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Q2401701 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questões de 30 a 40:

We crowded round, and over Miss Cathy's head I had a peep at a dirty, ragged, black-haired child; big enough both to walk and talk: indeed, its face looked older than Catherine's; yet when it was set on its feet, it only stared round, and repeated over and over again some gibberish that nobody could understand. I was frightened, and Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors: she did fly up, asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed and fend for? What he meant to do with it, and whether he were mad? The master tried to explain the matter; but he was really half dead with fatigue, and all that I could make out, amongst her scolding, was a tale of his seeing it starving, and houseless, and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool, where he picked it up and inquired for its owner. Not a soul knew to whom it belonged, he said; and his money and time being both limited, he thought it better to take it home with him at once, than run into vain expenses there: because he was determined he would not leave it as he found it. Well, the conclusion was, that my mistress grumbled herself calm; and Mr. Earnshaw told me to wash it, and give it clean things, and let it sleep with the children.

Hindley and Cathy contented themselves with looking and listening till peace was restored: then, both began searching their father's pockets for the presents he had promised them. The former was a boy of fourteen, but when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; and Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners. They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room; and I had no more sense, so I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it might he gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

BRONTE, Emily. Wuthering Heights. London: Thomas Cautley Newby, 1847

O fragmento conta a narrativa de:

Q2401700 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questões de 30 a 40:

We crowded round, and over Miss Cathy's head I had a peep at a dirty, ragged, black-haired child; big enough both to walk and talk: indeed, its face looked older than Catherine's; yet when it was set on its feet, it only stared round, and repeated over and over again some gibberish that nobody could understand. I was frightened, and Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors: she did fly up, asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed and fend for? What he meant to do with it, and whether he were mad? The master tried to explain the matter; but he was really half dead with fatigue, and all that I could make out, amongst her scolding, was a tale of his seeing it starving, and houseless, and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool, where he picked it up and inquired for its owner. Not a soul knew to whom it belonged, he said; and his money and time being both limited, he thought it better to take it home with him at once, than run into vain expenses there: because he was determined he would not leave it as he found it. Well, the conclusion was, that my mistress grumbled herself calm; and Mr. Earnshaw told me to wash it, and give it clean things, and let it sleep with the children.

Hindley and Cathy contented themselves with looking and listening till peace was restored: then, both began searching their father's pockets for the presents he had promised them. The former was a boy of fourteen, but when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; and Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners. They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room; and I had no more sense, so I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it might he gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

BRONTE, Emily. Wuthering Heights. London: Thomas Cautley Newby, 1847

Lendo o fragmento do livro Wuthering Heights de Emily Bronte, é possível considerar que o texto está sendo narrado:

Q2401699 Pedagogia

Podemos definir um Método como uma forma planejada de fazer algo ou, mais especificamente, uma maneira planejada de ensinar ou aprender uma língua. Metodologia é um conjunto de métodos usados para estudar ou ensinar algo. Dentro de um Método podemos ter os seguintes elementos: abordagem, planejamento e procedimento.

I - Procedimento – Reflexão de um modelo ou teoria. Se refere às teorias que envolvem a aprendizagem de uma língua que servem como recurso para a prática do ensino de línguas.

II - Planejamento – Especifica como será uma aula (os objetivos que se quer atingir, os tipos de atividades que serão aplicadas, o papel do professor e dos alunos, o papel dos materiais utilizados, etc).

III - Abordagem – abrange as técnicas e as práticas utilizadas para o momento do ensino e da aprendizagem.

Sobre metodologia de ensino, assinale a alternativa correta:

Q2401698 Pedagogia

Procurava-se criar o máximo de condições que propiciassem a leitura, tanto dentro como fora da sala de aula. Como o desenvolvimento do vocabulário era considerado essencial, tentava-se expandi-lo o mais rápido possível. Nas primeiras lições era cuidadosamente controlado, uma média de seis palavras novas por página, baseadas em estatísticas de frequência.

O texto acima se refere a qual das abordagens metodológicas do ensino de língua inglesa?

Q2401697 Pedagogia

De acordo com o Método Gramática – Tradução, os três passos essenciais para a aprendizagem da língua são:

I - Memorização prévia de uma lista de palavras.

II - Conhecimento das regras necessárias para juntar essas palavras em frases.

III - Exercícios de tradução e versão (tema).

Sobre o método gramática – tradução, assinale a alternativa correta:

1256: D
1257: D
1258: B
1259: A
1260: D