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Q3133148 Português
Em relação às variações linguísticas, analise as afirmativas a seguir e identifique aquela que não está em conformidade com o tema proposto: 
Q3133147 Linguística
Em relação aos aspectos fonológicos, sintáticos e semânticos, analise as declarações a seguir:

I.A semântica é responsável por examinar as possibilidades de posição dos termos da oração no discurso, incluindo a sua relação lógica, entre as múltiplas combinações possíveis para transmitir um significado completo e compreensível.
II.Quando átonos finais, os encontros vocálicos das palavras como: glória, cárie, mágoa, tênue são normalmente ditongos crescentes, no entanto, podem ser emitidos com separação dos dois elementos, formando assim um hiato como: gló-ri-a, cá-ri-e, má-go-a  e tê-nu-e.
III.A morfologia é a parte da gramática que se ocupa da constituição material das unidades linguísticas.
IV.A identidade de sinônimos é muito relativa ; no uso, eles assumem sentidos "ocasionais" que, no contexto, um não pode ser empregado pelo outro sem que se quebre um pouco a matiz da expressão, um exemplo disso são os verbos 'chamar', 'bradar' e 'clamar' que de acordo com a maior ou menor intensidade assumem sentidos diferentes.

Estão corretas: 
Q3133146 Português
A previsão de chegada do furacão Milton na Flórida foi antecipada devido a uma mudança de rota para o sul.
O Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos disse que a tempestade pode chegar à costa às 23h, no horário local, desta quarta-feira (9) — 00h de quinta-feira (10), no horário de Brasília — ou nas próximas 12 horas, em algum lugar perto ou ao sul de Sarasota.
As funções da linguagem são formas de utilização da linguagem segundo a intenção do falante. O texto acima é um exemplo de utilização da linguagem: 
Q3133145 Português
"São barulhentos, mas eu admiro meus alunos".
A Coesão e a Coerência são mecanismos fundamentais na construção textual. Para um texto ser eficaz na transmissão da sua mensagem, é essencial fazer sentido para o leitor. Além disso, deve ser harmonioso, para a mensagem fluir de forma segura, natural e agradável aos ouvidos.
Na oração acima o mecanismo de coesão utilizado foi de: 
Q3133144 Português
Em relação à tipologia textual marque com V (verdadeiro) ou com F(falso) para as afirmações a seguir:

(__)Um texto se diz descritivo quando mostra detalhes, que podem ser físicos, morais, emocionais, espirituais.
(__)Um texto, às vezes apresenta tipologia mista. Uma narração, por exemplo, pode conter traços dissertativos ou descritivos.
(__)Um texto narrativo está centrado no fato, no acontecimento.
(__)Um texto dissertativo é centrado na ideia principal que o autor defende sobre um determinado tema.
(__)O discurso refere-se a fala dos personagens que participam da história.

A sequência de preenchimento dos parênteses corretamente é: 
Q3133143 Linguística
As definições a seguir sobre gramática normativa e descritiva refletem o pensamento de Evanildo Bechara, EXCETO em:

I.Cabe tão somente à gramática descritiva registrar como se diz numa língua funcional, numa determinada variedade que integra uma língua histórica: o português do Brasil; o português de Portugal; o português do século XVI ou do século XX; o português de uma comunidade urbana ou rural, o português de Eça de Queirós ou de Machado de Assis, e assim por diante.
II.Cabe a gramática normativa, que não é uma disciplina com finalidade científica e sim pedagógica, elencar os fatos recomendados como modelares da exemplaridade idiomática para serem utilizados em circunstâncias especiais de convívio social.
III.A gramática descritiva recomenda como se deve falar e escrever segundo o uso e a autoridade dos escritores corretos e dos gramáticos e dicionaristas esclarecidos.
IV.A gramática descritiva também trabalha com a distinção entre competência linguística (o conhecimento que o falante tem sobre sua língua) e desempenho linguístico (o uso efetivo da língua em situações concretas). Ela analisa ambos os aspectos para entender melhor o funcionamento da língua.

Estão corretas: 
Q3133122 Inglês
When analyzing different text genres in English, which of the following strategies would be the most effective in understanding the purpose of an expository text? 
Q3133121 Inglês
Why is task-based learning increasingly favored in the Brazilian context of English language teaching? 
Q3133120 Inglês
How does incorporating the cultural context of English-speaking countries improve language acquisition for Brazilian students? 
Q3133119 Inglês
What is the main advantage of using an interdisciplinary approach in English language teaching? 
Q3133118 Inglês
How does a historical-cultural perspective on language influence the teaching of English in a multicultural society like Brazil? 
Q3133117 Inglês
Which of the following methodologies is most commonly used in English language teaching in Brazilian schools at the moment? 
Q3133116 Inglês
Why is early English language education considered crucial for children's cognitive development? 
Q3133115 Inglês
Consider the dialogue below:
Anna: I don't understand why Mark didn't come to the meeting today. He's usually the first one here.
John: Well, I saw him rushing out of the office yesterday, looking pretty upset.
Anna: Really? I didn't notice anything unusual.
John: Yeah, he had his phone in his hand the whole time, and when I asked if he was okay, he just said, "I have to deal with something urgent."
Anna: Hmm, I hope everything is alright with him. Maybe he had a personal emergency. 
John: Possibly. He didn't mention anything specific, but I have a feeling it's serious.
Based on the dialogue, what can we infer about Mark's absence from the meeting? 
Q3133114 Inglês
Consider the sentence below:
"After a comprehensive meeting that lasted all morning, we eventually decided to take a break and have lunch."
How many false cognates did we find? 
Q3133113 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb:
"After months of hard work, the team finally __________ a solution to the problem." 

