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Q3206378 Inglês
In any language teaching, materials play a pivotal role in shaping the instruction. Concerning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) materials, according to Widodo (2016), mark T for True statements and F for False ones.

( ) Authenticity in ESP materials involves various factors, such as real-life users or participants, communicative and social purposes, settings, and social practices.
( ) For ESP students with low proficiency, authentic materials can be adapted based on the language and content they aim to learn. Learners can engage with shorter texts, easier vocabulary, and simpler sentence structures.
( ) To design ESP materials, teachers should include texts from different and varied vocational domains, so that students will become familiar with how to understand and produce texts in as many professional areas as possible.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to botton, is 
Q3206377 Inglês
Studies on Needs Analysis have been conducted to investigate the needs of various learner groups in academic, professional, occupational, and survival contexts. In terms of teaching, needs analysis serves several distinct functions.
Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Needs Analysis?
Q3206376 Inglês
Understanding coherence is crucial for students to produce coherent texts. Yin Cheung (In: RENANDYA & WIDODO, 2016) points out that teachers should guide students in grasping coherence, from the narrow view of sentence connection to the broader idea of linking ideas at the discourse level to create meaning for readers. About two common features of coherence, read the text that follows:

__________________ help establish relationships between different sentences, with examples including pronouns, conjunctions, repetition, superordinates and hyponyms (like animals/cats), as well as synonyms and antonyms. Another tool for enhancing coherence in writing is ________________, which help readers structure, interpret, and assess information. Examples include logical connectives (e.g., therefore, but), sequencers (e.g., firstly, finally), certainty markers (e.g., certainly), among others.

The noun phrases that correctly fills in the text, from left to right, is
Q3206375 Inglês
According to Lawrence Zhang (In: RENANDYA & WIDODO, 2016), three key factors influence the success of reading: (1) the features of the text, (2) the traits of the reader, and (3) the social context. This applies to both first and second language contexts. With this information in mind, mark T for True statements and F for False ones.

( ) Text characteristic is an important variable which affects the reading process. Narrative and expository texts, for example, have very similar organizational structures and linguistic features.
( ) Different readers engage with the same text in varied ways due to their unique individual traits. Given these diverse factors, teachers should consider such differences when creating lesson plans for reading activities.
( ) Readers interpret meaning based on their cultural models and knowledge. While these sociocultural frameworks can enhance understanding if used effectively, they may also hinder comprehension if they distort the process.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is 
Q3206374 Inglês
Lawrence Zhang (In: RENANDYA & WIDODO, 2016) examines the process of reading. Considering it, mark T for True statements and F for False ones.

( ) Top-down processing refers to understanding a text or information by starting with smaller components, such as letters, words, and sounds, and building up to a broader understanding of the meaning.
( ) Bottom-up processing involves using prior knowledge, context, and expectations to make sense of the information.
( ) Critical reading involves actively engaging with a text or media in a way that goes beyond surface-level understanding. This process involves looking for implied meanings, questioning the purpose of the author, and assessing the credibility of the arguments.
( ) The concept of reading and literacy now includes digital forms, where understanding the internet and intertextuality is crucial. Digital texts often link to additional meanings on other websites and feature multimedia elements like sounds, images, and videos.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is 
Q3206373 Inglês
Christine Goh (In: RENANDYA & WIDODO, 2016) examines three strategies that can improve the speaking abilities of L2 learners. Make the correct association between numbers and letters, relating the type of strategy and its exemplification.

1. Pre-task Planning 2. Task Repetition 3. Metacognition Enhancement

A. Teachers need to offer support and direction, both in terms of content and language, to assist learners in successfully completing a speaking task.
B. Teachers should promote self-assessment, encouraging learners to evaluate their own speaking performance and the effectiveness of the tasks.
C. Teachers should inspire learners by having them do the task in its original format again with different speaking partners.

What is the correct association between numbers and letters?
Q3206372 Inglês
According to Christine Goh (In: RENANDYA & WIDODO, 2016), speaking activities that foster real communication among learners can be divided into three broad categories: communication-gap tasks, discussion tasks, and monologic tasks. With this idea in mind, read the following statements:

I. Communication-gap tasks can take various forms, often involving missing information or details that one student must describe, narrate, or explain to their partner.
II. In discussion tasks, learners are expected to present their ideas individually to either one listener or an audience of listeners. Students may also speak extensively on a topic without interruptions.
III. Monologic tasks are interactive activities in which learners exchange ideas, opinions, or information on a particular topic, typically in a pair setting. When a consensus is required, students should also negotiate with one another.
IV. Monologic tasks may be done in small groups, but presenting them to the entire class is preferable, as it lowers speaker anxiety and allows peers to ask questions and offer feedback in a more spontaneous manner.

The INCORRECT affirmatives are only 
Q3206371 Inglês
Regarding the teaching of foreign languages in the era of cyberculture, Leffa (2016) presents four challenges for teachers. Make the correct association between numbers and letters, relating the type of challenge and its meaning.

1. Generation of knowledge 2. Encouragement of collective intelligence 3. Development of planetary consciousness 4. Re-literacy

A. The challenge for the teacher is to find the balance between preserving our individuality and accepting the diversity of others.
B. The teacher must have a good level of proficiency in not only the mediation processes through which access to knowledge is given, but also the social practice implicit in this knowledge.
C. Society needs new knowledge to face the countless challenges of everyday life and the teacher is the professional who, par excellence, is able to meet this need.
D. There are cross-cutting themes and tasks that can only be performed by bringing together the knowledge of different people and areas of knowledge.

