Questões de Concurso Comentadas por alunos sobre palavras conectivas | connective words em inglês

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Q2553913 Inglês
Choose the option that corresponds to the best sequence to complete the sentences below

I. Telma __________ with Paul when she ________ her father.
II. The man ________ when they ________ me.
III. Your sister ________ in Miami when you ___________ to that city.
IV. I _________ when the bell _________.  
Ano: 2023 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2023 - USP - Técnico Administrativo |
Q2532151 Inglês

We' ve been given no shortage of digital tools that should, in theory, help us work better, with more focus and efficiency, and connect us more easily with our colleagues. Instead, email, instant messaging, remote-meeting apps, work-flow and project-management software can feel like buckets with holes in the bottom, maddeningly inadequate to the task of keeping us from drowning in work. It' s clear that something in the great digital-workplace experiment has gone wrong. Or maybe it' s more accurate to say that it' s still too early to expect that we would have figured out how to make things go right. "We' re working now with new technologies that only emerged in the "90s," says Cal Newport, a Georgetown computer-science professor. "The idea that we immediately figured out the best way to use them is ahistorical. Of course we haven' t gotten it right yet."

  Disponível em (adaptado).

Observe o seguinte trecho do texto:

"Instead, email, instant messaging, remote-meeting apps, work-flow and project-management software can feel like buckets with holes in the bottom [...]".

O emprego do termo "instead", no contexto em que se encontra, indica que, no ambiente de trabalho, as ferramentas digitais

Q2511302 Inglês

Read the following sentences:

I- The library was supposed to open early today; however, due to unforeseen circumstances, it will remain closed.

II- She has been working hard to improve her fitness levels, yet she feels more exhausted than ever.

III- The project deadline was fast approaching; nevertheless, the team decided to start from scratch.  

The use of connectors is CORRECT in: 

Q2433573 Inglês

“Os conectivos (connectives, ou linking words), também conhecidos como palavras de transição (conjuctive adverbs / transitional adverbs), servem para estabelecer uma ligação entre conceitos, ideias ou palavras em uma mesma frase ou entre frases distintas. Estes termos são importantes para manter o que chamamos de coesão de um texto, isto é, quando as ideias transmitidas em frases e parágrafos estão interligadas e seguem uma lógica. É justamente por existir coesão em um texto que podemos dizer que ele ficou claro ou fácil de compreender.”

(Adaptado de: <>. Acesso em: 7 jun. 2023.)

Com base nas informações do texto, analise o diálogo a seguir:

Lisa: Why did you go to the store?

John: I went to the store so that could buy some beer.

Em relação ao conectivo “so that”, é CORRETO afirmar que:

Q2423529 Inglês

The sentence below can be classified as:

“If I get late, start the meeting without me.”

1: A
2: D
3: D
4: B
5: A