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Q3195853 Inglês
Defining English as an International Language English as lingua franca (ELF) has traditionally been defined as ‘interactions between members of two or more differentlinguaculturesin English,for none ofwhom English isthemothertongue’(HOUSE, 1999:74).In other words,ELFisthe study of the type oflanguage thatis used when second language speakers from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds interact. By definition, all first language speakers of English are excluded from the focus of ELF investigations. Jenkins (2006) argues quite strongly that the purpose of ELF research is essentially to document the features of interactions between second language speakers of English and in no way is meant to depict a particular variety of English that should become the standard for second language speakers.

McKAY, S. English as an international language: What it is and what it means for pedagogy. SAGE Journals, 23 jan. 2018. Disponível em: 7738817. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.

Como professor de inglês, ao considerar o ensino da língua inglesa como língua franca, é fundamental compreender que: 
Q3195852 Inglês
Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt reach divorce settlement

By Kanjyik Ghosh and Bipasha Dey

   Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have finalized their divorce settlement, concluding an eight-year legal battle that captivated Hollywood.

   Jolie’s lawyer announced on Tuesday that the settlement had been signed and filed, though no details had been disclosed. Pitt’s representatives haven’t commented. The couple, married for only two years, separated in 2016 when Jolie cited irreconcilable differences. She initially sought full physical custody of their six children, leading to a custody battle. Pitt faced and was cleared of child abuse allegations during the dispute, with both sides accusing each other of media manipulation. They eventually agreed to equal custody through a private judge.

   Jolie, an Oscar-winning actress, was previously married to Johnny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton. Pitt, also an acclaimed actor, was married to Jennifer Aniston before meeting Jolie on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, sparking rumors of an affair that Jolie denied.

Fonte: Adaptado do site Reuters. Disponível em: Acesso em 15 jan 2025
In the context of the text, what does the phrase “irreconcilable differences” mean?
Q3195850 Inglês
Chefs make a record breaking 11,287 pizzas in 12 hours

by April Brown

   Four hundred chefs in Buenos Aires teamed up to beat the world record for pizzas made in 12 hours. Using more than 3 tonnes of flour, 2.7 tonnes of cheese and 88,000 olives, the team managed to produce 11,287 pizzas.

   Fourteen industrial-sized ovens allowed them to bake six pizzas a minute, and they beat the previous record by more than 1,000 pizzas.

Fonte: Adpatado do YouTube channel: On Demand News. Disponível em: hannel=OnDemandNews Acesso em: 15 jan 2025
In the sentence “Four hundred chefs in Buenos Aires teamed up to beat the world record,” which verb tense and form is used in “teamed up” and why?
Q3195849 Inglês
Chefs make a record breaking 11,287 pizzas in 12 hours

by April Brown

   Four hundred chefs in Buenos Aires teamed up to beat the world record for pizzas made in 12 hours. Using more than 3 tonnes of flour, 2.7 tonnes of cheese and 88,000 olives, the team managed to produce 11,287 pizzas.

   Fourteen industrial-sized ovens allowed them to bake six pizzas a minute, and they beat the previous record by more than 1,000 pizzas.

Fonte: Adpatado do YouTube channel: On Demand News. Disponível em: hannel=OnDemandNews Acesso em: 15 jan 2025
In the sentence “Four hundred chefs in Buenos Aires teamed up to beat the world record for pizzas made in 12 hours,” what is the grammatical function of the relative clause “made in 12 hours”?
Q3195848 Inglês
Chefs make a record breaking 11,287 pizzas in 12 hours

by April Brown

   Four hundred chefs in Buenos Aires teamed up to beat the world record for pizzas made in 12 hours. Using more than 3 tonnes of flour, 2.7 tonnes of cheese and 88,000 olives, the team managed to produce 11,287 pizzas.

   Fourteen industrial-sized ovens allowed them to bake six pizzas a minute, and they beat the previous record by more than 1,000 pizzas.

Fonte: Adpatado do YouTube channel: On Demand News. Disponível em: hannel=OnDemandNews Acesso em: 15 jan 2025
In the sentence “Using more than 3 tonnes of flour, 2.7 tonnes of cheese and 88,000 olives,” which of the following nouns are uncountable?
Q3195847 Inglês
Germany's World Cup-winning captain and coach Beckenbauer dies at 78

By Reuters

German soccer legend Franz Beckenbauer died at the age of 78. His remarkable career lasted over 50 years.