What is the correct association between numbers and letters?
Q3206370 Inglês
According to Leffa (2016), there are different strategies to increase both the student's cognitive and affective investment in intentional vocabulary learning in L2. With this in mind, mark T for True statements and F for False ones.

( ) Students should learn new words within a meaningful context. The subjects in the student's curriculum can represent the ideal context for lexical development, making learning more authentic and communicative.
( ) There are words that are more frequent and others that will rarely be encountered by students. Considering the ease with which the most frequent terms can be identified, priority should be given to teaching and analyzing less frequent words.
( ) Regarding retention strategies, the most pertinent proposals involve a conscious effort to retain both the form and content of the word.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is
Q3206369 Inglês
Leffa (2016) proposes analyzing the lexical development process through three dimensions, namely quantity, depth and productivity.
Regarding these three dimensions, associate the items, using the following code:

I. Quantity II. Depth III. Productivity

( ) Considers the evolution that goes from superficial knowledge to complex knowledge of the word.
( ) Considers lexical development along a continuum of words known by the learner.
( ) Considers the ability to establish paradigmatic, syntagmatic and collocational relationships.
( ) Considers the opposition between receptive knowledge and active knowledge of the lexicon.

The correct association, from top to bottom, is 
Q3206368 Inglês
According to Leffa and Guimarães and Silva (In: SILVA & DIAS, 2020), the teaching of English in Integrated High School with Technical Education in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology has its own particularities.
Select the statement that best elucidates its objective:
Q3206367 Inglês
According to Alves (et al., 2020), considering teaching pronunciation in English as a Foreign Language class, mark T for True statements and F for False ones.

( ) Learners have more difficulty learning sounds that are phonetically closer, because they tend not to perceive them as different.
( ) The goal of learning pronunciation is to teach learners to speak like native speakers.
( ) It is important to highlight specific differences in the vowel systems of the native language and the target language in order to avoid intelligibility problems in communication.
( ) Students need resources to be able to understand speakers with different profiles, as well as to make their speech more intelligible.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is
Q3206366 Inglês
The vowel system, the consonant system, and the syllabic and accentual patterns of the English language present differences and similarities in relation to those of the Portuguese language (ALVES et al., 2020). With this in mind, mark T for True statements and F for False ones.

( ) There are more vowels in the Portuguese language compared to the English language.
( ) Regarding the consonants of the English language, there is phonetic variability depending on the syllabic position occupied by such segments within the word.
( ) The stress is distinctive in both English and Portuguese. In both languages, it can be used to differentiate verbs from nouns, for example.
( ) In the English language, words can be stressed on any syllable, unlike Portuguese, where words are stressed on one of the last three syllables.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is 
Q3206365 Inglês
It requires meaningful interaction in the target language, natural communication in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding. Error correction and explicit teaching of rules are not relevant to it, but caretakers and native speakers can modify their utterances addressed to acquirers to help them understand, and these modifications are thought to help the process (KRASHEN, 1981).
Which process is Krashen (1981) stating about? 
Q3206364 Inglês
The agenda in language acquisition studies was set by Noam Chomsky’s assertion (1965) that language is an innately acquired faculty. Chomsky’s arguments were based upon aspects of acquisition which are difficult to account for unless genetic transmission gives the child a head start.
The correct sequence of True and False statements, according to Chomsky’s considerations on language acquisition, from top to bottom, include:

( ) the short period of time within which a child achieves grammatical competence.
( ) the lack of correction or explicit teaching by adults.
( ) the ‘poverty of the stimulus’ available to the child in the form of natural speech with its hesitations, false starts and syntactic errors.
( ) the fact that not all normally developing children acquire full competence, regardless of differences in their intellectual capacity. 
Q3206363 Inglês
Saussure, considered the “father” of Applied linguistics, establishes, in the beginning of the XIX century, four pairs of linguistic concepts, which he calls dichotomies.
The option that names his four dichotomies is
Q3206362 Inglês
Speech is a complex system and not a complicated system. In fact, this system is organized in the service, not of meaningless bits of sound, but meaningful words and phrases, intended for symbolic communication between embodied, socially situated agents. This view is compatible with current thinking across a range of ________________of language.
The group of words that best completes the blank is
Q3206361 Inglês
Compared to young learners, adult learners have several advantages and a few disadvantages. Read the following characteristics (numbers) and explanations (letters):

1. Cognitively mature 2. Self directing 3. Focused on career paths 4. Psychologically vulnerable

A. Many go to school even though they may feel embarrassed.
B. This is based on the life and school experiences which help them understand the context and rules of language learning.
C. Learn best when learning something that has clear importance for future financial goals.
D. Adult learners need to select their own literacy goals to maintain interest and motivation.

Which is the correct association between numbers and letters?

Q3206360 Inglês
Using literature as content in ESL/EFL classes has a variety of benefits. While _________literature should be primarily an enjoyable _________experience, using literature in L2 classrooms can also develop students' language _______.
The sequence of words, from left to right, that best completes the sentence above is
Q3206359 Inglês
English for Specific Purposes experts are in considerable agreement about its core characteristics.
Celse-Murcia (2013) establishes that an absolute characteristic related to English for Specific Purposes is that it is 
2061: B
2062: D
2063: A
2064: C
2065: A
2066: C
2067: C
2068: A
2069: D
2070: B
2071: C
2072: C
2073: A
2074: A
2075: D
2076: C
2077: A
2078: B
2079: D
2080: C