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Q2073398 Inglês
What is the Difference Between Checking and Savings Accounts?

    The main difference between checking and savings accounts is that checking accounts are primarily for accessing your money for daily use while savings accounts are primarily for saving money. Checking accounts are considered “transactional,” meaning that they allow you to access your money when and where you need it. While both allow you to access your money, you may consider it easier to do so with checking accounts. Since these accounts are designed to give you easy access to your cash, they often come with debit cards, checks, and even offer digital payment options. In contrast, savings accounts have a limit on the number of withdrawals you can make each month.
    While checking accounts are convenient for daily cash needs, it’s important to remember that they may be age restricted. Most banks won’t allow people under the age of 18 to open a checking account without a parent or legal guardian as a co-owner of the account. Before opening a checking account, make sure that its terms fit your financial needs and your lifestyle.
    When it comes to setting aside money for a longterm need or goal, you should consider a savings account. Savings accounts are designed to hold money over a long period of time to help you save for larger goals (rather than everyday purchases). As your money stays in the account, it will accrue interest and grow over time. This means that you will need to visit your bank, set up a transfer online, or make an ATM withdrawal to access your money.
    Keeping some of your money in a savings account is a great way to set it aside for emergencies or large purchases – its limited access will keep you from spending it on day-to-day necessities. There are also dedicated savings accounts for kids, though a parent or guardian is usually required as a joint owner.

(Adapted from:
According to the text, checking accounts are considered ‘transactional’. This feature points to the specific ways in which this type of account is meant to be used by clients. In practice, what does the term ‘transactional’ mean in this context? 
Q2073397 Inglês
What is the Difference Between Checking and Savings Accounts?

    The main difference between checking and savings accounts is that checking accounts are primarily for accessing your money for daily use while savings accounts are primarily for saving money. Checking accounts are considered “transactional,” meaning that they allow you to access your money when and where you need it. While both allow you to access your money, you may consider it easier to do so with checking accounts. Since these accounts are designed to give you easy access to your cash, they often come with debit cards, checks, and even offer digital payment options. In contrast, savings accounts have a limit on the number of withdrawals you can make each month.
    While checking accounts are convenient for daily cash needs, it’s important to remember that they may be age restricted. Most banks won’t allow people under the age of 18 to open a checking account without a parent or legal guardian as a co-owner of the account. Before opening a checking account, make sure that its terms fit your financial needs and your lifestyle.
    When it comes to setting aside money for a longterm need or goal, you should consider a savings account. Savings accounts are designed to hold money over a long period of time to help you save for larger goals (rather than everyday purchases). As your money stays in the account, it will accrue interest and grow over time. This means that you will need to visit your bank, set up a transfer online, or make an ATM withdrawal to access your money.
    Keeping some of your money in a savings account is a great way to set it aside for emergencies or large purchases – its limited access will keep you from spending it on day-to-day necessities. There are also dedicated savings accounts for kids, though a parent or guardian is usually required as a joint owner.

(Adapted from:
Read the excerpt below and choose the only alternative with a plausible interpretation of its content:
“Savings accounts are designed to hold money over a long period of time to help you save for larger goals (rather than everyday purchases). As your money stays in the account, it will accrue interest and grow over time. This means that you will need to visit your bank, set up a transfer online, or make an ATM withdrawal to access your money.” 
Q2073396 Inglês
What is the Difference Between Checking and Savings Accounts?

    The main difference between checking and savings accounts is that checking accounts are primarily for accessing your money for daily use while savings accounts are primarily for saving money. Checking accounts are considered “transactional,” meaning that they allow you to access your money when and where you need it. While both allow you to access your money, you may consider it easier to do so with checking accounts. Since these accounts are designed to give you easy access to your cash, they often come with debit cards, checks, and even offer digital payment options. In contrast, savings accounts have a limit on the number of withdrawals you can make each month.
    While checking accounts are convenient for daily cash needs, it’s important to remember that they may be age restricted. Most banks won’t allow people under the age of 18 to open a checking account without a parent or legal guardian as a co-owner of the account. Before opening a checking account, make sure that its terms fit your financial needs and your lifestyle.
    When it comes to setting aside money for a longterm need or goal, you should consider a savings account. Savings accounts are designed to hold money over a long period of time to help you save for larger goals (rather than everyday purchases). As your money stays in the account, it will accrue interest and grow over time. This means that you will need to visit your bank, set up a transfer online, or make an ATM withdrawal to access your money.
    Keeping some of your money in a savings account is a great way to set it aside for emergencies or large purchases – its limited access will keep you from spending it on day-to-day necessities. There are also dedicated savings accounts for kids, though a parent or guardian is usually required as a joint owner.

