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Q674577 Inglês
Na expressão “awfully persuasive”, a palavra awfully pode ser substituída, sem alteração de significado, por:
Q644095 Inglês

What are the biggest Windows 10 problems Microsoft needs to fix?

by Edward Chester

03 July 2015

      Windows 10 is shaping up to be a good upgrade over both Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with the release date of 29 July mere weeks away, there are still some issues that need sorting.

      So, while there’s still just about time, here are some of the biggest Windows 10 problems that we’re hoping Microsoft will fix before the Windows 10 Technical Preview is closed and the final version is released to users.

      1. Tabs in File Explorer

      One of the longest-running requested features for a new Windows is simply to allow the File Explorer to have tabs. Just as web browsers can have multiple tabs open at the same time but all contained in a neat single-windowed view, we want the same thing for File Explorer.

      It seems like it should be a simple thing to add, but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, as it's already made considerable adjustments to File Explorer in Windows 10 without including this feature.

      2. Finish updating icons

      Windows 8 saw a new, more sharp-lined, high-contrast style brought to Windows, but it didn’t do a very good job of maintaining consistency throughout the OS, with many features still using the old style. Windows 10 has improved this, tweaking the majority of system icons and features to fit in with the new look. ...I... , the task still isn’t complete, and while it doesn’t make a huge difference to the day-to-day satisfaction of using your computer, it does speak to the apparent difference in philosophy between Apple and Microsoft.

      When the former overhauled the look of iOS, it did so in a much more complete manner than Microsoft has managed over two major iterations of Windows.

      3. Stability issues

      The most obvious issue that Microsoft needs to address is simply making sure it really does solve any further performance and stability issues in Windows 10. While our experience has largely been smooth, we've nonetheless had moments of the system completely falling over while doing nothing particularly challenging, and there are many other reports of instability.

      Microsoft certainly can’t be complacent when it comes to core stability. The company does need to ensure that what customers are buying at least works reliably out of the box.


                                               (Adapted from:

Um sinônimo para seemingly, conforme é usado em but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, é
Q642185 Inglês

Read the sentence and choose the alternative in which the underlined word does not have the same grammar function as the one in the sentence below.

“Labeling a food as ‘free’ of a certain nutrient, whether salt, sugar, or fat, means it has none, or a ‘physiologically inconsequential’ amount of that nutrient, according to the FDA.”

Available in: http://health.usnews.comnews

Q623477 Inglês
                                              Text 1

                                  Welcome to the Drone Age

      THE scale and scope of the revolution in the use of small, civilian drones has caught many by surprise. In 2010 America's Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) estimated that there would, by 2020, be perhaps 15,000 such drones in the country. More than that number are now sold there every month. And it is not just an American craze. Some analysts think the number of drones made and sold around the world this year will exceed 1 million. In their view, what is now happening to drones is similar to what happened to personal computers in the 1980s, when Apple launched the Macintosh and IBM the PS/2, and such machines went from being hobbyists' toys to business essentials.

      That is probably an exaggeration. It is hard to think of a business which could not benefit from a PC, whereas many may not benefit (at least directly) from drones. But the practical use of these small, remote-controlled aircraft is expanding rapidly. These involve areas as diverse as agriculture, landsurveying, film-making, security, and delivering goods. Other roles for drones are more questionable. Their use to smuggle drugs and phones into prisons is growing. Instances have been reported in America, Australia, Brazil, Britain and Canada, to name but a few places. In Britain the police have also caught criminals using drones to scout houses to burgle. The crash of a drone on to the White House lawn in January highlighted the risk that they might be used for acts of terrorism. And in June a video emerged of a graffito artist using a drone equipped with an aerosol spray to deface one of New York's most prominent billboards.

      How all this activity will be regulated and policed is, as the FAA's own flat-footed response has shown, not yet being properly addressed. There are implications for safety (being hit by an out-of-control drone weighing several kilograms would be no joke); for privacy, from both the state and nosy neighbours; and for sheer nuisance—for drones can be noisy. But the new machines are so cheap, so useful and have so much unpredictable potential that the best approach to regulation may simply be to let a thousand flyers zoom.

                                              [Source: The Economist September 26th 2015- adapted]
The word “whereas" in Paragraph 2 line 2 could best be replaced by
Q622680 Inglês
Read text 2 and answer questions 25-30.

Text 2

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place. 

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to preowned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation. 

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing. 

Source: [slightly adapted

The word 'seamlessly' in #2 line 3 means
341: A
342: D
343: C
344: D
345: A