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Q2212442 Português
População brasileira é a 5™ mais feliz do mundo, diz pesquisa (15 março 2023)

Os brasileiros nunca foram tão felizes, mas apenas quatro em cada dez estão satisfeitos com a economia, segundo uma pesquisa do instituto Ipsos que avaliou a felicidade da população em 32 países. No Brasil, 83% dos entrevistados consideram-se muito felizes ou felizes 4 uma alta de 20 pontos percentuais em relação ao último levantamento, feito em dezembro de 2021, quando o índice foi de 63%. No mundo, a percepção de felicidade também subiu, de 67% para 73%. No caso brasileiro, foi o melhor resultado desde que a pesquisa começou a ser feita, em dezembro de 2011 4 até então, o pico de felicidade ocorrera em maio de 2013, quando 81% dos entrevistados se consideravam muito felizes ou felizes. O Brasil foi o quinto colocado do ranking global de felicidade, atrás apenas da China (91%), Arábia Saudita (86%), Holanda (85%) e Índia (84%). Em compensação, os cidadãos menos felizes são os húngaros (50%), sul-coreanos (57%) e poloneses (58%). "As pessoas estão vendo este ano como o encerramento de um capítulo extremamente desafiador em nossa história: a covid-19, ainda que a pandemia não tenha sido totalmente erradicada, seu impacto È infinitamente menor do que nos últimos anos. Esse sentimento reforça a percepção de felicidade", diz Marcos Calliari, CEO da Ipsos no Brasil. A pesquisa, intitulada Global Happiness Study ou Estudo Global da Felicidade, foi feita online com 22.508 mil entrevistados com idades entre 16 e 74 anos em 32 países, entre 22 de dezembro de 2022 e 6 de janeiro de 2023. Foram 1.000 entrevistados no Brasil e a margem de erro È de 3,5 pontos para mais ou para menos.

Mais felizes
O Brasil também foi o quarto país com o maior crescimento na percepção de felicidade (20 pontos percentuais), atrás apenas de Colúmbia, Chile e Argentina, que apresentaram crescimento de 26 pontos percentuais no mesmo período. E a América Latina, a região onde a percepção de felicidade mais subiu em todo o mundo. Já os britânicos, franceses e poloneses foram os que ficaram menos felizes nessa mesma base de comparação. A queda foi de 13 pontos percentuais para o Reino Unido e sete pontos percentuais para França e Polônia ante dezembro de 2021. Contudo, em relação aos últimos dez anos (maio de 2013), o índice de felicidade dos brasileiros cresceu apenas dois pontos percentuais. O ponto mais baixo da série foi em 2017, quando apenas 56% dos entrevistados afirmaram estar felizes ou muito felizes. J· entre os anos de 2019 e 2021, o índice ficou na casa dos 60%. 

Dinheiro x felicidade
Segundo a pesquisa, países de renda média, como o Brasil, apresentaram um aumento na percepção da felicidade em comparação aos de renda alta, como França ou Reino Unido. Casados, com mais dinheiro e com maior nível educacional são, em média, mais felizes. Não houve diferença significativa na percepção de felicidade entre homens e mulheres. Mas a sondagem também mostrou que a satisfação com aspectos da vida varia conforme o desenvolvimento econômico de um país. Segundo o levantamento, cidadãos de países de renda mais alta tendem a ser mais satisfeitos com segurança, posses materiais, qualidade de vida e emprego. Por outro lado, aqueles que vivem em nações de renda média demonstram maior satisfação com fé/vida espiritual, bem-estar físico, aparência, senso de controle e propósito, e sentir-se valorizado. No mundo, os níveis de satisfação são mais altos com relacionamentos, filhos, cônjuge, parentes, amigos, colegas de trabalho e natureza e com educação e informação. E mais baixos com a situação do país, finanças pessoais, vida romântica/sexual e atividade física. No caso do Brasil, especificamente, de todos os aspectos analisados para medir o grau de satisfação com a vida, o maior índice foi registrado na relação com o cônjuge 4 78% dos brasileiros disseram estar satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos. Já o pior foi com a situação econômica do país 4 apenas 37% dos entrevistados afirmaram estar satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos. Um índice semelhante 4 43% 4 foi registrado diante da situação social e política do Brasil. Além disso, somente 58% dos brasileiros afirmaram que possuem amigos próximos ou parentes com quem poderiam contar em caso de necessidade. O país È o penúltimo colocado do ranking neste quesito, ficando atrás apenas do Japão (54%). Holanda (82%), Indonésia e Portugal (ambos com 79%) estão no topo da lista. A média global È de 72%.