  Beckenbauer was an amazing player, coach, a football expert, and he greatly impacted the sport. His commanding presence on the pitch, both with West Germany and Bayern Munich, earned him acclaim. He played a key role in Bayern Munich’s nest years in the mid-1970s. During this time, the club achieved three European Cups and Bundesliga titles. As a manager, Beckenbauer won the 1972 European Championship. In 1974, he was the captain when his team won the World Cup.

   Politicians, fans, colleagues, and football clubs reacted to Beckenbauer’s death. He remains a symbol of German football excellence.

Fonte: Adaptado do site Reuters. Disponível em: 01-08/ Acesso em: 15 jan 2025
In the phrase “He played a key role in Bayern Munich’s nest years in the mid-1970s,” what is the function of the preposition "in"? 
Q3195846 Inglês
Germany's World Cup-winning captain and coach Beckenbauer dies at 78

By Reuters

German soccer legend Franz Beckenbauer died at the age of 78. His remarkable career lasted over 50 years.

  Beckenbauer was an amazing player, coach, a football expert, and he greatly impacted the sport. His commanding presence on the pitch, both with West Germany and Bayern Munich, earned him acclaim. He played a key role in Bayern Munich’s nest years in the mid-1970s. During this time, the club achieved three European Cups and Bundesliga titles. As a manager, Beckenbauer won the 1972 European Championship. In 1974, he was the captain when his team won the World Cup.

   Politicians, fans, colleagues, and football clubs reacted to Beckenbauer’s death. He remains a symbol of German football excellence.

Fonte: Adaptado do site Reuters. Disponível em: 01-08/ Acesso em: 15 jan 2025
According to the text, what was one of Franz Beckenbauer's main contributions to football as a player and coach? 
Q3195844 Inglês
2024 first year to pass 1.5C global warming limit

By Mark Poynting, Erwan Rivault and Becky Dale

   Global warming is nearing a critical point, as 2024 became the first calendar year with an average temperature of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, according to The European Copernicus Climate Service.

   While it doesn’t mean the Paris Agreement target of keeping the long-term average below 1.5°C has been breached, it highlights how close we are to exceeding it. The rise in global temperatures is primarily caused by fossil fuel emissions, which continue to increase despite international agreements.

   Climate scientist Ella Gilbert emphasized the devastating effects of global warming, pointing to events like the Los Angeles wildfires and the floods in Valencia. These disasters are a clear example of extreme weather becoming more frequent and dangerous.

   However, she stressed it was not too late to act. Every reduction in emissions and degree of warming can significantly decrease the impact of future disasters. Action must come from governments, businesses, and individuals alike.

Fonte: Adaptado de BBC News. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan 2025.
No trecho “While it doesn’t mean the Paris Agreement target of keeping the long-term average below 1.5°C has been breached (…)” a palavra "breached" poderia ser corretamente substituída por qual opção?
Q3195843 Inglês
2024 first year to pass 1.5C global warming limit

By Mark Poynting, Erwan Rivault and Becky Dale

   Global warming is nearing a critical point, as 2024 became the first calendar year with an average temperature of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, according to The European Copernicus Climate Service.

   While it doesn’t mean the Paris Agreement target of keeping the long-term average below 1.5°C has been breached, it highlights how close we are to exceeding it. The rise in global temperatures is primarily caused by fossil fuel emissions, which continue to increase despite international agreements.

   Climate scientist Ella Gilbert emphasized the devastating effects of global warming, pointing to events like the Los Angeles wildfires and the floods in Valencia. These disasters are a clear example of extreme weather becoming more frequent and dangerous.

   However, she stressed it was not too late to act. Every reduction in emissions and degree of warming can significantly decrease the impact of future disasters. Action must come from governments, businesses, and individuals alike.