(Adapted from:
Pay close attention to the terms/idioms that are underlined in the five following sentences:
I. While both allow you to access your money, you may consider it easier to do so with checking accounts (1st paragraph). II. In contrast, savings accounts have a limit on the number of withdrawals you can make each month (1st paragraph). III. Most banks won’t allow people under the age of 18 to open a checking account without a parent or legal guardian as a co-owner of the account (2nd paragraph). IV. When it comes to setting aside money for a long-term need or goal, you should consider a savings account (3rd paragraph). V. There are also dedicated savings accounts for kids, though a parent or guardian is usually required as a joint owner (4th paragraph).
Now, choose the alternative that classifies these terms correctly and matches them with an appropriate synonym. 
Q2073395 Inglês
What is the Difference Between Checking and Savings Accounts?

    The main difference between checking and savings accounts is that checking accounts are primarily for accessing your money for daily use while savings accounts are primarily for saving money. Checking accounts are considered “transactional,” meaning that they allow you to access your money when and where you need it. While both allow you to access your money, you may consider it easier to do so with checking accounts. Since these accounts are designed to give you easy access to your cash, they often come with debit cards, checks, and even offer digital payment options. In contrast, savings accounts have a limit on the number of withdrawals you can make each month.
    While checking accounts are convenient for daily cash needs, it’s important to remember that they may be age restricted. Most banks won’t allow people under the age of 18 to open a checking account without a parent or legal guardian as a co-owner of the account. Before opening a checking account, make sure that its terms fit your financial needs and your lifestyle.
    When it comes to setting aside money for a longterm need or goal, you should consider a savings account. Savings accounts are designed to hold money over a long period of time to help you save for larger goals (rather than everyday purchases). As your money stays in the account, it will accrue interest and grow over time. This means that you will need to visit your bank, set up a transfer online, or make an ATM withdrawal to access your money.
    Keeping some of your money in a savings account is a great way to set it aside for emergencies or large purchases – its limited access will keep you from spending it on day-to-day necessities. There are also dedicated savings accounts for kids, though a parent or guardian is usually required as a joint owner.

(Adapted from:
Choose the alternative that correctly describes the meaning of one of the following words which were taken from the text.
Q2073394 Português
O que é marketing digital?

O conceito marketing digital pode ser explicado como ações de comunicação para negócios que estão na internet, na telefonia celular e em outros meios digitais. O marketing digital também abrange a prática de promover produtos ou serviços através de canais que levam o conteúdo às pessoas rapidamente, de forma relevante e personalizada. Resumidamente, o termo “marketing digital” nada mais é que o marketing na era digital. Ele também impulsionou o surgimento de um novo cliente: o consumidor 2.0. Este cliente é mais exigente, atento, bem informado e curioso. O consumidor 2.0 faz buscas na internet para consultar preços de produtos e serviços, e também para saber a opinião de outros consumidores.
Vale lembrar que, antes de dominar todas as técnicas de marketing digital, o profissional que entende o conceito marketing digital precisa ter capacidade de aprender. Este mercado é dinâmico e, de um dia para o outro, todo o conhecimento adquirido pode não ser tão importante. Uma nova mídia social pode surgir, uma plataforma inédita pode ser desenvolvida, algoritmos podem ser modificados, um aplicativo pode mudar tudo.
Agora que você já entendeu o conceito marketing digital, chegou a hora de saber quais são as mentiras mais contadas sobre o mercado:
É fácil ficar rico com marketing digital
Essa talvez seja a maior de todas as mentiras sobre o mercado do marketing digital. Se você pretende ganhar muito dinheiro em pouco tempo: esqueça. É verdade que este setor pode ser mais acessível que o marketing offline, o “tradicional”, mas isso não quer dizer que você vá ficar rico do dia para a noite.
Muitos profissionais caem em anúncios de cursos e workshops que prometem muito sucesso com marketing digital em pouco tempo, mas o que eles nãos sabem é que a maioria dessas propagandas está ali para enganá-los. Não existe fórmula mágica, apenas trabalho! Comprar cursos acreditando que se tornará um milionário após conclui-lo é um grande erro.
Muitas pessoas vivem exclusivamente do marketing digital hoje em dia, mas, como qualquer negócio, são etapas que precisam ser construídas até alcançar o sucesso. Com estudo e muito trabalho, é possível encontrar bons resultados no mercado do marketing digital. Porém, o profissional precisa saber que este é um trabalho como qualquer outro e demanda tempo de dedicação.

Adaptado de:
conceito-marketing-digital/. Acesso em: 05 abr. 2022. 
Assinale a alternativa que reescreve adequadamente o trecho em destaque na seguinte frase: “Com estudo e muito trabalho, é possível encontrar bons resultados no mercado do marketing digital.”.
1251: C
1252: D
1253: D
1254: E
1255: C