Pessimismo com o futuro
A pesquisa indicou ainda que, globalmente, as pessoas estão mais pessimistas quanto ao futuro dos relacionamentos. Aumentou em duas vezes o número de entrevistados que considera que, nos próximos dez anos, vai ficar mais difícil para solteiros encontrar um par romântico, para casais manter um relacionamento feliz e para as pessoas ter amizades com quem possam contar. O Brasil, no entanto, È um ponto fora da curva. Em todos esses três aspectos, os brasileiros demonstraram maior otimismo quanto ao futuro dos relacionamentos. Segundo a sondagem, o pessimismo È maior entre as gerações dos "baby
boomers" (nascidos após a 2™ Guerra Mundial até a metade dos anos 60) e X (nascidos entre 1965 e 1980), os de menor nível educacional e mais ricos, e aqueles que não são casados. E mais pronunciado em países de renda mais alta.

BBC News Brasil

Considere a sentença: "Ainda que a pandemia não tenha sido totalmente erradicada, seu impacto È infinitamente menor do que nos últimos anos." O valor expresso pela locução conjuntiva "ainda que" é: 
Q2209584 Inglês
Identify the correct sentence that demonstrates the correct use of the subjunctive mood: 
Q2209583 Inglês
Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of the present perfect continuous tense? 
Q2209582 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

The Impact of Social Media on Society

Social media has had a significant impact on society in recent years. It has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and share information. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become an integral part of our daily lives, and they have given people the ability to communicate and share information with a global audience. One of the most significant impacts of social media is its ability to facilitate communication between people from different cultures and backgrounds. Social media platforms have made it possible for people to connect with others who share similar interests, regardless of where they are located. This has created a more intercultural and interconnected world, where people can learn about other cultures and lifestyles. However, social media has also had negative effects on society. The overuse of social media can lead to addiction, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Social media has also been used to spread fake news and misinformation, which can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole. In conclusion, while social media has had both positive and negative impacts on society, it is clear that it has changed the way we communicate and interact with one another. It is important to use social media responsibly and be aware of its potential risks. 

Which of the following best describes the structure of the text? 
Q2209581 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

The Impact of Social Media on Society

Social media has had a significant impact on society in recent years. It has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and share information. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become an integral part of our daily lives, and they have given people the ability to communicate and share information with a global audience. One of the most significant impacts of social media is its ability to facilitate communication between people from different cultures and backgrounds. Social media platforms have made it possible for people to connect with others who share similar interests, regardless of where they are located. This has created a more intercultural and interconnected world, where people can learn about other cultures and lifestyles. However, social media has also had negative effects on society. The overuse of social media can lead to addiction, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Social media has also been used to spread fake news and misinformation, which can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole. In conclusion, while social media has had both positive and negative impacts on society, it is clear that it has changed the way we communicate and interact with one another. It is important to use social media responsibly and be aware of its potential risks. 

Which of the following best characterizes the organization of the text? 
Q2209580 Inglês
Communication involves not only knowing the context and interlocutors but also having knowledge of the linguistic resources available to achieve specific communicative purposes. Linguistic or systemic knowledge refers to the understanding of how language works, including its structure, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse. It involves knowing how to use different types of language in different contexts, such as formal and informal, spoken and written, and different genres, such as narrative, descriptive, and argumentative. Linguistic knowledge also includes an understanding of the relationship between language and meaning, including figurative language, metaphors, and idioms. In short, having linguistic knowledge is an essential aspect of successful communication in any language.

Which of the following is NOT part of linguistic or systemic knowledge? 
Q2209579 Inglês
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will"
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1847.

