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Q41817 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
farmers may take part in the emergency food program.
Q41816 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
at least three groups of people are the present target for food supply by the UN agency mentioned in the text.
Q41815 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
Josette Sheeran says that they have now succeeded in feeding the most deprived people.
Q41814 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
the World Food Program is attempting to help needy people who are spread over three continents.
Q41813 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
the World Food Program stated that billions of people all over the world are finding it hard to survive due to high prices.
Q41812 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
it is difficult to control the starvation the world is facing.
Q41811 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
a United Nations agency hit hard some needy people.
Q41810 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
The pronoun "them" (l.20) refers to "the human rights of their nationals and others" (l.19).
Q41809 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
Counter-terrorism can count on legal support to engage in torture.
Q41808 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
Not only terrorism but also anti-terrorism have used questionable methods to reach their goals.
Q41807 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
Security and protection of individuals can be considered basic human rights and essential duty of governments.
Q41806 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
Terrorism can bring about both individual and social costs.
Q41805 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
The sentence "Terrorism (...) has (...) devastating consequences for the enjoyment of the right to life" (l.8-10) means the same as Terrorism (...) has (...) a devastating impact on people's way of life.
Q41804 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
Twenty two people were killed in a terrorist assault in Baghdad.
Q41803 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
The United Nations is an international organisation universally respected for its role as a peace maker.
Q41802 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg
According to the text above, judge the following items.
There is no place whatsoever the world over where expenses with terrorism are not to be felt.
Q41801 Direito Administrativo
Julgue os próximos itens, referentes ao regime jurídico disciplinar
dos servidores públicos federais.
Qualquer pessoa da família de servidor falecido poderá, a qualquer tempo, requerer a revisão de decisão punitiva que tenha a ele sido aplicada, quando houver fatos novos ou circunstâncias suscetíveis de justificar a inocência ou a inadequação da penalidade aplicada.
Q41800 Direito Administrativo
Julgue os próximos itens, referentes ao regime jurídico disciplinar
dos servidores públicos federais.
Na fase do inquérito, a comissão de processo administrativo disciplinar promoverá a tomada de depoimentos, acareações, investigações e diligências cabíveis, sendo assegurados ao acusado o contraditório e a ampla defesa.
Q41799 Direito Administrativo
Julgue os próximos itens, referentes ao regime jurídico disciplinar
dos servidores públicos federais.
Após a abertura de processo administrativo disciplinar, é possível, como medida cautelar, o afastamento, pelo prazo de 60 dias, prorrogável pelo mesmo prazo, do servidor envolvido, sem prejuízo da sua remuneração, para que este não venha a influir na apuração da irregularidade.
Q41798 Direito Administrativo
Acerca do regime jurídico dos servidores públicos, julgue os itens
Será reconduzido ao cargo de origem o servidor cuja demissão tenha sido anulada por decisão judicial ou ato administrativo.
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