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I. Processo de inferência de dados objetivos e subjetivos da avaliação do paciente para a identificação de situações clínicas que podem ser modificadas por atividades de enfermagem. II. Guia sistematizado para a entrevista e exame físico do paciente com o objetivo de identificar problemas reais e potenciais do indivíduo. III. Registro realizado após a avaliação do estado geral, comportamento ou percepção do paciente com o objetivo de planejar a assistência a ser prestada e informar o resultado das atividades de enfermagem. IV. Conjunto de ações, cuidados ou atividades realizadas pela enfermagem, em determinada frequência de realização, de acordo com a necessidade do paciente.
As fases estão corretamente identificadas em:
I. Constitui uma equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar composta por categorias de profissionais da saúde, complementar às equipes que atuam na Atenção Básica, formada por diferentes ocupações (profissões e especialidades) da área da saúde. II. A definição das categorias profissionais cabe ao gestor federal, considerando o financiamento e o número de profissionais disponíveis em cada território. III. Compete à Equipe do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família e Atenção Básica (NASF ‐ AB) participar do planejamento conjunto com as equipes que atuam na Atenção Básica a que está vinculada.
IV. Compete à Equipe do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família e Atenção Básica (NASF ‐ AB) realizar discussão de casos, atendimento individual, compartilhado, interconsulta, construção conjunta de projetos terapêuticos, educação permanente e intervenções no território.
V. Os NASF‐AB se constituem como serviços com unidades físicas independentes ou especiais, mas não são de livre acesso para atendimento individual ou coletivo.
Estão corretas as diretrizes
Considere as seguintes afirmações relacionadas ao SUS:
Segundo o Art. 17, da Lei n. 8080, de 19 de setembro de 1990, à direção ESTADUAL do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) compete
I. promover a descentralização para os Municípios dos serviços e das ações de saúde;
II. acompanhar, controlar e avaliar as redes hierarquizadas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS);
III. prestar apoio técnico e financeiro aos Municípios e executar supletivamente ações e serviços de saúde;
IV. coordenar e, em caráter complementar, executar ações e serviços: vigilância epidemiológica, vigilância sanitária, vigilância da alimentação e nutrição e vigilância da saúde do trabalhador.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Esse texto refere‐se à definição de
I. não punitivo e confidencial; II. com capacidade de identificar o tipo de incidente e quem cometeu; III. independente e seus dados analisados por organizações; IV. baseado em dados georeferenciados; V. com respostas oportunas para os usuários e orientado para soluções dos problemas notificados.
Estão corretas as características indicadas em
Disponível em:>
Sobre a contaminação por mercúrio é correto afirmar que:
The history of Brazil's indigenous
peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery,
violence, diseases, and genocide.
When the first European colonists
arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was
inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians,
living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst
century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly
through diseases imported by the colonists,
such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the
following centuries, thousands more died,
enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane
By the 1950s the population has
dropped to such a low that the eminent senator
and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted
there would be none left by the year 1980. On
average, it is estimated that one tribe became
extinct every year over the last century.
In 1967, a federal prosecutor named
Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report
cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes
committed against the Indians, ranging from
murder to land theft to enslavement.
In one notorious case known as 'The
th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron
ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into
a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were
murdered when rubber workers entered the
village on foot and attacked them with
The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today.
The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law.
The history of Brazil's indigenous
peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery,
violence, diseases, and genocide.
When the first European colonists
arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was
inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians,
living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst
century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly
through diseases imported by the colonists,
such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the
following centuries, thousands more died,
enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane
By the 1950s the population has
dropped to such a low that the eminent senator
and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted
there would be none left by the year 1980. On
average, it is estimated that one tribe became
extinct every year over the last century.
In 1967, a federal prosecutor named
Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report
cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes
committed against the Indians, ranging from
murder to land theft to enslavement.
In one notorious case known as 'The
th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron
ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into
a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were
murdered when rubber workers entered the
village on foot and attacked them with
The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today.
The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law.
The history of Brazil's indigenous
peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery,
violence, diseases, and genocide.
When the first European colonists
arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was
inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians,
living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst
century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly
through diseases imported by the colonists,
such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the
following centuries, thousands more died,
enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane
By the 1950s the population has
dropped to such a low that the eminent senator
and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted
there would be none left by the year 1980. On
average, it is estimated that one tribe became
extinct every year over the last century.
In 1967, a federal prosecutor named
Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report
cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes
committed against the Indians, ranging from
murder to land theft to enslavement.
In one notorious case known as 'The
th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron
ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into
a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were
murdered when rubber workers entered the
village on foot and attacked them with
The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today.
The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law.
Com base na estrutura do limoneno é correto afirmar que: