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Q2323325 Inglês
Forthcoming innovation & trends in shipping industry

         The shipping trends play a vital role in global trade, transporting goods worth trillions of dollars yearly. Population growth and continued urbanization will also lead to an increase in demand for maritime shipping services. The maritime shipping industry must continue to innovate and adopt new technologies to meet this increased demand. The following are some of the most promising trends and innovations currently taking place in the maritime shipping industry:

2       1. Green Technology - One of the most critical trends in maritime shipping is the move toward green technology. With increasing public awareness of the need to protect the environment, it is becoming increasingly crucial for maritime companies to adopt green practices. Maritime companies invest in cleaner-burning fuels such as LNG (liquefied natural gas). LNG produces significantly lower emissions than traditional marine fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO) and diesel. Some maritime companies are also experimenting with battery-powered ships to reduce emissions further. While battery-powered ships are not yet commercially viable on long voyages, they show great promise for use on shorter routes.

3       2. Electric Ships - Global maritime transport emits around 900 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, accounting for 2-3% of the world’s total emissions. As the push for decarbonization gathers momentum, it is only a matter of time before electric ships become the norm.

4    3. Autonomous Ships - Another exciting trend in maritime shipping is the development of autonomous ships. Autonomous ships have the potential to revolutionize the industry. They offer many advantages over traditional vessels, including reduced operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety by reducing the need for manual labor onboard ships. In addition, automated systems are less susceptible to human error than their manual counterparts. While there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome before autonomous vessels can be deployed commercially, they are expected to eventually become a common sight in the world’s oceans.

5      4. Blockchain - Blockchain technology is also beginning to make its way into the maritime shipping industry. Blockchain offers several potential benefits for maritime companies, including improved tracking of shipments and real-time visibility of their location- this would minimize delays caused by lost or misplaced cargo, reduce paperwork, and increase transparency throughout the supply chain. Moreover, blockchain-based smart contracts could automate many administrative tasks related to shipping, such as documentation and billing.

    5. Big data and predictive analytics - Another major trend transforming maritime shipping is the increasing use of big data and predictive analytics. The shipping industry generates vast amounts of data that can be extremely valuable if analyzed correctly. Big data analytics can improve everything from route planning to fuel consumption. By harnessing the power of data, shipping companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance safety and security. Predictive analytics is particularly valuable for identifying potential problems before they occur, such as equipment failures or weather hazards.

7      6. Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity is a growing concern for maritime companies due to the increased reliance on digital systems and networks. As the shipping industry becomes increasingly digitized, companies must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their vessels and cargo from attack. Ships are now equipped with everything from satellite communications to remote monitoring capabilities, all of which create potential cyber vulnerabilities.

  Conclusion - The maritime shipping news is undergoing a period of significant change, with new technologies and trends emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way that we ship goods around the world. 

Available at:
-trends-in-the-shipping-industry/ Retrieved on April 22, 2023. Adapted.
The main idea of the text is to
Q2323323 Português
Lixo nos mares

1        Os oceanos sofrem os efeitos das atividades humanas há milênios. Dejetos e resíduos orgânicos e inorgânicos gerados por essas atividades são levados para o mar por ventos, chuvas e rios, ou despejados diretamente ali. Os oceanos suportam toda essa sobrecarga? A resposta vem de análises que constatam sérios danos aos ecossistemas oceânicos: o lixo marinho, portanto, já é um grave problema ambiental.

2        O lixo de origem humana que entra no mar está presente nas imagens, hoje comuns, de animais emaranhados em materiais de todo tipo ou que ingeriram ou sufocaram com diferentes itens. Também é conhecida a imensa mancha de lixo que se acumula no chamado “giro” do oceano Pacífico Norte – os giros, existentes em todos os oceanos, são áreas em torno das quais se deslocam as correntes marinhas. Nas zonas centrais desses giros, as correntes têm baixa intensidade e quase não há ventos. Os resíduos que chegam ali ficam retidos e se acumulam, gerando enormes “lixões” oceânicos.