Fonte: Adaptado de BBC News. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan 2025.
De acordo com a cientista climática Ella Gilbert, o que pode ajudar a reduzir os impactos de desastres futuros?
Q3195841 Inglês
2024 first year to pass 1.5C global warming limit

By Mark Poynting, Erwan Rivault and Becky Dale

   Global warming is nearing a critical point, as 2024 became the first calendar year with an average temperature of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, according to The European Copernicus Climate Service.

   While it doesn’t mean the Paris Agreement target of keeping the long-term average below 1.5°C has been breached, it highlights how close we are to exceeding it. The rise in global temperatures is primarily caused by fossil fuel emissions, which continue to increase despite international agreements.

   Climate scientist Ella Gilbert emphasized the devastating effects of global warming, pointing to events like the Los Angeles wildfires and the floods in Valencia. These disasters are a clear example of extreme weather becoming more frequent and dangerous.

   However, she stressed it was not too late to act. Every reduction in emissions and degree of warming can significantly decrease the impact of future disasters. Action must come from governments, businesses, and individuals alike.

Fonte: Adaptado de BBC News. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan 2025.
Com base no texto, qual é o tema principal abordado? 
Q3195840 Inglês
No ensino de línguas, a gramática desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas dos alunos. Segundo os estudos de Carter e McCarthy, uma abordagem comunicativa da gramática foca-se em:
Q3195839 Inglês
Com base no excerto do livro "Dimensões Comunicativas no Ensino de Línguas" de Almeida Filho, que afirma:

"O ensino comunicativo é aquele que organiza as experiências de aprender em termos de atividades relevantes/tarefas de real interesse e/ou necessidade do aluno para que ele se capacite a usar a língua-alvo para realizar ações de verdade na interação com outros falantes-usuários dessa língua." (ALMEIDA FILHO, 1993, p. 36).

De acordo com Almeida Filho, qual característica define o ensino comunicativo de línguas? 
Q3195828 História
A Revolução dos Cravos, ocorrida em Portugal em 25 de abril de 1974, foi um movimento que depôs o regime salazarista e instaurou um governo democrático. Sobre suas causas e desdobramentos, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3195827 História
O conceito de "padrão arquipélago" é utilizado por historiadores para descrever a estrutura econômica brasileira durante o período colonial. Sobre esse modelo, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3195826 História
O ano de 1930 marcou uma grande transformação política no Brasil, pondo fim à Primeira República e inaugurando um novo período sob a liderança de Getúlio Vargas. Sobre esse evento, é correto afirmar que:
Q3195825 História
A crise econômica de 1929 teve impacto global e foi resultado de um conjunto de fatores estruturais. Entre as principais causas desse colapso econômico, podemos destacar:
Q3195824 História
A Revolução Russa de 1917 foi resultado de um conjunto de crises que abalaram o império czarista e culminaram na queda da dinastia Romanov. Entre os fatores que contribuíram para esse desfecho, destaca-se:
Q3195823 História
Nos séculos XVI e XVII, a Europa passou por um intenso movimento de transformação religiosa, que resultou em cismas, perseguições e novos posicionamentos institucionais. Sobre esse contexto, analise as afirmativas a seguir:

I - A Contrarreforma reforçou a autoridade do Papa e reafirmou dogmas católicos questionados pelos reformistas.
II - A Reforma Protestante incentivou a tradução da Bíblia para línguas vernáculas, promovendo maior acesso ao seu conteúdo.
III - A Inquisição foi criada por Martinho Lutero para perseguir católicos que se opunham ao protestantismo.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3195822 História
Ao longo da Antiguidade, diversas civilizações do Oriente Médio desenvolveram sistemas políticos, religiosos e jurídicos que influenciaram sociedades posteriores. Considerando esses legados, assinale a alternativa que identifica corretamente a civilização e sua contribuição histórica.
Q3195821 História
Ao longo dos séculos XI e XIII, diversos movimentos militares foram organizados sob o pretexto de recuperar territórios considerados sagrados. Esses conflitos envolveram diferentes grupos e interesses, ampliando intercâmbios culturais e econômicos entre a Europa e o Oriente Médio. Considerando esse contexto, assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma consequência das Cruzadas.
1: C
2: A
3: B
4: B
5: A
6: A
7: A
8: B
9: C
10: C
11: C
12: B
13: A
14: D
15: C
16: A
17: B
18: A
19: C
20: D