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Q2226497 Engenharia de Software

Julgue o próximo item, relativos às metodologias Scrum e XP e à biblioteca ITIL v4.

Enquanto a metodologia Scrum traz uma abordagem mais voltada para a gestão, com maior foco nas reuniões, no planejamento e na melhoria contínua, a metodologia XP tem maior enfoque nas práticas técnicas. 

Q2226495 Segurança da Informação

Quanto ao OWASP Top 10, julgue o item seguinte.

Quando os desenvolvedores de software não testam a compatibilidade de bibliotecas atualizadas ou corrigidas, isso caracteriza um problema de segurança que o OWASP nomeia como componentes vulneráveis e desatualizados.

Q2226494 Segurança da Informação
Acerca do uso do Open ID Connect e das técnicas de autenticação a ele relacionadas, julgue o item subsequente.
ID Token é um artefato que carrega informações pessoais sobre os usuários finais, os quais se autenticam em um fluxo Open ID Connect. 

Q2226492 Segurança da Informação
Julgue o item que se segue, relativos à política de segurança da informação, segundo a NBR ISO/IEC 27001:2013. 
A política de segurança da informação deve estar disponível como referência aberta para consulta fora da organização. 

Q2226491 Segurança da Informação
Julgue o item que se segue, relativos à política de segurança da informação, segundo a NBR ISO/IEC 27001:2013. 
A política de segurança da informação somente deve ser comunicada dentro da organização quando for apropriado.
Q2226490 Segurança da Informação

Acerca de conceitos relacionados a controle de acesso, julgue o item a seguir. 

O uso de processos e ferramentas para criar, atribuir, gerenciar e revogar credenciais de acesso para usuários é considerado uma boa prática de segurança da informação.

Q2226489 Segurança da Informação

Acerca de conceitos relacionados a controle de acesso, julgue o item a seguir. 

Em situações de gerenciamento de acesso de usuários a sistemas críticos, o uso de ferramentas de segundo fator de autenticação e gerenciamento de acesso privilegiado é restrito aos administradores do sistema.

Q2226488 Segurança da Informação
Com base na NBR ISO/IEC 27000, julgue o próximo item, a respeito das definições para confiabilidade e integridade.
A confidencialidade é uma propriedade segundo a qual as informações não podem ser disponibilizadas a indivíduos, entidades ou processos que não estejam previamente autorizados. 

Q2226487 Segurança da Informação
Com base na NBR ISO/IEC 27000, julgue o próximo item, a respeito das definições para confiabilidade e integridade.
A integridade é uma propriedade que visa aplicar conhecimentos e habilidades para garantir a assinatura digital. 
Q2226479 Raciocínio Lógico
P1: Não há uma prova com o nome do aluno nos arquivos do professor.

P2: Se não há uma prova com o nome do aluno nos arquivos do professor, então o aluno esqueceu-se de colocar seu nome na prova, não a fez ou, se a fez, o professor perdeu a prova dele.

P3: Não há prova sem nome nos arquivos do professor.

P4: Se não há prova sem nome nos arquivos do professor, então o aluno não se esqueceu de colocar seu nome na prova.

P5: A assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova.

P6: Se a assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova, então o aluno não fez a prova.

Tendo como referência as proposições P1 a P6, anteriormente apresentadas, julgue o item a seguir.

É válido o argumento que toma por premissas as proposições P1 a P6 e, por conclusão, a proposição “esqueceu-se de colocar seu nome na prova”.

Q2226477 Raciocínio Lógico
P1: Não há uma prova com o nome do aluno nos arquivos do professor.

P2: Se não há uma prova com o nome do aluno nos arquivos do professor, então o aluno esqueceu-se de colocar seu nome na prova, não a fez ou, se a fez, o professor perdeu a prova dele.

P3: Não há prova sem nome nos arquivos do professor.

P4: Se não há prova sem nome nos arquivos do professor, então o aluno não se esqueceu de colocar seu nome na prova.

P5: A assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova.

P6: Se a assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova, então o aluno não fez a prova.

Tendo como referência as proposições P1 a P6, anteriormente apresentadas, julgue o item a seguir.

A negação da proposição P6 pode ser corretamente expressa por “a assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova, mas o aluno não deixou de fazer a prova”.

Q2226476 Raciocínio Lógico
P1: Não há uma prova com o nome do aluno nos arquivos do professor.

P2: Se não há uma prova com o nome do aluno nos arquivos do professor, então o aluno esqueceu-se de colocar seu nome na prova, não a fez ou, se a fez, o professor perdeu a prova dele.

P3: Não há prova sem nome nos arquivos do professor.

P4: Se não há prova sem nome nos arquivos do professor, então o aluno não se esqueceu de colocar seu nome na prova.

P5: A assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova.

P6: Se a assinatura do aluno não consta da lista de presença do dia da prova, então o aluno não fez a prova.

Tendo como referência as proposições P1 a P6, anteriormente apresentadas, julgue o item a seguir.

É válido o argumento que toma por premissas as proposições P1 a P6 e, por conclusão, a proposição “Se o aluno fez a prova, então o professor perdeu a prova dele”.

Q2226471 Estatística
Suponha que Y1, Y2,…, Y16 represente uma amostra aleatória simples retirada de uma população normal, com média igual a 10 e desvio padrão igual a 32. Com respeito à média amostral Imagem associada para resolução da questão = (Y1+ Y2+…+ Y16)/16, julgue o próximo item.

A variável aleatória  Imagem associada para resolução da questão × 16 segue uma distribuição binomial com parâmetro n = 16.
Q2226469 Estatística
Suponha que Y1, Y2,…, Y16 represente uma amostra aleatória simples retirada de uma população normal, com média igual a 10 e desvio padrão igual a 32. Com respeito à média amostral Imagem associada para resolução da questão = (Y1+ Y2+…+ Y16)/16, julgue o próximo item.
O desvio padrão de  Imagem associada para resolução da questão é igual a 32.
Q2226466 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.
The adjective “dull”, in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph, could be replaced by boring without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q2226465 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.
This is an informative text which mingles formal and colloquial vocabulary, such as “street cred”.

Q2226464 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.
The advent of digital computers marked the moment when women were dismissed from calculation and coding. 

Q2226463 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.
The main point of the article is the ironic dismissal of women’s abilities to work in programming in disregard for their fundamental contribution to this area. 

Q2226461 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.
Tracy Chou, as a recognized programmer, is an exception since she has not suffered prejudice for being a woman during her career. 
Q2226460 Inglês
     Data art is a form of digital art that uses data as a medium or source material to create visually appealing and meaningful representations. It often involves the use of algorithms, software, and technology to turn data into something that can be seen, such as a graph, chart, or animation. The goal is to convey emotions to the audience by sharing insights, patterns, or stories hidden within the data in an accessible and creative way. Data artist Kirell Benzi adds that, because it is based on data, the piece has a more objective truth behind its construction and does not solely come from the artist’s imagination.
       Still emerging, Data Art has nonetheless existed for decades. What stands it apart, from the other digital art categories, is the complex interaction between material, process, and expression.
        The artist Aaron Koblin once argued that “data can make us more human”. As part of a project to put this forward, he made Flight Patterns. The summary purpose explains it all: Interpreting a series of flight data and, once processed, a wide range of human behaviors appears. It is how we all flow through technology.

Internet: <>(adapted). 
Considering the information stated in the precedent text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.
The terms data art and digital art are interchangeable in the text.

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