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Q1776089 Inglês
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    Daniel Ferreira, 24, is a guy who had to learn to overcome expectations from the day hewas born, without his arms, due to a treatment with thalidomy that his mother had to do during pregnancy. “Some relatives did not bet a chip on me; they saw me as a poor thing,” he says. It turns out that he did not put any brakes on any ambition, he did very well in life and,painting with his feet and mouth, he became a fine artist.
  About the International Day of People with Disabilities, celebrated last Wednesday (3), he says: “Unfortunately, we still need special days toremember minorities, such as blacks,homosexuals and the disabled. Brazil is not prepared in any way to meet the needs of people with disabilities. There is no accessibility. Neither public nor private schools have a structure. We still have a lot to fight for ”.
     The boy speaks properly on the subject, since he had to fight hard to be able to study in a regular public school, from the age of seven. The principal argued that the state institution was not supported to receive a student with a disability. His father, Francisco, was the one who had to build a special desk, without State aid, so that Daniel could write with his feet. 
(Fonte: Texto Adaptado. Disponível em:<
ca-daniel-ferreira-o-artista-que-pinta-com-os-pes-e-aboca/>.Acesso em: 15 dez. 2020).
Considerando o terceiro parágrafo do texto, assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente o tempo verbal predominante nas frases destacadas.
 “(...) since he had to fight hard to be ableto study in a regular public school, from the age of seven. The principal argued that the stateinstitution was not supported to receive a student with a disability. His father, Francisco, was  the one who had to build a special desk, without State aid, so that Daniel could write with his feet”.
Q1776088 Inglês
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    RUBIÃO found a rival in the heart of Quincas Borba, - a dog, a beautiful dog, half size, lead-colored fur, spotted black. Quincas Borba took it everywhere they slept in the same room.In the morning, it was the dog that woke him up, in bed, where they exchanged their first greetings. One of the owner's extravagances wasgiving it his own name; but, he explained it for two reasons, one doctrinal, another particular (...).
   - You should laugh, my dear. Because immortality is my lot or my dowry, or as best name there is. I will live perpetually in my great book. Those who, however, do not can read, charlatan Quincas Borba to the dog, and ...
    The dog, hearing the name, ran to the bed. Quincas Borba, touched, looked at Quincas Borba.  
   - My poor friend! my good friend! my only friend!
   - Unique!
   - Excuse me, you are too, I know, and I thank you very much; but to a sick person everything is forgiven. Perhaps my delusion is beginning. Let me see the mirror.

Trecho traduzido a partir de:
v000243.pdf>. Acesso em: 15 dez. 2020.

Assinale a alternativa que identifique corretamente a quem a frase destacada é dirigida.

Quincas Borba, touched, looked at Quincas Borba”.

Q1776087 Inglês
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    RUBIÃO found a rival in the heart of Quincas Borba, - a dog, a beautiful dog, half size, lead-colored fur, spotted black. Quincas Borba took it everywhere they slept in the same room.In the morning, it was the dog that woke him up, in bed, where they exchanged their first greetings. One of the owner's extravagances wasgiving it his own name; but, he explained it for two reasons, one doctrinal, another particular (...).
   - You should laugh, my dear. Because immortality is my lot or my dowry, or as best name there is. I will live perpetually in my great book. Those who, however, do not can read, charlatan Quincas Borba to the dog, and ...
    The dog, hearing the name, ran to the bed. Quincas Borba, touched, looked at Quincas Borba.  
   - My poor friend! my good friend! my only friend!
   - Unique!
   - Excuse me, you are too, I know, and I thank you very much; but to a sick person everything is forgiven. Perhaps my delusion is beginning. Let me see the mirror.

Trecho traduzido a partir de:
v000243.pdf>. Acesso em: 15 dez. 2020.
Os vocábulos grifados no primeiroparágrafo referem-se a:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UFSM Órgão: UFSM Prova: UFSM - 2017 - UFSM - Técnico em Agropecuária |
Q1019765 Agropecuária

As sementes de algumas espécies apresentam problemas de germinação ou não germinam, mesmo quando colocadas em condições ambientais adequadas, permanecendo em estado dormente. Porém, para que ocorra a germinação destas sementes é preciso quebrar a dormência por meio de tratamentos pré-germinativos.

Com base nessa afirmativa, assinale a alternativa correta.

Ano: 2017 Banca: UFSM Órgão: UFSM Prova: UFSM - 2017 - UFSM - Técnico em Agropecuária |
Q1019764 Agropecuária

O conhecimento dos principais estágios de desenvolvimento e de como cada um interfere na produção final da lavoura é fundamental para que se possa aplicar distintas práticas de manejo da cultura de forma mais eficaz e, assim, obter alta produtividade através da potencialização de cada um dos componentes de rendimento de grãos.

Com base no exposto, associe cada componente de rendimento na coluna à esquerda com o respectivo estágio de desenvolvimento da cultura do arroz na coluna à direita.

(1) Número de panículas/m2

(2) Número de espiguetas/ panícula

(3) Número de grãos/ panícula

(4) Massa de grão

( ) Da antese (uma ou mais espiguetas) até a maturação completa dos grãos na panícula.

( ) Da iniciação da panícula até a antese (uma ou mais espiguetas).

( ) Da antese (uma ou mais espiguetas) até a expansão de um ou mais grãos em profundidade.

( ) Da semente de arroz não embebida até a antese (uma ou mais espiguetas).

A sequência correta é

836: A
837: B
838: E
839: D
840: A