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Q1007250 Inglês

Read the excerpt from Anthony (1963) apud Richards and Rodgers (2001):

“…An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. An approach is axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught… …

... Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural.

Within one approach, there can be many methods…”

Considering the excerpt and the nature of approaches and methods in English teaching, it is correct to say that:

Q1007249 Inglês

Given that communicative competence is the goal of a language classroom, instruction needs to point toward all its components: organizational, pragmatic, strategic, and psychomotor. Communicative goals are best achieved by giving due attention to language use and not just usage, to fluency and not just accuracy, to authentic language and contexts, and to students’ eventual need to apply classroom learning to previously unrehearsed contexts in the real world (BROWN, 2007).

Considering Communicative Competence as a reference, it is correct to state that:

Q1007248 Inglês

The aim of this particular model is to provide a coherent framework for the integration of the various aspects of learning, while at the same time allowing enough room for creativity and variety to florish. The model consists of four elements: input, content focus, language focus, task (HUTCHINSON and WATERS,1987).

Hutchinson and Waters (1987) present a material design model based on four elements: input, content, language and task. According to the authors, the primary focus of the unit is:

Q1007247 Inglês

[this domain] deals with the way in which utterences are interpreted in context, and the ways in which the utterences of a particular sentence in a certain context may convey a message that is not actually expressed in the sentence and in other contexts might not have been conveyed. (HUDDLESTON and PULLUM, 2002).

The previous passage is a definition of:

Q1007246 Inglês

Regarding to questioning strategies for interactive learning, there are many ways to classify what kind of questions are effective in the classroom, beginning with display questions to highly referential ones. Asking a lot of questions in classroom does not guarantee stimulation of interaction, for that reason, knowing how to apply the appropriate question in order to achieve a previous fixed objective is of great importance (BROWN, 2007).

Considering the statement above, choose the alternative that properly presents: (1) a question category (2) its explanation and (3) a correct example of it.

141: D
142: D
143: B
144: A
145: A