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Q2082003 Farmácia
Antibióticos são compostos naturais ou sintéticos capazes de inibir o crescimento ou causar a morte de fungos ou bactérias. Podem ser classificados como bactericidas, quando causam a morte da bactéria, ou bacteriostáticos, quando promovem a inibição do crescimento microbiano. Os/As ___________ apresentam um múltiplo mecanismo de ação, inibindo a síntese do peptideoglicano, além de alterar a permeabilidade da membrana citoplasmática e interferir na síntese de RNA citoplasmático. Desta forma, inibem a síntese da parede celular bacteriana.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto: 
Q2082002 Farmácia
De acordo com a ANVISA, Reações Adversas a Medicamentos é qualquer resposta prejudicial ou indesejável, não intencional, a um medicamento, que ocorre nas doses usualmente empregadas no homem para profilaxia, diagnóstico, terapia da doença ou para a modificação de funções fisiológicas.
A reação que é uma hipersensibilidade constitucional congênita que certos indivíduos apresentam quando expostos a determinadas substâncias, é chamada de: 
Q2082001 Farmácia
O sistema enzimático mais importante da fase I da biotransformação é o citocromo P-450 (CYP450), uma superfamília microssômica de isoenzimas que catalisam a oxidação de muitos fármacos. Os elétrons são supridos pela NADPH-CYP450 redutase, uma flavoproteína que transfere elétrons da NADPH (forma reduzida do fosfato de dinucleótido de nicotinamida e adenina) para o citocromo P450.
As enzimas do citocromo P-450 podem ser induzidas ou inibidas por muitos fármacos e substâncias, resultando em muitas interações entre fármacos, em que um exacerba a toxicidade ou reduz o efeito terapêutico do outro fármaco.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a um indutor e um inibidor da enzima, respectivamente: 
Q2082000 Farmácia
Analise as afirmativas abaixo sobre distribuição de fármacos:
I – Após ser absorvido ou injetado na corrente sanguínea, o fármaco distribui-se para os líquidos extracelular (aproximadamente 14 litros em um indivíduo de 70 kg) e intracelular (aproximadamente 28 litros em um indivíduo com 70Kg). II – Um volume de distribuição elevado indica que o fármaco é distribuído a várias partes do corpo, com a permanência de pequena fração no sangue III – A resposta terapêutica de um fármaco é dependente da porcentagem do fármaco livre. E quanto maior for a capacidade de se manter livre, menor será o tempo de meia vida desse fármaco. IV – Para atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica e forma efetiva os fármacos devem ser pequenos e altamente lipossolúveis (apolares ou não-ionizados).
Sobre os itens acima, está correto o que se afirma em:
Q2081999 Inglês
Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.
I. We _____ ourselves to be extremely lucky. II. How about _____ to the circus tonight? III. I could barely _____ when I was a baby. IV. Apart from Spanish, she also _____ Math. 
Q2081998 Inglês
Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.
I. Despite_______ hard, he was insulted by his boss. II. We’ve _______ on this project since 9am. III. They _______ about money when I called. IV. The probability of ________ that match is not much. 
Q2081997 Inglês
Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate adjectives.
I. “We hated the concert, was totally ______” II. “The rotten eggs smell _______.” III. “Of the two routes, this is the ______.” IV. “He is a _____ driver.” V. 
Q2081996 Inglês
Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate adjectives.
I. “He said she was _____ that night.” II. “She's cute as a princess and _____, like her mother.” III. “I’m not beautiful, but I can’t say I’m _______.” IV. “I’m loving this book, it’s so ______” 
Q2081995 Inglês
Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. I will exercise if I have enough time. II. You wouldn’t be so tired if you went to bed earlier. III. A lot of people would have died if scientists hadn’t invented cures for the illnesses. IV. I get tired if I work too much.
( ) Zero conditional ( ) First conditional ( ) Second conditional ( ) Third conditional 
Q2081994 Inglês
Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. If he didn’t have the dog, he could go anywhere he wanted II. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils. III. If I hadn’t moved to the UK, I wouldn’t speak English. IV. If it’s sunny at the weekend, we’ll go to the park.
( ) Zero conditional ( ) First conditional ( ) Second conditional ( ) Third conditional 
Q2081993 Inglês
Read the sentences and choose the option that is NOT grammatically correct:
Q2081992 Inglês
Read the sentences and choose the option that is NOT grammatically correct:
Q2081991 Inglês
Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. Rob Woodward has taught English since 1997. II. I had already spoken to Jack when I came here. III. While Margot was cooking, we were setting the table. IV. Terry worked in a bank from 1990 to 1995.
( ) Past Simple ( ) Past Continuous ( ) Past Perfect ( ) Present Perfect
Q2081990 Inglês
Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. She has worked in this company for about 7 years II. Emily was looking for her coat this morning. III. A woman impersonated a nurse and tried to steal a newborn from a hospital IV. You hadn't changed your clothes before the end of the party.
( ) Past Simple ( ) Past Continuous ( ) Past Perfect ( ) Present Perfect
Q2081989 Inglês

Friday the 13th is considered a day on which bad things occur. It is a superstition. A superstition is a belief in something ominous without an actual reason. The origin of this superstition is unclear. Both Friday and the number 13 have been considered unlucky for hundreds of years. Bad luck associated with the number 13 may have biblical roots. Some believe Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge on the 13th day. Others point to the idea that there were 13 people present for Jesus’s Last Supper, the day before Good Friday. The number 13 was considered so unlucky, that many hotels and buildings were built without a 13th floor! It wasn’t until the 20th century, however, that Friday and “13” were paired together in bad luck. In 1907, author Thomas Lawson wrote Friday, the Thirteenth. The book was about a stock broker who purposely caused the stockmarket to crash on that day.

