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Ano: 2018 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Benedito Leite - MA
Q1221218 Psicologia
Complete as lacunas abaixo e assinale a alternativa que dá sentido correto ao parágrafo.

As teorias de Vigotski e Piaget são, atualmente, referência na questão da aprendizagem. Vigotski construiu o conceito de ________________, referindo-se ás potencialidades da criança que podem ser desenvolvidas a partir do ensino sistemático. E Piaget utilizou para a construção de suas idéias o modelo ________________.   
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Picos - PI
Q1221216 Psicologia
O decreto nº 7.611, de 17 de novembro de 2011, dispõe sobre a educação especial, o atendimento educacional especializado e dá outras providências. Para fins deste Decreto, considera-se público-alvo da educação especial, EXCETO: 
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Picos - PI
Q1220701 Inglês
Fill the gap with the correct option. ―Lady! Look what you did tom y hair. I hope you‘re proud of _____________.‖ 
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Picos - PI
Q1220688 Inglês
Analyze the following items: 
I – Pronouns are words we use in the place of a full sentence.  II – We use he/him to refer to men, and she/her to refer to women. When we are not sure if we are talking about a man or a woman we use they/them.  III – English clauses Always have a subject. If there is no other subject we use it or there. We cal this a dummy subject. 

How many items are correct? 
Q1220024 Inglês
Human Trafficking in Romania

  Anti-mafia police have broken up a Romanian human trafficking gang, which forced dozens of kidnapped victims, including children, into beggary and slavery.    Authorities rescued five people from a village in central Romania and arrested 29 suspects thought to be part of the ring. A hunt is being conducted around the site, which is just 170 kilometers northwest of Bucharest. It's thought that there are more crime ring members at loose and as many as 40 victims overall.    The director for fighting organized crime and terrorism said some of the victims had been kidnapped from around public places such as railway stations since 2008 and had been fed only scraps of food by their masters. There's also suspicion that some of the victims were raped but that has not been verified. No other details about the victims or their whereabouts have been disclosed.  
Read the following statements: 
(i) Starting in 2008, a human trafficking gang began kidnapping people, including children, from public places in Romania.  (ii) The gang made these people became slaves.  (iii) Their masters treated them badly by feeding them only little food and possibly raping them.  (iv) Recently, police stopped this gang’s activity when they arrested 29 criminals and saved five of the victims.   According to the context, we can say that: 
681: C
682: B
683: B
684: C
685: C