What is the meaning behind the statement made by the protagonist? 
Q2209578 Inglês
What are some strategies that English language teachers can use to promote communicative competence in their students? 
Q2209577 Inglês
According to the communicative language teaching approach, what is the ultimate goal of language learning? 
Q2209576 Inglês
Listening is an area of language learning that has been relatively neglected in the past, partly because of difficulties in recording and transmitting spoken texts, and partly because of traditional approaches to teaching, which often prioritized reading and writing. However, recent developments in technology and changes in language teaching methodology have led to a renewed interest in listening skills and the recognition that listening is a fundamental aspect of communication
What factors have contributed to the relative neglect of listening skills in language learning in the past? 
Q2209575 Inglês
Which of the following is not a recommended approach for teaching and learning a foreign language? 
Q2209574 Inglês
English language teaching has gone through various trends and approaches. One of the traditional approaches is the Grammar Translation Method, which emphasizes memorizing grammar rules and translation. Newer approaches such as the Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, and Communicative Language Teaching focus on communication and interaction in the target language. Technology has also been incorporated in language learning, while task-based and project-based approaches emphasize real-world tasks and projects to develop language and other skills.

What is the main difference between the Grammar Translation Method and the Communicative Language Teaching approach? 
Q2209573 Inglês
"Language acquisition is a subconscious process which happens when people are exposed to language that is comprehensible to them. This means that language is acquired, not learned. People who are trying to learn a language are using a different part of their brains from those who are acquiring it naturally, and are therefore likely to take longer to become proficient."
Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching. Pearson Education.

According to Jeremy Harmer, what is the main difference between acquiring a language and learning it? 
Q2209572 Inglês
The Industrial Revolution was a period of major economic and technological change that took place in England during the 18th and 19th centuries. It began in the textile industry and then spread to other industries, such as coal mining, iron and steel production, and transportation. The introduction of steam power and the mechanization of production led to significant increases in efficiency and productivity, but also had far-reaching social and environmental impacts.

Which of the following was NOT a significant impact of the Industrial Revolution on England?
Q2209571 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

"Conceptions of English language teaching and learning are diverse and influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Some of the current trends in English language teaching include communicative language teaching, task-based language teaching, and content-based instruction. Communicative language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. Task-based language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language, while content-based instruction integrates language learning with subject matter instruction."

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. 

Which trend in English language teaching integrates language learning with subject matter instruction? 
Q2209570 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

"Conceptions of English language teaching and learning are diverse and influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Some of the current trends in English language teaching include communicative language teaching, task-based language teaching, and content-based instruction. Communicative language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. Task-based language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language, while content-based instruction integrates language learning with subject matter instruction."

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. 

Which trend in English language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language? 
Q2209569 Inglês

Read the text below to answer the question.

"Conceptions of English language teaching and learning are diverse and influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Some of the current trends in English language teaching include communicative language teaching, task-based language teaching, and content-based instruction. Communicative language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. Task-based language teaching involves engaging students in meaningful tasks that require the use of language, while content-based instruction integrates language learning with subject matter instruction."

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. 

Which trend in English language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication? 
Q2209568 Inglês
"Call me Ishmael." - Herman Melville, Moby Dick
What is the grammatical function of "me" in the opening sentence of Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick"? 
Q2209567 Inglês
In today's competitive business world, effective communication is essential to success. Whether you're giving a presentation to a client, writing a report for your boss, or collaborating with colleagues on a project, your ability to express yourself clearly and professionally can make all the difference. One key aspect of professional communication is using appropriate language for your audience. This means avoiding jargon or technical terms that might be unfamiliar to non-experts, and using a tone that's respectful and courteous. For example, if you're giving a presentation to a group of clients, you might use language that's persuasive and engaging, focusing on the benefits of your product or service. On the other hand, if you're writing a report for your boss, you might use a more formal tone and focus on providing clear and concise information. In any professional setting, it's important to be aware of your audience and tailor your language to their needs and expectations. By doing so, you can build stronger relationships, increase your credibility, and achieve your goals more effectively.

What is one key aspect of professional communication? 
Q2209566 Inglês
Interculturality and interdisciplinarity are essential for teaching English as a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is not just about learning grammar and vocabulary, but also involves understanding cultural differences and the contexts in which the language is used. Moreover, English language teaching should be interdisciplinary, meaning that it should integrate various fields of knowledge, such as linguistics, literature, history, and sociology, among others.
Which of the following options correctly describes the role of interculturality and interdisciplinarity in the teaching of English as a foreign language? 
2401: B
2402: E
2403: C
2404: E
2405: B
2406: C
2407: B
2408: D
2409: D
2410: C
2411: E
2412: A
2413: B
2414: E
2415: E
2416: D
2417: C
2418: A
2419: B
2420: E