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1 - Seja cauteloso ao fornecer seu endereço de email evitando publicar seu endereço de email real em grupos de notícias, sites da Web ou outras áreas públicas na Internet.
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São orientações corretas:
1 - O modo Folha de Dados é mais ou menos semelhante a uma planilha, onde podemos digitar dados diretamente nas células como faz em uma planilha.
2 - O Access aplicará algumas configurações de tabela com base nos dados inseridos dessa maneira.
3 - Esse método pode ser utilizado quando precisamos configurar uma tabela básica e inserir dados rapidamente.
São afirmações corretas:
I - Na modelagem de um banco de dados, frequentemente desejamos garantir que um valor que aparece em uma relação para um dado conjunto de atributos também apareça para um certo conjunto de atributos de outra relação. Essa condição é chamada "integridade de atributos".
II - A linguagem SQL permite que programas construam e submetam consultas SQL em tempo de execução. Um exemplo de um comando SQL dinâmico é "EXEC SQL SUBMIT".
Pode-se afirmar que:
I - A table is in second normal form (2NF) if it is in 1NF and there is no nonkey column dependent on a partial primary key of that table. This means if (A,B) is a combination of two table columns building the key, then there is no column of the table depending either on only A or only B.
II - SOAP is a XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP. Or more simply: SOAP is a protocol for accessing a Web Service.
Pode-se afirmar que:
I - In Object-Oriented Programming, the Abstract Factory pattern is one level of abstraction higher than the factory pattern. You can use this pattern when you want to return one of several related classes of objects, each of which can return several different objects on request. In other words, this pattern is a factory object that returns one of several factories. One classic application is the case where your system needs to support multiple “look- and-feel” user interfaces, such as Windows-9x, Motif or Macintosh. You tell the factory that you want your program to look like Windows and it returns a GUI factory which returns Windows-like objects. Then when you request specific objects such as buttons, check boxes and windows, the GUI factory returns Windows instances of these visual interface components.
II - Although Web Services do not necessarily translate to SOA, and not all SOA is based on Web Services, the relationship between the two technology directions is important and they are mutually influential: Web Services momentum will bring SOA to mainstream users, and the best-practice architecture of SOA will help make Web Services initiatives successful.
Pode-se afirmar que:
I - In Object-Oriented Programming, the Bridge pattern is used to separate the interface of class from its implementation, so that either can be varied separately. At first sight, the bridge pattern looks much like the Adapter pattern, in that a class is used to convert one kind of interface to another. However, the intent of the Adapter pattern is to make one or more class interfaces look the same as that of a particular class. The Bridge pattern is designed to separate a class interface from its implementation, so that you can vary or replace the implementation without changing the client code.
II - First normal form (1NF) means that a table has no multivalued attributes or composite attributes. (A composite attribute contains other attributes and can therefore be divided into smaller parts.) All relational tables are by definition in 1NF, because the value of any column in a row must be atomic—that is, single valued.
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