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Q177253 Banco de Dados
Identifique com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas.

Os bancos de dados relacionais não suportam herança. Então, ao mapear objetos para o banco de dados, deve-se considerar como representar estruturas de herança, tipo tabelas relacionais.

Nessas condições, pode-se representar uma hierarquia de herança de classes

( ) como uma única tabela.
( ) com uma tabela para cada classe.
( ) com uma tabela por classe concreta na hierarquia.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177252 Engenharia de Software
Um diagrama UML é uma apresentação gráfica de uma coleção de elementos do modelo de um sistema.
O diagrama utilizado pela UML que apresenta a interação entre os objetos em relação ao tempo é o de
Q177251 Arquitetura de Software
O Design Patterns que tem a finalidade de usar compartilhamento para suportar grandes quantidades de objetos, de granularidade fina, de maneira eficiente, é denominado
Q177250 Arquitetura de Software
Segundo a classificação de Design Patterns apresentada pela GoF, identifique com V os padrões comportamentais e com F, os demais.

( ) Observer.
( ) Iterator.
( ) Façade.
( ) Composite.
( ) Visitor.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177249 Programação
Identifique com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas. A eficiência do código-fonte está diretamente presa à eficiência dos algoritmos definidos durante a fase de projeto detalhado. Porém, o estilo de codificação pode ter efeito sobre a velocidade de execução e requisitos de memória. O seguinte conjunto de diretrizes sempre pode ser aplicado, para ter um efeito positivo sobre a velocidade de execução e requisitos de memórias, quando o projeto detalhado é convertido em código.

Assim sendo, é correto afirmar:

( ) Quando possível, evitar o uso de arrays multidimensionais.
( ) Não se deve misturar tipos de dados, mesmo que a linguagem permita isso.
( ) Não se deve usar expressões booleanas e aritméticas de números inteiros, pois prejudica a eficiência do código.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177248 Programação
Identifique com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas. A portabilidade do código-fonte é uma característica de linguagem de programação que pode ser interpretada de três maneiras diferentes.

Nessas condições, é correto afirmar:

( ) O código-fonte pode ser transportado de processador para processador e de compilador para compilador, sem nenhuma modificação.
( ) O código-fonte permanece imutável mesmo quando seu ambiente muda (por exemplo, uma nova versão de sistema operacional é instalada).
( ) O código-fonte pode ser integrado em diferentes pacotes de software, sem nenhuma modificação.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177247 Engenharia de Software
Identifique com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas.

( ) A análise de requisitos possibilita que o Engenheiro de Software especifique a função e o desempenho do software.
( ) Os testes de software são atividades de garantia da qualidade por si mesmo.
( ) A segurança de software é uma atividade de garantia de qualidade de software que se concentra na identificação e avaliação de casualidades em potencial que possam exercer um impacto negativo sobre o software e fazer com que todo o sistema falhe.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177246 Engenharia de Software
Identifique com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas.

( ) A confiabilidade pode ser medida diretamente e estimada, usando-se dados históricos e de desenvolvimento.

( ) Os testes de caixa preta focalizam a estrutura de controle do programa, sendo que os casos de teste são derivados para garantir que todas as instruções do programa tenham sido exercitadas pelo menos uma vez durante os testes e que todas as condições lógicas tenham sido exercitadas.

( ) Os testes de caixa branca são projetados para validar os requisitos funcionais, sem se preocupar com o funcionamento interno de um programa.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177245 Engenharia de Software
Identifique com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas.

( ) Os requisitos não funcionais restringem o sistema que está sendo desenvolvido e o processo de desenvolvimento que deve ser usado e estão, frequentemente, relacionados às propriedades emergentes do sistema de modo que se aplicam ao sistema em sua totalidade.
( ) A prototipação não é considerada uma técnica usada para validação de requisitos, pois ocorre na fase final do processo de desenvolvimento, representado a entrega do sistema aos usuários finais e clientes.
( ) Pode-se considerar que a entrada para o estudo de viabilidade consiste em um conjunto preliminar de requisitos de negócios, um esboço da descrição do sistema e como esse sistema pretende apoiar os processos de negócios.

A alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
Q177244 Gerência de Projetos
Segundo o PMBOK, existem nove áreas de conhecimento que ajudam a gestão de projetos. O sequenciamento das atividades, a administração de contratos e o envio de relatórios de desempenho aos patrocinadores, no decorrer do projeto, pertencem, respectivamente, às áreas de
Q177243 Engenharia de Software
Sobre o relacionamento entre o Sistema de Gerenciamento da Configuração (SGC) e o Sistema de Gerenciamento do Conhecimento de Serviço (SGCS), é correto afirmar:
Q177242 Governança de TI
O processo ITIL, responsável por registrar o relacionamento entre componentes de serviço, é denominado de Gerenciamento de
Q177241 Governança de TI
Para o ITIL, a melhoria contínua constitui um dos elementos do ciclo de vida dos serviços e utiliza-se de métricas, para mensurar e estabelecer metas que demonstrem a maturidade e o desempenho dos serviços. Os principais tipos de métricas definidos pelo ITIL, na melhoria de serviço continuada, são os correlacionados aos números:
1. Métricas de processo.
2. Métricas de fornecedor.
3. Métricas de serviço.
4. Métricas de Tecnologia.
5. Métricas de Negócio.

Assim, a alternativa que contém a resposta correta é a
Q177240 Governança de TI
No COBIT, as questões relacionadas ao gerenciamento dos níveis de serviço e ao gerenciamento dos serviços de terceiros são definidas no domínio de processos de
Q177239 Governança de TI
No que se refere ao COBIT 4.1, pode-se afirmar:
Q177238 Governança de TI
                                                 Computer Systems Analysts
Nearly all organizations rely on computer and information technology (IT) to conduct business and operate efficiently. Computer systems analysts use IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals. They may design and develop new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional 5 tasks. Training requirements for computer systems analysts vary depending on the job, but many employers, when hiring computer systems analysts, usually prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree. Relevant work experience also is very important. Advancement opportunities are good for those with the necessary skills and experience. For more technically complex jobs, people with graduate 10 degrees are preferred. For jobs in a technical or scientific environment, employers often seek applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree in a technical field, such as computer science, information science, applied mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. For jobs in a business environment, employers often seek applicants with at least a bachelor" degree in a business-related field such as management information systems (MIS). Increasingly, employers are seeking individuals 15 who have a master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a concentration in information systems. Despite the preference for technical degrees, however, people who have degrees in other areas may find employment as systems analysts if they also have technical skills. Courses in computer science or related subjects combined with practical experience can qualify people for some jobs in the 20 occupation. Employers generally look for people with expertise relevant to the job. For example, systems analysts who wish to work for a bank may need some expertise in finance, and systems analysts who wish to work for a hospital may need some knowledge of health management. Furthermore, business enterprises generally prefer individuals with information technology, business, and accounting skills and 25 frequently assist employees in obtaining these skills. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to remain competitive. Employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, and private training institutions offer continuing education to help workers attain the latest skills. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional 30 computing societies. COMPUTER Systems Analysts. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 jan. 2011. Adaptado. 
No COBIT 4.1, identificar e alocar custos, assegurar a conformidade com requisitos externos e gerenciar mudanças pertencem, respectivamente, aos domínios conhecidos como
Q177237 Inglês
                                                 Computer Systems Analysts
Nearly all organizations rely on computer and information technology (IT) to conduct business and operate efficiently. Computer systems analysts use IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals. They may design and develop new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional 5 tasks. Training requirements for computer systems analysts vary depending on the job, but many employers, when hiring computer systems analysts, usually prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree. Relevant work experience also is very important. Advancement opportunities are good for those with the necessary skills and experience. For more technically complex jobs, people with graduate 10 degrees are preferred. For jobs in a technical or scientific environment, employers often seek applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree in a technical field, such as computer science, information science, applied mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. For jobs in a business environment, employers often seek applicants with at least a bachelor" degree in a business-related field such as management information systems (MIS). Increasingly, employers are seeking individuals 15 who have a master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a concentration in information systems. Despite the preference for technical degrees, however, people who have degrees in other areas may find employment as systems analysts if they also have technical skills. Courses in computer science or related subjects combined with practical experience can qualify people for some jobs in the 20 occupation. Employers generally look for people with expertise relevant to the job. For example, systems analysts who wish to work for a bank may need some expertise in finance, and systems analysts who wish to work for a hospital may need some knowledge of health management. Furthermore, business enterprises generally prefer individuals with information technology, business, and accounting skills and 25 frequently assist employees in obtaining these skills. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to remain competitive. Employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, and private training institutions offer continuing education to help workers attain the latest skills. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional 30 computing societies. COMPUTER Systems Analysts. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 jan. 2011. Adaptado. 
O conectivo “Furthermore” (linha 23) expressa
Q177236 Inglês
                                                 Computer Systems Analysts
Nearly all organizations rely on computer and information technology (IT) to conduct business and operate efficiently. Computer systems analysts use IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals. They may design and develop new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional 5 tasks. Training requirements for computer systems analysts vary depending on the job, but many employers, when hiring computer systems analysts, usually prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree. Relevant work experience also is very important. Advancement opportunities are good for those with the necessary skills and experience. For more technically complex jobs, people with graduate 10 degrees are preferred. For jobs in a technical or scientific environment, employers often seek applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree in a technical field, such as computer science, information science, applied mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. For jobs in a business environment, employers often seek applicants with at least a bachelor" degree in a business-related field such as management information systems (MIS). Increasingly, employers are seeking individuals 15 who have a master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a concentration in information systems. Despite the preference for technical degrees, however, people who have degrees in other areas may find employment as systems analysts if they also have technical skills. Courses in computer science or related subjects combined with practical experience can qualify people for some jobs in the 20 occupation. Employers generally look for people with expertise relevant to the job. For example, systems analysts who wish to work for a bank may need some expertise in finance, and systems analysts who wish to work for a hospital may need some knowledge of health management. Furthermore, business enterprises generally prefer individuals with information technology, business, and accounting skills and 25 frequently assist employees in obtaining these skills. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to remain competitive. Employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, and private training institutions offer continuing education to help workers attain the latest skills. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional 30 computing societies. COMPUTER Systems Analysts. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 jan. 2011. Adaptado. 
No terceiro parágrafo do texto, o autor
Q177235 Inglês
                                                 Computer Systems Analysts
Nearly all organizations rely on computer and information technology (IT) to conduct business and operate efficiently. Computer systems analysts use IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals. They may design and develop new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional 5 tasks. Training requirements for computer systems analysts vary depending on the job, but many employers, when hiring computer systems analysts, usually prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree. Relevant work experience also is very important. Advancement opportunities are good for those with the necessary skills and experience. For more technically complex jobs, people with graduate 10 degrees are preferred. For jobs in a technical or scientific environment, employers often seek applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree in a technical field, such as computer science, information science, applied mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. For jobs in a business environment, employers often seek applicants with at least a bachelor" degree in a business-related field such as management information systems (MIS). Increasingly, employers are seeking individuals 15 who have a master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a concentration in information systems. Despite the preference for technical degrees, however, people who have degrees in other areas may find employment as systems analysts if they also have technical skills. Courses in computer science or related subjects combined with practical experience can qualify people for some jobs in the 20 occupation. Employers generally look for people with expertise relevant to the job. For example, systems analysts who wish to work for a bank may need some expertise in finance, and systems analysts who wish to work for a hospital may need some knowledge of health management. Furthermore, business enterprises generally prefer individuals with information technology, business, and accounting skills and 25 frequently assist employees in obtaining these skills. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to remain competitive. Employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, and private training institutions offer continuing education to help workers attain the latest skills. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional 30 computing societies. COMPUTER Systems Analysts. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 jan. 2011. Adaptado. 
Analyze the following statements.
A Computer Systems Analyst is
I. an applicant who has at least a bachelor's degree.
II. an individual who has a master's degree in business administration (MBA).
III. anybody who organizes and develops new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software.
IV. everybody who uses IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals.
V. anyone who has technical skills.

