava a volta de d. Pedro I ao trono, ora para o Partido Liberal de Bento Gonçalves, que se opunha àquele. Os restauradores tinham fundado a Sociedade Militar e Bento Gonçalves trouxera do Rio de Janeiro a promessa do governo central de impedir o funcionamento desse clube, que os liberais classificavam de retrógrado. Tudo parecia resolvido quando o comandante militar da Província, Sebastião Barreto, de novo tentou reerguer a Sociedade. Bento Amaral – que agora era representante em Santa Fé do juiz de paz de São Borja – chegara, havia pouco, de Porto Alegre e contava que a Câmara Municipal dera seu apoio aos liberais e que por sua vez o presidente da Província censurara esse pronunciamento da Câmara. Nas ruas da cidade, liberais e restauradores discutiam, diziam-se nomes, engalfinhavam-se a tapas e socos.

(Erico Verissimo. Um certo capitão Rodrigo. Companhia das Letras, 2005)
Um vocábulo empregado com sentido figurado, no contexto em que se encontra, está em destaque em:
Q2052760 Português
Quanto à ocorrência do acento indicativo de crase, assinale a alternativa que apresenta frase corretamente redigida.
Q2052761 Matemática
Fernando vai aplicar parte de R$ 53.300,00 em um investimento que renderá 8% do valor aplicado em seis meses. Ele decidiu usar uma parte do dinheiro imediatamente e aplicar o restante, de maneira que o valor que ele receberá em seis meses (quantia aplicada mais o rendimento) seja igual ao valor que ele usará agora. A quantia que Fernando usará imediatamente é
Q2052762 Matemática
Um parede retangular, com 8 metros de comprimento por 3 metros de altura, será totalmente revestida por ladrilhos quadrados de 20 cm de lado. Parte desses ladrilhos serão brancos e custam R$ 6,00 cada e o restante será preto, ao custo de R$ 10,00 cada. Se o custo médio por ladrilho, nesse revestimento, for de R$ 8,90, a diferença entre o número de ladrilhos pretos e o de ladrilhos brancos será
Q2052763 Matemática
O conserto de um certo lote de equipamentos estava sendo realizado por um grupo de 9 pessoas, cada pessoa consertando um mesmo número de equipamentos por dia. Do sexto dia de trabalho em diante, mais 12 pessoas se juntaram ao grupo, e cada uma das 21 pessoas passou a consertar 2 equipamentos a menos por dia em relação aos 5 primeiros dias. O conserto do lote terminou no trigésimo dia de trabalho, porém se as 21 pessoas tivessem trabalhado juntas desde o primeiro dia, no mesmo ritmo dos 5 primeiros dias, o conserto teria terminado em 20 dias. O número de equipamentos consertados está compreendido entre 
Q2052764 Matemática
Em um torneio de tênis em duplas, havia duplas de homens, duplas de mulheres e duplas mistas, cada jogador participando de apenas uma dupla. Considerando o total de jogadores participantes, o número de mulheres excedia o de homens em 18. Os jogos desse torneio foram organizados de maneira que as duplas femininas disputaram jogos entre si, com cada dupla feminina jogando um único jogo com cada outra dupla feminina, num total de 300 jogos, e, para as outras duplas, cada dupla mista jogou um único jogo com cada dupla masculina. Se nesse torneio o número de duplas mistas excedia o número de duplas masculinas em 10 e o total de jogos disputados foi 716, o número total de participantes foi
Q2052765 Matemática
Sobre os lados do triângulo AEF estão os pontos C, D e G. O ponto G também está sobre o lado BC do retângulo ABCD, cuja área é 544 cm2, conforme mostra a figura, que também indica as medidas dos segmentos CE e CF.
10.png (340×260) 
Sabendo que o triângulo CDF é isósceles e que a razão entre a medida do segmento GA e a medida do segmento GE é igual a 0,8, a área do triângulo ABG, em cm2, é
Q2052766 Inglês
11_- 15.png (277×152) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
     The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
The article was published in December 2021 to report
Q2052767 Inglês
11_- 15.png (277×152) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
     The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
According to the first and second paragraphs, the hydrogen-powered mining vehicle
Q2052768 Inglês
11_- 15.png (277×152) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
     The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
The expression “Instead of”, at the beginning of the third paragraph, introduces
Q2052769 Inglês
11_- 15.png (277×152) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
     The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
In the fragment from the third paragraph – By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet –, the terms in bold can be correctly replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2052770 Inglês
11_- 15.png (277×152) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
     The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
De acordo com Davide Sabbadin, no quarto parágrafo,
Q2052771 Noções de Informática
O sistema operacional Windows 10 possui o Gerenciador de Tarefas, o qual permite, em tempo real, por exemplo,
Q2052772 Noções de Informática
As características da Barra de Tarefas do sistema operacional Windows 10 podem ser configuradas por meio das Configurações do Windows. Uma das características que pode ser configurada é:
Q2052773 Arquitetura de Computadores
O sistema operacional Windows 10 permite várias opções de recuperação do computador, como a opção Restaurar o PC, que
Q2052774 Sistemas Operacionais
No sistema operacional Linux, o uso do caractere & no final de um comando executado no terminal serve para
Q2052775 Sistemas Operacionais
O comando pmap, do sistema operacional Linux, tem como propósito
1: B
2: E
3: D
4: B
5: D
6: E
7: C
8: B
9: D
10: A
11: D
12: E
13: C
14: B
15: D
16: E
17: E
18: D
19: C
20: A