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Q2547323 Inglês

Read Text I and answer question.

Text I

How to have a healthier relationship with your phone

    A few years ago, a Google employee sent an email to thousands of her co-workers: What if for six weeks straight, you spent one night per week without technology? The email was from Laura Mae Martin, Google’s executive productivity adviser, a role that, among other things, was created to help staff members foster healthier relationships with their gadgets and apps. After she sent the note, Ms. Martin was flooded with responses from coworkers eager for a respite from some of the very products they helped build. Thousands of employees have since participated in the annual “No-Tech Tuesday Night Challenge,” said Ms. Martin.

    The problem she was trying to solve isn’t unique to Google workers. One survey found that Americans say they spend too much time on their phones. But dramatic solutions – a digital detox, a phone downgrade or a complete exit from social media – may feel impractical. 

    Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with technology while still using it daily? Fortunately, according to experts, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’ and here are a few things you can try:

    First, start with one simple question.

    You know that urge you get to reach for your phone without realizing it? And then, before you know it, you’re an hour into a social media binge? If you want to peacefully coexist with technology, you need to get a handle on those impulses, said Richard J. Davidson, the founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. According to him, people should start by noticing when they have an urge to lift their phone or open social media on their browser window. By becoming conscious of what you’re about to do, you’re interrupting an automatic behavior and awakening the part of your brain that governs self-control, he added. As one research article suggests, awareness of your actions can help you rein in bad habits.

    Secondly, take the “mobile” out of your mobile devices.

    Dr. Anna Lembke, a professor of psychiatry and addiction medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, said one of the biggest problems with smartphones is what she calls “texting while running to catch a bus.” Using our devices while we’re on the move – walking from meeting to meeting, taking a child to school or catching a bus – prevents us from being more engaged in our lives, Dr. Lembke said.

    One way to create harmony with technology is to limit your phone use when you’re on the move. Headed out for a walk? Turn off your notifications. Going to grab a coffee? Leave your phone on your desk. If you’re feeling brave, try powering down your phone while in transit. It won’t buzz with notifications, text messages or phone calls, which Dr. Lembke said could help you focus on the world around you.

    Last of all, make technology work for you.

    One thing experts agree on: To forge a healthy relationship with technology, you need to be in control of it and not the other way around. Think about your gadgets as tools that you decide how to use. 

    “Make it work for you, not against you; whether it’s an email program or your dishwasher, it’s the intention behind how you’re using it that really makes the big difference”, said Ms. Martin, the productivity expert at Google.

(Adapted from:

Based on Text I, mark the statements below as True (T) or False (F):
( ) One survey found that, due to spending too much time on their phones, almost fifty percent of people from all around the world are about to make dramatic moves, such as opt for a digital detox or a complete exit from social media. ( ) Experts say it’s quite unlikely for someone to have a healthy relationship with technology while still using it daily because they’re already so addicted to their gadgets that there’s no way to overcome it. ( ) According to the founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, if someone desires to peacefully coexist with technology, they need to get a handle on impulses that make them reach for their phone without even realizing it. 
The statements are, in the order presented, respectively: 
Q2547322 Educação Física
Avalie as seguintes afirmativas relacionadas à garantia do direito à educação de qualidade na perspectiva inclusiva para a Educação Especial, focando em pessoas com deficiência, com Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento (TGD), incluindo Transtornos do Espectro Autista (TEA), e altas habilidades/superdotação.

I - A legislação brasileira exige que todas as escolas, públicas e privadas, estejam equipadas com recursos e suportes adequados para a inclusão de alunos com qualquer tipo de necessidade especial. II - A inclusão de alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação frequentemente requer aceleração de série ou enriquecimento curricular como estratégias de adaptação pedagógica. III - O ensino de Educação Física para alunos com deficiência deve ser realizado exclusivamente em salas ou espaços separados, para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do ensino. IV - Professores devem receber formação continuada específica para trabalhar com alunos com TGD, incluindo aqueles com TEA, para garantir uma educação inclusiva eficaz. V - Práticas pedagógicas inclusivas para alunos com TEA devem evitar o uso de estímulos visuais e tecnologias assistivas, pois podem causar sobrecarga sensorial.

Estão corretas as afirmativas:
Q2547321 Pedagogia
No contexto do desenvolvimento do Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP) de uma escola, considerando sua concepção, princípios e eixos norteadores, qual dos seguintes elementos é essencial para garantir a eficácia e a relevância do PPP na prática educativa, especialmente em relação ao papel da Educação Física?
Q2547320 Educação Física
Com base nos fundamentos legais da educação especial/inclusiva e o papel do professor de Educação Física, qual das seguintes ações é mais alinhada ao atendimento dos requisitos legais e pedagógicos para a inclusão de estudantes com deficiência física nas aulas de Educação Física?
Q2547319 Pedagogia
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) estabelece competências específicas para a área de Linguagens, que englobam não apenas o aprendizado da língua portuguesa, mas também artes, educação física e línguas estrangeiras. Considerando a integração da Educação Física no contexto da BNCC, qual das seguintes competências é mais alinhada aos objetivos de ensino desta área para o Ensino Fundamental?
271: D
272: A
273: E
274: C
275: D