Select the correct alternative. 
Q3133112 Inglês
In which of the following sentences is the preposition used correctly? 
Q3133111 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

How can you make sure you are eating a balanced, filling and nutritious plate at every meal?

Think of your plate divided into different food groups - protein, carbs, fat and fruit and veg.

Protein: David Wiener, training and nutrition specialist at AI-based lifestyle and coaching app Freeletics, told The Sun: "Aim for one to two palm-size portions of lean protein in each meal.

"Protein includes meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef), beans, peas, lentils and fish.

The NHS Eatwell Guide says to choose lean cuts of meat and mince, and eat less red and processed meat like bacon, ham and sausages.Aim for at least two portions (two x 140g) of fish every week, one of which should be oily, such as salmon, sardines or mackerel.

Carbs: Carbohydrates should make up about a third of your plate, or a fist-sized portion.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Choose higher fibre or wholegrain varieties, such as wholewheat pasta and brown rice, or simply leave the skins on potatoes.

"There are also higher fibre versions of white bread and pasta.

"Starchy foods are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.

"Fat: Generally the advice is to think of fat like a thumb-sized amount on your plate.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Remember all types of fat are high in energy and should be eaten in small amounts.

"These foods include chocolate, cakes, biscuits, sugary soft drinks, butter, ghee and ice cream.

"They're not needed in our diet, so should be eaten less often and in smaller amounts."But a small amount is still essential for the diet.

Try and eat more unsaturated fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil), which are healthier than saturated fats (butter, hard cheese, sour cream).

Fruit and veg: David says: "Make sure you also get lots of colourful fruit and vegetable carbohydrates too.

"Aim for at least five of these portions a day.

"One to two fist-sized portions of fruits and vegetables with every meal is generally recommended.

"Fruit and veg can be fresh, frozen, tinned or dried. You can roast, boil, steam or grill veggies.
Using the scanning strategy, what is the recommended portion of carbohydrates according to the text?Two portions of 140g each week. 
Q3133110 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

How can you make sure you are eating a balanced, filling and nutritious plate at every meal?

Think of your plate divided into different food groups - protein, carbs, fat and fruit and veg.

Protein: David Wiener, training and nutrition specialist at AI-based lifestyle and coaching app Freeletics, told The Sun: "Aim for one to two palm-size portions of lean protein in each meal.

"Protein includes meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef), beans, peas, lentils and fish.

The NHS Eatwell Guide says to choose lean cuts of meat and mince, and eat less red and processed meat like bacon, ham and sausages.Aim for at least two portions (two x 140g) of fish every week, one of which should be oily, such as salmon, sardines or mackerel.

Carbs: Carbohydrates should make up about a third of your plate, or a fist-sized portion.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Choose higher fibre or wholegrain varieties, such as wholewheat pasta and brown rice, or simply leave the skins on potatoes.

"There are also higher fibre versions of white bread and pasta.

"Starchy foods are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.

"Fat: Generally the advice is to think of fat like a thumb-sized amount on your plate.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Remember all types of fat are high in energy and should be eaten in small amounts.

"These foods include chocolate, cakes, biscuits, sugary soft drinks, butter, ghee and ice cream.

"They're not needed in our diet, so should be eaten less often and in smaller amounts."But a small amount is still essential for the diet.

Try and eat more unsaturated fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil), which are healthier than saturated fats (butter, hard cheese, sour cream).

Fruit and veg: David says: "Make sure you also get lots of colourful fruit and vegetable carbohydrates too.

"Aim for at least five of these portions a day.

"One to two fist-sized portions of fruits and vegetables with every meal is generally recommended.

"Fruit and veg can be fresh, frozen, tinned or dried. You can roast, boil, steam or grill veggies.
Using the skimming strategy, what is the main focus of the text? 
Q3133109 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

How can you make sure you are eating a balanced, filling and nutritious plate at every meal?

Think of your plate divided into different food groups - protein, carbs, fat and fruit and veg.

Protein: David Wiener, training and nutrition specialist at AI-based lifestyle and coaching app Freeletics, told The Sun: "Aim for one to two palm-size portions of lean protein in each meal.

"Protein includes meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef), beans, peas, lentils and fish.

The NHS Eatwell Guide says to choose lean cuts of meat and mince, and eat less red and processed meat like bacon, ham and sausages.Aim for at least two portions (two x 140g) of fish every week, one of which should be oily, such as salmon, sardines or mackerel.

Carbs: Carbohydrates should make up about a third of your plate, or a fist-sized portion.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Choose higher fibre or wholegrain varieties, such as wholewheat pasta and brown rice, or simply leave the skins on potatoes.

"There are also higher fibre versions of white bread and pasta.

"Starchy foods are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.

"Fat: Generally the advice is to think of fat like a thumb-sized amount on your plate.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Remember all types of fat are high in energy and should be eaten in small amounts.

"These foods include chocolate, cakes, biscuits, sugary soft drinks, butter, ghee and ice cream.

"They're not needed in our diet, so should be eaten less often and in smaller amounts."But a small amount is still essential for the diet.

Try and eat more unsaturated fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil), which are healthier than saturated fats (butter, hard cheese, sour cream).

Fruit and veg: David says: "Make sure you also get lots of colourful fruit and vegetable carbohydrates too.

"Aim for at least five of these portions a day.

"One to two fist-sized portions of fruits and vegetables with every meal is generally recommended.

"Fruit and veg can be fresh, frozen, tinned or dried. You can roast, boil, steam or grill veggies.
Which of the following sentences correctly uses a modal verb to express advice or recommendation? 
1721: B
1722: A
1723: D
1724: C
1725: C
1726: A
1727: C
1728: D
1729: E
1730: A
1731: B
1732: D
1733: C
1734: A
1735: C
1736: C
1737: B
1738: E
1739: E
1740: E