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Q644114 Arquitetura de Software
Um Analista precisa construir uma aplicação que possui uma função da qual se conhece somente o algoritmo de execução, sendo que o trabalho de codificação para realização da operação desta função tem que ser postergado. Ele optou pelo uso do padrão de projeto comportamental
Q644113 Banco de Dados
No Oracle 11g há uma instrução que permite atualizar, inserir ou remover linhas condicionalmente em uma tabela, evitando o uso de várias instruções DML. Esta instrução é especialmente útil nas aplicações em ambientes de Data Warehouse, nas quais é preciso trabalhar com dados provenientes de várias origens. Trata-se da instrução
Q644112 Banco de Dados
Para conceder, a todos os usuários de um banco de dados PostgreSQL, o privilégio de inserção na tabela Clientes utiliza-se a instrução
Q644111 Banco de Dados
Uma tabela de um banco de dados Oracle chamada funcionarios possui os campos id, nome e salario. Um Analista deseja realizar uma consulta nesta tabela, que exiba o id, o nome dos funcionários, o salário e o salário acrescido de 12,5%. O salário com o acréscimo deverá ser mostrado como um número inteiro e a coluna deverá ser nomeada Salário Reajustado. A instrução SQL que deverá ser digitada pelo Analista é
Q644110 Banco de Dados
Em uma empresa, um servidor Oracle 11g apresentou um problema e o disco no qual se localizavam os arquivos do banco de dados foi danificado e perderam-se todos os arquivos (control files, datafiles, online redo log files etc.), porém, o disco no qual estava a flash recovery area ficou intacto. Neste caso,
Q644109 Banco de Dados
Utilizando instruções da PL/SQL, no Oracle 11g, é possível conceder ou remover privilégios de objeto a outros usuários. É correto afirmar:
Q644108 Segurança da Informação
Um Analista sugeriu corretamente instalar, como mecanismo de segurança da informação, um
Q644107 Segurança da Informação
Um atacante introduziu um dispositivo em uma rede para induzir usuários a se conectarem a este dispositivo, ao invés do dispositivo legítimo, e conseguiu capturar senhas de acesso e diversas informações que por ele trafegaram. A rede sofreu um ataque de
Q644106 Segurança da Informação
Ao participar da elaboração do Plano de Continuidade de Negócios − PCN, um Analista afirmou corretamente que o PCN
Q644105 Segurança da Informação
A etapa de análise de riscos, no processo de Gestão de Riscos, pode ser realizada de forma quantitativa ou qualitativa. Após a categorização dos riscos, deve-se decidir pelo tratamento e recursos a alocar. Uma das opções disponíveis para tratamento do risco é
Q644104 Governança de TI
Dentre as categorias de controles gerais que devem ser consideradas em um processo de auditoria de sistemas estão os controles de
Q644103 Redes de Computadores
A partir de um endereço IP de uma rede classe C com máscara podem ser criadas até 8 sub-redes com até 30 hosts utilizáveis cada. Na segunda sub-rede, o endereço de rede e de broadcast serão, respectivamente,
Q644102 Redes de Computadores
As implementações FibreChannel SAN utilizam cabos de fibra ótica que podem ser multimode e single‐mode. Os cabos single‐mode
Q644101 Redes de Computadores
O LDAP define, dentre outras, a forma como um cliente de diretório pode acessar um servidor de diretório. O LDAP pode ser usado
Q644100 Sistemas Operacionais

Em um computador que utiliza o Sistema Operacional Linux, um Analista digitou um comando e foram mostrados os dados abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O comando digitado foi

Q644099 Arquitetura de Computadores
Em um computador cujo barramento de endereço possui 30 linhas, a capacidade de armazenamento da memória RAM será de, no máximo,
Q644098 Inglês

What are the biggest Windows 10 problems Microsoft needs to fix?

by Edward Chester

03 July 2015

      Windows 10 is shaping up to be a good upgrade over both Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with the release date of 29 July mere weeks away, there are still some issues that need sorting.

      So, while there’s still just about time, here are some of the biggest Windows 10 problems that we’re hoping Microsoft will fix before the Windows 10 Technical Preview is closed and the final version is released to users.

      1. Tabs in File Explorer

      One of the longest-running requested features for a new Windows is simply to allow the File Explorer to have tabs. Just as web browsers can have multiple tabs open at the same time but all contained in a neat single-windowed view, we want the same thing for File Explorer.

      It seems like it should be a simple thing to add, but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, as it's already made considerable adjustments to File Explorer in Windows 10 without including this feature.

      2. Finish updating icons

      Windows 8 saw a new, more sharp-lined, high-contrast style brought to Windows, but it didn’t do a very good job of maintaining consistency throughout the OS, with many features still using the old style. Windows 10 has improved this, tweaking the majority of system icons and features to fit in with the new look. ...I... , the task still isn’t complete, and while it doesn’t make a huge difference to the day-to-day satisfaction of using your computer, it does speak to the apparent difference in philosophy between Apple and Microsoft.

      When the former overhauled the look of iOS, it did so in a much more complete manner than Microsoft has managed over two major iterations of Windows.

      3. Stability issues

      The most obvious issue that Microsoft needs to address is simply making sure it really does solve any further performance and stability issues in Windows 10. While our experience has largely been smooth, we've nonetheless had moments of the system completely falling over while doing nothing particularly challenging, and there are many other reports of instability.

      Microsoft certainly can’t be complacent when it comes to core stability. The company does need to ensure that what customers are buying at least works reliably out of the box.


