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1. DCL ( ) truncate.
2. DDL ( ) lock table.
3. DML ( ) grant.
4. TCL ( ) rollback.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a numeração correta da coluna da direita, de cima para baixo.
• A ϵ X; isto é, é uma DF trivial, ou
• X é uma superchave, ou
• A é parte de alguma chave para R.
Se, para toda a DF X → A em F, uma dessas afirmações for válida, a forma normal de R será:
( ) O nome deve começar com uma letra.
( ) O nome não pode exceder a 64 caracteres.
( ) $ As declara uma variável.
( ) Strings devem estar entre aspas simples.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
1. Variáveis de Sessão têm visibilidade pública para todas as rotinas da aplicação.
2. Variáveis declaradas fora de uma procedure podem ser acessadas e alteradas por qualquer script no arquivo ASP.
3. Variáveis de aplicação armazenam informações sobre todos os usuários de uma aplicação específica.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
1. Enquanto está sendo executada a de Minor Garbage Collection (Coleta de Lixo Menor), todas as threads da aplicação são paralisadas.
2. O evento denominado Major Garbage Collection (Coleta de Lixo Maior) é responsável pela coleta de objetos localizados na Velha Geração (Old Generation).
3. A Geração Permanente está incluída em uma Full Garbage Collection (Coleta de Lixo Completa).
Assinale a alternativa correta
How open source has changed the hardware environment
While open source software is a relatively well-known concept by comparisons, the idea of open source hardware isn’t quite as publicized. In fact, few people are aware that there are quite a few organizations offering open source hardware, which meansthey have made all information pertaining to their products freely available, including designs and schematics, bill of materials information, and printed circuit board layout data. Generally, open source software is used in the original design, which provides evenmore benefits.
The driving ideology behind open source hardware is that anyone should have the freedom to:
• Use the device for any purpose.
• Study how it works and make any changes.
• Redistribute the design of the device and the device itself.
• Enhance the design as well as the device and make those improvements freely available to the public so all can benefit.
How open source has changed the hardware environment
While open source software is a relatively well-known concept by comparisons, the idea of open source hardware isn’t quite as publicized. In fact, few people are aware that there are quite a few organizations offering open source hardware, which meansthey have made all information pertaining to their products freely available, including designs and schematics, bill of materials information, and printed circuit board layout data. Generally, open source software is used in the original design, which provides evenmore benefits.
The driving ideology behind open source hardware is that anyone should have the freedom to:
• Use the device for any purpose.
• Study how it works and make any changes.
• Redistribute the design of the device and the device itself.
• Enhance the design as well as the device and make those improvements freely available to the public so all can benefit.