The Friday the 13th superstition, however, gained serious traction with the Friday the 13th horror film series. Originally released in 1980, the story centers around the “ghost” of Jason Voorhees. In the movie, Jason, with his iconic hockey mask, hunts the hapless characters who come to vacation at Crystal Lake – the lake he drowned in as a child. Twelve movies later, the Friday the 13th series remains one of the most successful horror film franchises in history.

Is Friday the 13th actually unlucky compared to other days? Not really. There is no actual evidence to suggest that events that have occurred on Friday the 13th throughout history are worse than events that have occurred on other days. Some studies have shown that Friday the 13th is actually safer than other days because people are more anxious and attentive. People may actually find Friday the 13th to be lucky. It is thought that air travel is cheaper and booking a wedding is much cheaper on Friday the 13th than on other days. It is clear, however, that Friday the 13th will be around for a long time. Over the next 4,800 months, the 13th will occur on Friday more than any other day!

Which option can be used to replace “throughout” in the last paragraph?
Q2081988 Inglês

Friday the 13th is considered a day on which bad things occur. It is a superstition. A superstition is a belief in something ominous without an actual reason. The origin of this superstition is unclear. Both Friday and the number 13 have been considered unlucky for hundreds of years. Bad luck associated with the number 13 may have biblical roots. Some believe Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge on the 13th day. Others point to the idea that there were 13 people present for Jesus’s Last Supper, the day before Good Friday. The number 13 was considered so unlucky, that many hotels and buildings were built without a 13th floor! It wasn’t until the 20th century, however, that Friday and “13” were paired together in bad luck. In 1907, author Thomas Lawson wrote Friday, the Thirteenth. The book was about a stock broker who purposely caused the stockmarket to crash on that day.

The Friday the 13th superstition, however, gained serious traction with the Friday the 13th horror film series. Originally released in 1980, the story centers around the “ghost” of Jason Voorhees. In the movie, Jason, with his iconic hockey mask, hunts the hapless characters who come to vacation at Crystal Lake – the lake he drowned in as a child. Twelve movies later, the Friday the 13th series remains one of the most successful horror film franchises in history.

Is Friday the 13th actually unlucky compared to other days? Not really. There is no actual evidence to suggest that events that have occurred on Friday the 13th throughout history are worse than events that have occurred on other days. Some studies have shown that Friday the 13th is actually safer than other days because people are more anxious and attentive. People may actually find Friday the 13th to be lucky. It is thought that air travel is cheaper and booking a wedding is much cheaper on Friday the 13th than on other days. It is clear, however, that Friday the 13th will be around for a long time. Over the next 4,800 months, the 13th will occur on Friday more than any other day!

What can be the question to the answer “because people are more anxious or attentive,”? 
Q2081987 Inglês

Friday the 13th is considered a day on which bad things occur. It is a superstition. A superstition is a belief in something ominous without an actual reason. The origin of this superstition is unclear. Both Friday and the number 13 have been considered unlucky for hundreds of years. Bad luck associated with the number 13 may have biblical roots. Some believe Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge on the 13th day. Others point to the idea that there were 13 people present for Jesus’s Last Supper, the day before Good Friday. The number 13 was considered so unlucky, that many hotels and buildings were built without a 13th floor! It wasn’t until the 20th century, however, that Friday and “13” were paired together in bad luck. In 1907, author Thomas Lawson wrote Friday, the Thirteenth. The book was about a stock broker who purposely caused the stockmarket to crash on that day.

The Friday the 13th superstition, however, gained serious traction with the Friday the 13th horror film series. Originally released in 1980, the story centers around the “ghost” of Jason Voorhees. In the movie, Jason, with his iconic hockey mask, hunts the hapless characters who come to vacation at Crystal Lake – the lake he drowned in as a child. Twelve movies later, the Friday the 13th series remains one of the most successful horror film franchises in history.

Is Friday the 13th actually unlucky compared to other days? Not really. There is no actual evidence to suggest that events that have occurred on Friday the 13th throughout history are worse than events that have occurred on other days. Some studies have shown that Friday the 13th is actually safer than other days because people are more anxious and attentive. People may actually find Friday the 13th to be lucky. It is thought that air travel is cheaper and booking a wedding is much cheaper on Friday the 13th than on other days. It is clear, however, that Friday the 13th will be around for a long time. Over the next 4,800 months, the 13th will occur on Friday more than any other day!

