Questões da Prova CESPE - 2004 - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata

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Q27878 Inglês
Imagem 017.jpg
Still in relation to text I, judge the following items.
The substitution of the phras e " slew of" (L.9) and the verb " boost" (L.19) by mess of and soar respectively would keep the same semantic and syntactic relations as those presented in the text
Q27877 Inglês
Imagem 017.jpg
Still in relation to text I, judge the following items.
The expression " fret that su ch cases are the tip of a large iceberg" (l.13-14) means t h at many other similar cases have been found.
Q27876 Inglês
Imagem 016.jpg
Judge if each it em below presents a correct rewriting of the
information contained in lines 6 to 12 of text I.
In the latest revelation, Dick Thornburgh, the man in charge of evaluating the failure of Wo rld-Com, issued hearsay evidence stating that, not only many other crooked dealings are to be attributed to broken telecoms company , but that it also deprived the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS) of great sums of dollars us i n g a tax device invented by KPMG, its auditor.
Q27875 Inglês
Imagem 016.jpg
Judge if each it em below presents a correct rewriting of the
information contained in lines 6 to 12 of text I.
In the last revelation on January 26th, Dick Thornburgh, the man accredited to look into the breach of World-Com, reported that, as wel l as a slew of other false dealings for wh i ch the undermined telecoms companies are to be criticised, it als o defrauded the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) o f h eaps of dollars through a tax cover created by KPMG, its accountant.
Q27874 Inglês
Imagem 016.jpg
Judge if each it em below presents a correct rewriting of the
information contained in lines 6 to 12 of text I.
In the latest revelation on 26th January, Dick Thornburgh, t h e man nominated to examine the fall of World-Co m, delivered a report saying that, as well as a lot of other dishones t transactions of which the insolvent telecoms company is blameworthy, it also swindled the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) out of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes by means of a t ax s h elter dishonestly invented by KPMG, its auditor.
111: E
112: E
113: E
114: E
115: C