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Q2254577 Matemática
Seja X o menor número positivo que multiplicado por 7 resulta em um número cujos algarismos são todos iguais a 5. O número X 
Q2254461 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto,
Q2254460 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
 Dentre as alternativas abaixo, qual delas NÃO representa o sentido com que entitlement em entitlement spending é usado no texto?
Q2254459 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
A partir de are concerned that the effort may go too far, depreende-se que esses políticos estão
Q2254458 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
No 3o parágrafo, nearly pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Q2254457 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto,
Q2254456 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
No texto, long-sought goal (2o parágrafo) significa 
Q2254455 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
O projeto de lei de que trata o texto 
Q2254454 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
Na questão, a palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é
Q2254453 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
Na questão, a palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é
Q2254452 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
Na questão, a palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é
Q2254451 Inglês
Analise as seguintes afirmações:
I. Num lemons market sempre se concretizam transações, até mesmo quando os compradores estejam dispostos a pagar, por um bem de boa qualidade, um preço superior àquele que os vendedores estejam dispostos a negociá-lo.
II. O fato do mercado de arte ter proporções reduzidas pode ser explicado, entre outras razões, pelo risco que consumidores comuns correm de adquirir uma obra falsa pelo preço de uma verdadeira.
III. A existência de franquias elevadas para seguros de automóveis é justificada pelo fato de as seguradores não poderem verificar individualmente o cuidado que os segurados tomam com seus veículos.
IV. A garantia oferecida pelas concessionárias de automóveis, ao comercializarem carros usados, bem como sua reputação no mercado, são sinais utilizados para demonstrar que esses produtos têm qualidade acima da média esperada pelo comprador.
V. A relação agente-principal é aquela em que uma pessoa (agente) atua como preposto de outra (principal), recebendo para isso uma remuneração; esse tipo de relação é ilustrativa do moral hazard, já que nem sempre o principal consegue monitorar integralmente o comportamento dos agentes.
É INCORRETO o que consta APENAS em
Q2254450 Economia
Em relação a jogos não cooperativos e não seqüenciais, é correto afirmar que:
Q2254449 Economia
As preferências de um consumidor que adquire apenas dois bens são representadas pela função utilidade U (x, y) = x2/3 y1/3. Caso a renda do consumidor seja 300, o y preço do bem X seja 5 e o do bem Y igual a 10, no equilíbrio do consumidor,
Q2254448 Economia
Num mercado de concorrência perfeita, há 200 empresas produzindo o mesmo bem com a mesma função de custo total (CT):
CT 40 + 20q + 5q2
onde q é a quantidade produzida por cada empresa.
A curva de demanda de mercado para o bem em questão é dada pela seguinte função:
P = 40 - 1/60 Q
P = preço de mercado Q = quantidade demandada no mercado
O preço de equilíbrio nesse mercado será:
Q2254447 Economia
A teoria dos ciclos econômicos reais pretende que as flutuações econômicas de curto prazo devam ser explicadas assumindo que os preços da economia sejam totalmente flexíveis, ao contrário da teoria keynesiana, que os considera rígidos no curto prazo. Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre essa teoria:
I. A quantidade ofertada de mão-de-obra depende positivamente dos incentivos econômicos oferecidos ao trabalhador.
II. Se os salários dos trabalhadores estiverem altos e ou a taxa de juros for elevada, os trabalhadores preferirão trabalhar menos e a economia entrará em recessão.
III. A aprovação de uma legislação ambiental muito restritiva ou o aumento do preço internacional do petróleo não são fatores que podem induzir a economia à recessão.
IV. A oferta de moeda é endógena e a expansão dela em função do crescimento da atividade econômica pode dar a ilusão de que a moeda não é neutra, embora ela o seja de fato.
É correto o que consta APENAS em
Q2254446 Economia
A função de produção de uma economia é:
y = k1/2 onde: y = produto por trabalhador k = estoque de capital por trabalhador
Sabe-se também que:
s = taxa de poupança 20% n = taxa anual de crescimento populacional 1% δ = taxa de depreciação anual 4%
No estado estacionário (steady state) dessa economia, o
Q2254445 Economia
No modelo de Mundell–Fleming para uma pequena economia aberta com perfeita mobilidade de capitais e taxas de câmbio flexíveis, onde se observa a existência de desemprego no curto prazo, uma política de expansão da oferta de moeda praticada pelo Banco Central terá como uma de suas conseqüências
Q2254444 Economia
A concepção ricardiana da dívida pública está baseada na hipótese de que o consumo não depende apenas da renda corrente, mas sim da renda permanente, que inclui tanto a renda presente quanto a futura. Em relação a esse modelo, é correto afirmar que:
Q2254443 Economia
Numa determinada economia, os encaixes totais mantidos pelo sistema bancário representam 4/10 do total de seus depósitos à vista em conta corrente. Se a população desse país mantiver 1/5 dos meios de pagamentos na forma de moeda manual, um aumento de 1.000 na base monetária acarretará um acréscimo, nos meios de pagamento, de
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