According to the text, what does “hapless” mean?
Q2081986 Inglês

Friday the 13th is considered a day on which bad things occur. It is a superstition. A superstition is a belief in something ominous without an actual reason. The origin of this superstition is unclear. Both Friday and the number 13 have been considered unlucky for hundreds of years. Bad luck associated with the number 13 may have biblical roots. Some believe Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge on the 13th day. Others point to the idea that there were 13 people present for Jesus’s Last Supper, the day before Good Friday. The number 13 was considered so unlucky, that many hotels and buildings were built without a 13th floor! It wasn’t until the 20th century, however, that Friday and “13” were paired together in bad luck. In 1907, author Thomas Lawson wrote Friday, the Thirteenth. The book was about a stock broker who purposely caused the stockmarket to crash on that day.

The Friday the 13th superstition, however, gained serious traction with the Friday the 13th horror film series. Originally released in 1980, the story centers around the “ghost” of Jason Voorhees. In the movie, Jason, with his iconic hockey mask, hunts the hapless characters who come to vacation at Crystal Lake – the lake he drowned in as a child. Twelve movies later, the Friday the 13th series remains one of the most successful horror film franchises in history.

Is Friday the 13th actually unlucky compared to other days? Not really. There is no actual evidence to suggest that events that have occurred on Friday the 13th throughout history are worse than events that have occurred on other days. Some studies have shown that Friday the 13th is actually safer than other days because people are more anxious and attentive. People may actually find Friday the 13th to be lucky. It is thought that air travel is cheaper and booking a wedding is much cheaper on Friday the 13th than on other days. It is clear, however, that Friday the 13th will be around for a long time. Over the next 4,800 months, the 13th will occur on Friday more than any other day!

According to the text, what does “traction” mean?
Q2081985 Inglês

Friday the 13th is considered a day on which bad things occur. It is a superstition. A superstition is a belief in something ominous without an actual reason. The origin of this superstition is unclear. Both Friday and the number 13 have been considered unlucky for hundreds of years. Bad luck associated with the number 13 may have biblical roots. Some believe Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge on the 13th day. Others point to the idea that there were 13 people present for Jesus’s Last Supper, the day before Good Friday. The number 13 was considered so unlucky, that many hotels and buildings were built without a 13th floor! It wasn’t until the 20th century, however, that Friday and “13” were paired together in bad luck. In 1907, author Thomas Lawson wrote Friday, the Thirteenth. The book was about a stock broker who purposely caused the stockmarket to crash on that day.

The Friday the 13th superstition, however, gained serious traction with the Friday the 13th horror film series. Originally released in 1980, the story centers around the “ghost” of Jason Voorhees. In the movie, Jason, with his iconic hockey mask, hunts the hapless characters who come to vacation at Crystal Lake – the lake he drowned in as a child. Twelve movies later, the Friday the 13th series remains one of the most successful horror film franchises in history.

Is Friday the 13th actually unlucky compared to other days? Not really. There is no actual evidence to suggest that events that have occurred on Friday the 13th throughout history are worse than events that have occurred on other days. Some studies have shown that Friday the 13th is actually safer than other days because people are more anxious and attentive. People may actually find Friday the 13th to be lucky. It is thought that air travel is cheaper and booking a wedding is much cheaper on Friday the 13th than on other days. It is clear, however, that Friday the 13th will be around for a long time. Over the next 4,800 months, the 13th will occur on Friday more than any other day!

According to the text, what does “ominous” mean?
Q2081984 Inglês

Friday the 13th is considered a day on which bad things occur. It is a superstition. A superstition is a belief in something ominous without an actual reason. The origin of this superstition is unclear. Both Friday and the number 13 have been considered unlucky for hundreds of years. Bad luck associated with the number 13 may have biblical roots. Some believe Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge on the 13th day. Others point to the idea that there were 13 people present for Jesus’s Last Supper, the day before Good Friday. The number 13 was considered so unlucky, that many hotels and buildings were built without a 13th floor! It wasn’t until the 20th century, however, that Friday and “13” were paired together in bad luck. In 1907, author Thomas Lawson wrote Friday, the Thirteenth. The book was about a stock broker who purposely caused the stockmarket to crash on that day.

The Friday the 13th superstition, however, gained serious traction with the Friday the 13th horror film series. Originally released in 1980, the story centers around the “ghost” of Jason Voorhees. In the movie, Jason, with his iconic hockey mask, hunts the hapless characters who come to vacation at Crystal Lake – the lake he drowned in as a child. Twelve movies later, the Friday the 13th series remains one of the most successful horror film franchises in history.

Is Friday the 13th actually unlucky compared to other days? Not really. There is no actual evidence to suggest that events that have occurred on Friday the 13th throughout history are worse than events that have occurred on other days. Some studies have shown that Friday the 13th is actually safer than other days because people are more anxious and attentive. People may actually find Friday the 13th to be lucky. It is thought that air travel is cheaper and booking a wedding is much cheaper on Friday the 13th than on other days. It is clear, however, that Friday the 13th will be around for a long time. Over the next 4,800 months, the 13th will occur on Friday more than any other day!

According to the text, evidence suggests:
1001: B
1002: E
1003: A
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1009: C
1010: B
1011: A
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1013: D
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