                                               (Adapted from:

De acordo com o texto,
Q644097 Inglês

What are the biggest Windows 10 problems Microsoft needs to fix?

by Edward Chester

03 July 2015

      Windows 10 is shaping up to be a good upgrade over both Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with the release date of 29 July mere weeks away, there are still some issues that need sorting.

      So, while there’s still just about time, here are some of the biggest Windows 10 problems that we’re hoping Microsoft will fix before the Windows 10 Technical Preview is closed and the final version is released to users.

      1. Tabs in File Explorer

      One of the longest-running requested features for a new Windows is simply to allow the File Explorer to have tabs. Just as web browsers can have multiple tabs open at the same time but all contained in a neat single-windowed view, we want the same thing for File Explorer.

      It seems like it should be a simple thing to add, but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, as it's already made considerable adjustments to File Explorer in Windows 10 without including this feature.

      2. Finish updating icons

      Windows 8 saw a new, more sharp-lined, high-contrast style brought to Windows, but it didn’t do a very good job of maintaining consistency throughout the OS, with many features still using the old style. Windows 10 has improved this, tweaking the majority of system icons and features to fit in with the new look. ...I... , the task still isn’t complete, and while it doesn’t make a huge difference to the day-to-day satisfaction of using your computer, it does speak to the apparent difference in philosophy between Apple and Microsoft.

      When the former overhauled the look of iOS, it did so in a much more complete manner than Microsoft has managed over two major iterations of Windows.

      3. Stability issues

      The most obvious issue that Microsoft needs to address is simply making sure it really does solve any further performance and stability issues in Windows 10. While our experience has largely been smooth, we've nonetheless had moments of the system completely falling over while doing nothing particularly challenging, and there are many other reports of instability.

      Microsoft certainly can’t be complacent when it comes to core stability. The company does need to ensure that what customers are buying at least works reliably out of the box.


                                               (Adapted from:

Segundo o texto,
Q644096 Inglês

What are the biggest Windows 10 problems Microsoft needs to fix?

by Edward Chester

03 July 2015

      Windows 10 is shaping up to be a good upgrade over both Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with the release date of 29 July mere weeks away, there are still some issues that need sorting.

      So, while there’s still just about time, here are some of the biggest Windows 10 problems that we’re hoping Microsoft will fix before the Windows 10 Technical Preview is closed and the final version is released to users.

      1. Tabs in File Explorer

      One of the longest-running requested features for a new Windows is simply to allow the File Explorer to have tabs. Just as web browsers can have multiple tabs open at the same time but all contained in a neat single-windowed view, we want the same thing for File Explorer.

      It seems like it should be a simple thing to add, but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, as it's already made considerable adjustments to File Explorer in Windows 10 without including this feature.

      2. Finish updating icons

      Windows 8 saw a new, more sharp-lined, high-contrast style brought to Windows, but it didn’t do a very good job of maintaining consistency throughout the OS, with many features still using the old style. Windows 10 has improved this, tweaking the majority of system icons and features to fit in with the new look. ...I... , the task still isn’t complete, and while it doesn’t make a huge difference to the day-to-day satisfaction of using your computer, it does speak to the apparent difference in philosophy between Apple and Microsoft.

      When the former overhauled the look of iOS, it did so in a much more complete manner than Microsoft has managed over two major iterations of Windows.

      3. Stability issues

      The most obvious issue that Microsoft needs to address is simply making sure it really does solve any further performance and stability issues in Windows 10. While our experience has largely been smooth, we've nonetheless had moments of the system completely falling over while doing nothing particularly challenging, and there are many other reports of instability.

      Microsoft certainly can’t be complacent when it comes to core stability. The company does need to ensure that what customers are buying at least works reliably out of the box.


                                               (Adapted from:

O autor do texto
Q644095 Inglês

What are the biggest Windows 10 problems Microsoft needs to fix?

by Edward Chester

03 July 2015

      Windows 10 is shaping up to be a good upgrade over both Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with the release date of 29 July mere weeks away, there are still some issues that need sorting.

      So, while there’s still just about time, here are some of the biggest Windows 10 problems that we’re hoping Microsoft will fix before the Windows 10 Technical Preview is closed and the final version is released to users.

      1. Tabs in File Explorer

      One of the longest-running requested features for a new Windows is simply to allow the File Explorer to have tabs. Just as web browsers can have multiple tabs open at the same time but all contained in a neat single-windowed view, we want the same thing for File Explorer.

      It seems like it should be a simple thing to add, but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, as it's already made considerable adjustments to File Explorer in Windows 10 without including this feature.

      2. Finish updating icons

      Windows 8 saw a new, more sharp-lined, high-contrast style brought to Windows, but it didn’t do a very good job of maintaining consistency throughout the OS, with many features still using the old style. Windows 10 has improved this, tweaking the majority of system icons and features to fit in with the new look. ...I... , the task still isn’t complete, and while it doesn’t make a huge difference to the day-to-day satisfaction of using your computer, it does speak to the apparent difference in philosophy between Apple and Microsoft.

      When the former overhauled the look of iOS, it did so in a much more complete manner than Microsoft has managed over two major iterations of Windows.

      3. Stability issues

      The most obvious issue that Microsoft needs to address is simply making sure it really does solve any further performance and stability issues in Windows 10. While our experience has largely been smooth, we've nonetheless had moments of the system completely falling over while doing nothing particularly challenging, and there are many other reports of instability.

      Microsoft certainly can’t be complacent when it comes to core stability. The company does need to ensure that what customers are buying at least works reliably out of the box.


                                               (Adapted from:

Um sinônimo para seemingly, conforme é usado em but seemingly Microsoft is against the idea, é
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