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Q2404757 História

Sobre os desdobramentos da Guerra da Tríplice Aliança contra o governo do Paraguai, ocorrida entre 1864 e 1870, também conhecida na memória e produção historiográfica no Brasil como Guerra do Paraguai, é correto afirmar que:

Q2404756 Inglês

Read text Il to answer questions 25 to 27.




The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Your Life


As a society, we've come a long way with the help of technology. But 'is it all rainbows and sunshine? Technology is around us everywhere, from simple devices like our smartphones, laptop, and TV to background tech that we don't even notice. Once we get the hang of using tech the right way, it can improve our lives and make our lives better. On the other hand, tech can also make our lives harder. Whether technology has a positive or negative effect on our lives, it all depends on how we use it. So, lets look at some of the positive and negative aspects of technology in our lives, shall we?


Positives of Technology in Our Lives


1. Technology Boosts Business Many new tech advancements and innovations are made by and for businesses. Why? Because companies are always looking to upgrade their products and services for profit. The purpose is to boost business and make the daily management of enterprises more systematic, structured, and successful.

2. Technology Makes Shopping Online Possible Advancements in tech have made it easier and cheaper for more people to access the internet. Currently, most people prefer to shop online without leaving the house because of its sheer convenience.

3. Technology Has Advanced Education One of the most downplayed areas of technology that has dramatically improved over the past few vears is education. A few examples include the availability of ontine courses, accessibility of web seminars, and unlimited online resources for research. Before tech, you'd have to physically go to class, attend a meeting or go to the library to do research. Now, education is easier for everyone, no matter where you live.

4. Technology Makes Everyday Life Better Tech has made an immensely positive impact on the daily lives of everyday people. Some positive examples include improvements in the transportation system and househola items.


Negatives of Technology in Our Lives


1. Technology Causes Health Problems Apart from creating unhealthy sleeping patterns, electronic devices can cause digital eye strain, poor posture, and increased inactivity, leading to health problems like obesity.

2. Technology Creates Job Insecurity Job loss and downsizing are two significant adverse effects of technology. Because of advances in the tech field such as Al integration, automating and accomplishing tasks have become easy.

3. Tech Products Lack Longevity Technology grows incredibly quickly, so the digital devices and gadgets that we use have a short lifespan and become outdated in a matter of months. These pieces of tech can be pushed aside by newer.

4. Technology Spawns Misinformation and Fake News The spread of misinformation and fake news online is nothing new. However, with all the developments that happen so frequently in technology, it has become harder to define what's true and what's not.


Adapted from: <https:/www>

“(...), it all depends on how we use it.”. What does the underlined word in the text refer to?

Q2404755 Enfermagem

Segundo Brunner e Suddarth (2014), assinale a opção que apresenta uma consideração de enfermagem na administração da terapia trombolítica.

Q2404754 Geografia

Leia o texto abaixo:

O clima de uma área nunca está associado a um único fator; ele é fruto de uma combinação de alguns fatores que interagem.

(SILVA, Edison Adão Candido da, JUNIOR, Laércio Furquim. Geografia em Rede, 1º ano, 1. ed.- São Paulo : FTD, 2013. pag 176)

Assinale a opção que apresenta corretamente os fatores determinantes do clima.

Q2404753 História

Leia o texto abaixo:

O termo técnico-científico apresenta a ideia de que a ciência está a serviço da técnica, com intenções voltadas para o mercado, de forma a promover a economia. Assim é o mercado que direciona o desenvolvimento da ciência e da técnica. Já o termo informacional não se resume apenas aos computadores, mas traz a ideia da informação como principal veículo de poder no mundo atual.

(SILVA, Edison Adão Candido da, JUNIOR, Laércio Furquim. Geografia em Rede, 1º ano. 1. ed.- São Paulo : FTD, 2073. pag 20)

Em relação à revolução técnica-científica, assinale a opção correta:

766: E
767: B
768: D
769: C
770: A