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Q2341056 Direito Constitucional
A respeito dos direitos e garantias fundamentais, julgue o seguinte item, com base na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF) e na jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). 

É vedada a prestação de assistência religiosa nas entidades civis e militares de internação coletiva. 
Q2341050 Direito Constitucional
Em relação à disciplina atinente à prestação de serviços públicos, julgue o item seguinte, com base na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF) e na jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores.

Segundo a regência do texto constitucional, a prestação de serviços públicos deve ser realizada pelo poder público diretamente, ou indiretamente, e, neste último caso, desde que por meio de concessão ou autorização, sempre precedida de procedimento licitatório.

Q2341048 Direito Constitucional
Em relação à disciplina atinente à prestação de serviços públicos, julgue o item seguinte, com base na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF) e na jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores.

O serviço público referente à promoção de programas de construção de moradias é de competência exclusiva da União.
Q2341043 Inglês
Text 1A1-II

         Brazil’s first scientific expedition to the Arctic aims to explore the biodiversity of one of the planet’s coldest territories, learn more about its ecological importance and its role in global climate change, and contribute to its preservation. The Brazilian team of scientists from the University of Brasília and the Federal University of Minas Gerais has been in the Svalbard archipelago—a section of the Arctic Circle that belongs to Norway—since July 8.

             According to the expert, research in the region is crucial in monitoring relevant developments in Brazil as well as worldwide. “What happens here in the Arctic affects Brazil, so we should have the right to speak and vote, which is not happening.”

              Brazil is the only among the ten largest global economies without a voice on issues related to the region. Therefore, Brazil’s scientific presence in the Arctic—a region covering more than 16 million square kilometers—can prove significant for the inclusion of the nation as an observer member of the Arctic Council, the international cooperation body on environmental strategies for the territory. The country should also join the Svalbard Treaty, which not only recognizes Norway’s sovereignty over the archipelago, but also grants access to the area’s resources for signatory nations.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to text 1A1-II, judge the following item.

According to the text, the Arctic Circle today is a territory controlled by Norway.

Q2341042 Inglês
Text 1A1-II

         Brazil’s first scientific expedition to the Arctic aims to explore the biodiversity of one of the planet’s coldest territories, learn more about its ecological importance and its role in global climate change, and contribute to its preservation. The Brazilian team of scientists from the University of Brasília and the Federal University of Minas Gerais has been in the Svalbard archipelago—a section of the Arctic Circle that belongs to Norway—since July 8.

             According to the expert, research in the region is crucial in monitoring relevant developments in Brazil as well as worldwide. “What happens here in the Arctic affects Brazil, so we should have the right to speak and vote, which is not happening.”

              Brazil is the only among the ten largest global economies without a voice on issues related to the region. Therefore, Brazil’s scientific presence in the Arctic—a region covering more than 16 million square kilometers—can prove significant for the inclusion of the nation as an observer member of the Arctic Council, the international cooperation body on environmental strategies for the territory. The country should also join the Svalbard Treaty, which not only recognizes Norway’s sovereignty over the archipelago, but also grants access to the area’s resources for signatory nations.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to text 1A1-II, judge the following item.

The excerpt “without a voice on issues related to the region” (first sentence of the third paragraph), could be correctly replaced by “that lacks representation in matters pertaining to the region”, without changing its meaning.

201: E
202: E
203: E
204: E
205: C