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Q2188393 Direito Constitucional
Considerando as regras constitucionais de organização do Estado, a Constituição estabelece: 
Q2188391 Direito Constitucional
Nos termos da Constituição Federal, são considerados princípios que regem as relações entre o Brasil e países estrangeiros a 
Q2188390 Direito Constitucional
JR é um cidadão britânico que se naturalizou brasileiro em 2019. De acordo com as regras da Constituição Federal, JR
Q2188389 Inglês
FDA clears first diagnostic radiology app, Mobile MIM
By Brian Dolan
February 04, 2011

    Mobile MIM was one of the very first medical applications to debut in Apple's AppStore when it first launched in 2008, but the application also has the distinction of being the first medical application pulled from the store because of regulatory concerns. Today those concerns are over: The US Food and Drug Administration has officially granted the mobile radiology application a 510(k) clearance.
     “The application is the first cleared by the FDA for viewing images and making medical diagnoses based on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine technology, such as positron emission tomography (PET)," the FDA stated in a press release this morning. "It is not intended to replace full workstations and is indicated for use only when there is no access to a workstation.”
    MIM's experience is one of the few public accounts of the nuances of FDA regulation of mobile health services. The clearance some two and a half years later of an app that originally launched with Apple's AppStore is surely a milestone for mobile health.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, o Mobile MIM
Q2188388 Inglês
FDA clears first diagnostic radiology app, Mobile MIM
By Brian Dolan
February 04, 2011

    Mobile MIM was one of the very first medical applications to debut in Apple's AppStore when it first launched in 2008, but the application also has the distinction of being the first medical application pulled from the store because of regulatory concerns. Today those concerns are over: The US Food and Drug Administration has officially granted the mobile radiology application a 510(k) clearance.
     “The application is the first cleared by the FDA for viewing images and making medical diagnoses based on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine technology, such as positron emission tomography (PET)," the FDA stated in a press release this morning. "It is not intended to replace full workstations and is indicated for use only when there is no access to a workstation.”
    MIM's experience is one of the few public accounts of the nuances of FDA regulation of mobile health services. The clearance some two and a half years later of an app that originally launched with Apple's AppStore is surely a milestone for mobile health.

(Adapted from
No trecho “Today those concerns are over” (1º parágrafo), ‘are over’ pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
1176: B
1177: D
1178: A
1179: C
1180: A