According to the text, the correct statements are
Q177234 Inglês
                                                 Computer Systems Analysts
Nearly all organizations rely on computer and information technology (IT) to conduct business and operate efficiently. Computer systems analysts use IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals. They may design and develop new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional 5 tasks. Training requirements for computer systems analysts vary depending on the job, but many employers, when hiring computer systems analysts, usually prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree. Relevant work experience also is very important. Advancement opportunities are good for those with the necessary skills and experience. For more technically complex jobs, people with graduate 10 degrees are preferred. For jobs in a technical or scientific environment, employers often seek applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree in a technical field, such as computer science, information science, applied mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. For jobs in a business environment, employers often seek applicants with at least a bachelor" degree in a business-related field such as management information systems (MIS). Increasingly, employers are seeking individuals 15 who have a master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a concentration in information systems. Despite the preference for technical degrees, however, people who have degrees in other areas may find employment as systems analysts if they also have technical skills. Courses in computer science or related subjects combined with practical experience can qualify people for some jobs in the 20 occupation. Employers generally look for people with expertise relevant to the job. For example, systems analysts who wish to work for a bank may need some expertise in finance, and systems analysts who wish to work for a hospital may need some knowledge of health management. Furthermore, business enterprises generally prefer individuals with information technology, business, and accounting skills and 25 frequently assist employees in obtaining these skills. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to remain competitive. Employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, and private training institutions offer continuing education to help workers attain the latest skills. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional 30 computing societies. COMPUTER Systems Analysts. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 jan. 2011. Adaptado. 
Na frase “Despite the preference for technical degrees” (linha 17), a palavra em negrito pode ser substituída por
61: E
62: E
63: C
64: D
65: A
66: E
67: C
68: E
69: B
70: A
71: A
72: E
73: C
74: A
75: E
76: D
77: B
78: E
79: C
80: E