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Q1254884 Biblioteconomia
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o que registra os livros de um acervo, que se conhece também como RG dos livros.
Q1254883 Biblioteconomia
A proliferação dos documentos eletrônicos nas instituições levanta a questão da confiabilidade desse tipo de documento e, consequentemente, de seu gerenciamento. Ao se reconhecer os documentos contemporâneos gerados em meio eletrônico como prova de ação, verificam-se aspectos importantes acerca das características dos documentos. Análises são voltadas para a compreensão das formas documentais, das categorias de documentos e daquilo que se define como documento. A partir dessa teoria sobre as características dos registros documentais, o que NÃO se encaixa no registro de um documento?
Q1254882 Biblioteconomia
Os critérios para seleção e aquisição de materiais para completar uma biblioteca escolar são:
Q1254881 Biblioteconomia
A biblioteca da Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação contém uma quantidade considerável de itens incorporados ao acervo, sendo que, referente ao título Desenvolvimento de Coleções, do autor Waldomiro Vergueiro, Editoria Polis, 1989, existe um único exemplar catalogado e disponível nessa biblioteca. Em contrapartida, a biblioteca da Universidade Paulista também possui seu acervo completo, contendo os mesmos títulos, porém sendo esse título em específico a edição não atualizada. Logo, o programa de acordo preestabelecido entre as duas instituições, fornecendo publicações retiradas do acervo, denomina-se
Q1254880 Biblioteconomia
Ao organizar uma biblioteca, constou-se a existência de catálogos de editoras, bibliografias e resenhas, os quais são originalmente conhecidos como instrumentos auxiliares do(a)
Q1254879 Biblioteconomia
Sabe-se que a política de desenvolvimento de coleções é um conjunto de normas e diretrizes que busca determinar ações, descrever estratégias gerais, estabelecer instrumentos e delimitar critérios, facilitando a tomada de decisão na composição e no desenvolvimento de coleções, em sintonia com os objetivos da instituição, dos diferentes tipos de serviços de informação e dos usuários. No processo de Seleção, os critérios em conteúdo dos documentos são:
Q1254878 Biblioteconomia
Cada unidade de informação possui suas particularidades de acordo com a especialidade e o objetivo final para desenvolver, organizar e disponibilizar a informação. Por exemplo, a biblioteca dispõe da gestão de seu acervo. Assim, qual é o nome atribuído aos serviços de bibliotecas, arquivos e centros de documentação?
Q1254876 Biblioteconomia
Ela não modifica apenas a técnica de reprodução do texto, mas também as próprias estruturas e formas do suporte que o comunica a seus leitores. O livro impresso tem sido, até hoje, o herdeiro do manuscrito: quanto à organização em cadernos, à hierarquia dos formatos, do libro da banco ao libellus; quanto, também, aos subsídios à leitura: concordâncias, índices, sumários. Com o monitor, que vem substituir o códice, a mudança é mais radical, posto que são modos de organização, de estruturação, de consulta do suporte do escrito que se acham modificados. A partir das informações apresentadas, o que promoveu mudanças sociais, econômicas e para a difusão do conhecimento, popularizando os livros?
Q1254875 Biblioteconomia
A emergente abordagem científica da natureza virou essa abordagem de pernas para o ar. O objetivo, então, era colocar tudo em uma ordem de coisas, em seu devido lugar dentro de um grande sistema, capaz, pelo menos potencialmente, de absorver tudo que existia na terra e nos céus. A natureza se submeteria à classificação definitiva e até o último besouro e o último musgo encontrariam seu lugar nas páginas de Lineu, apareceriam de alguma forma em um dos muitos termos de Buffon. A mente científica finalmente estava equipada para dominar a ordem das coisas; de fato, de acordo com escritores revolucionários, foi a mente científica que estabeleceu essa ordem e a impôs ao universo. Com base no exposto, são fatores determinantes para criação, manutenção e desenvolvimento de bibliotecas:
Q1254874 Biblioteconomia
Os princípios normativos, cânones, técnicas e práticas são essenciais para a organização de bibliotecas e serviços, segundo linhas científicas, embora favoreçam uma interpretação prática, como leis orientadas para o serviço. Essas leis da Biblioteconomia são formuladas por
Q1254873 Biblioteconomia
Toda biblioteca, por menor que seja e segundo condições determinadas, é uma representação sintética do conhecimento. Há de se estabelecer a harmonia entre sistemas de organização e a organização da ciência, ou seja, acordar o sistema bibliográfico com o sistema científico. Para isso, o sistema bibliográfico deve, em geral, seguir um sistema mais rígido, não somente para a distribuição de livros nas diferentes classes, mas também por tudo o que se refere às subdivisões dessas classes. Entretanto a classificação detalhada e, especialmente, a ordenação dos livros em suas respectivas seções dependem exclusivamente do sistema bibliográfico. Conforme o exposto, ordene os seguintes números de chamada e assinale a alternativa correspondente à ordem correta.
1) 220.0909 A681
2) 220.09011 M552
3) 220.909 C234
4) 220.90112 B729
5) 220.9112 F238
6) 220.9112 F328
Q1254872 Biblioteconomia
A obra “Texto literário, crítica e cultura: ensaios”, organizada por Manoel Freire; Charles Albuquerque Ponte; Maria Aparecida da Costa e editada pela Paco Editorial, em 2019, tem como entrada principal
Q1254871 Biblioteconomia
De acordo com a AACR2, a entrada principal para Papas, Bispos, Cardeais e outras autoridades religiosas segue as regras 22.17B, 22.17C e 22.17D. Portanto qual é a entrada principal correta para Papas?
Q1254870 Biblioteconomia
Manuscrito é uma palavra que vem do Latim, sendo “manu” de mãos e “scriptus” de escrever. Logo, os manuscritos são escritos à mão, tal como os pergaminhos do Mar Morto. Para a catalogação de manuscritos, de acordo com o Código de Catalogação, é correto afirmar que
Q1254869 Inglês
According to the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (1998), the learning of a foreign language depends on the “(…) engajamento discursivo do aluno, ou seja, em sua capacidade de se engajar e engajar outros no discurso, de modo a poder agir no mundo social.” Taking into account the language teaching methodologies, which one best aligns with the PCN proposal for teaching a foreign language?
Q1254867 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
Read the following options which present words taken from the text and mark the only CORRECT one concerning word formation processes.
Q1254866 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
Considering the excerpt: “As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirt-lifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased (…)”, mark the option which is CORRECT about the usage of pronouns in the sentence.
Q1254865 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
Analyze the following extracts taken from the text and mark the option which grammatically expresses the highest degree of probability:
Q1254864 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
In the excerpt “But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated”, the words “but”, “profoundly”, “positive”, “health” and “celebrated” are respectively used as:
Q1254863 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
Observe the following excerpt taken from the text: “But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.” Mark the correct option concerning the usage of words and expressions in the sentence.
5401: B
5402: E
5403: E
5404: D
5405: A
5406: C
5407: C
5408: D
5409: E
5410: A
5411: A
5412: E
5413: B
5414: C
5415: D
5416: C
5417: A
5418: E
5419: B
5420: E