3      Detritos orgânicos (vegetais, animais, fezes e restos de alimento) não são considerados lixo marinho, porque em geral se decompõem rapidamente e se tornam nutrientes e alimentos para outros organismos. As fontes do lixo oceânico são comumente classificadas como “marinhas” (descartes por embarcações e plataformas de petróleo e gás) e “terrestres” (depósitos e descartes incorretos feitos em terra e levados para os rios pelas chuvas e daí para o mar, onde também chegam carregados pelo vento e até pelo gelo).

       Apesar do sensacionalismo em torno desse tema, o estudo do lixo marinho tem bases científicas e envolve, em todo o mundo, cada vez mais pesquisadores e tomadores de decisão. Todos engajados na luta pela diminuição desse problema social e ambiental.

      Os impactos ligados à presença do lixo no mar começaram a ser observados a partir da década de 1950, mas somente em 1975 foi definido o termo “lixo marinho”, hoje consagrado. Essa definição, da Academia Nacional de Ciências dos Estados Unidos, diz que é lixo marinho todo material sólido de origem humana descartado nos oceanos ou que os atinge por rios, córregos, esgotos e descargas domésticas e industriais.

     O número de publicações mundiais, científicas e não científicas, sobre lixo marinho começou a aumentar a partir da década de 1980. Esse aumento se deve a três processos: 1) a contínua e crescente substituição, em vários tipos de utensílios, de materiais naturais pelos sintéticos – estes, como o plástico, resistem por mais tempo à degradação no ambiente marinho e tendem a se acumular; 2) o baixo custo dos materiais sintéticos, que não incentiva sua reciclagem e favorece o descarte no ambiente e 3) o aumento, na zona costeira, do número de habitantes e embarcações, que podem contribuir para o descarte de lixo no ambiente marinho.

7         Mas como evitar que o “lixo nosso de cada dia” chegue ao mar? E como retirar o que já está lá? É nesse ponto que a conservação marinha e a gestão de resíduos sólidos se encontram e se complementam. Em 2013, realizou-se no Brasil a IV Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente, que formalizou 60 propostas sobre o meio ambiente. Duas enfocam o lixo marinho: a primeira está ligada à redução de impactos ambientais e a segunda é ligada à educação ambiental, com campanhas educativas de sensibilização sobre as consequências da disposição incorreta do lixo, com ênfase no ambiente marinho e nos danos causados à população humana.

8        Em 2013, realizou-se no Brasil a IV Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente, que formalizou 60 propostas sobre o meio ambiente. Duas enfocam o lixo marinho: a primeira está ligada à redução de impactos ambientais e a segunda é ligada à educação ambiental, com campanhas educativas de sensibilização sobre as consequências da disposição incorreta do lixo, com ênfase no ambiente marinho e nos danos causados à população humana. 

OLIVEIRA, A. et al. Revista Ciência Hoje, n. 313, v. 53. Rio de Janeiro: SBPC. Abril 2014. Adaptado.
O emprego da vírgula está plenamente de acordo com as exigências da norma-padrão da língua portuguesa em:  
Q2323321 Português
Lixo nos mares

1        Os oceanos sofrem os efeitos das atividades humanas há milênios. Dejetos e resíduos orgânicos e inorgânicos gerados por essas atividades são levados para o mar por ventos, chuvas e rios, ou despejados diretamente ali. Os oceanos suportam toda essa sobrecarga? A resposta vem de análises que constatam sérios danos aos ecossistemas oceânicos: o lixo marinho, portanto, já é um grave problema ambiental.

2        O lixo de origem humana que entra no mar está presente nas imagens, hoje comuns, de animais emaranhados em materiais de todo tipo ou que ingeriram ou sufocaram com diferentes itens. Também é conhecida a imensa mancha de lixo que se acumula no chamado “giro” do oceano Pacífico Norte – os giros, existentes em todos os oceanos, são áreas em torno das quais se deslocam as correntes marinhas. Nas zonas centrais desses giros, as correntes têm baixa intensidade e quase não há ventos. Os resíduos que chegam ali ficam retidos e se acumulam, gerando enormes “lixões” oceânicos.

3      Detritos orgânicos (vegetais, animais, fezes e restos de alimento) não são considerados lixo marinho, porque em geral se decompõem rapidamente e se tornam nutrientes e alimentos para outros organismos. As fontes do lixo oceânico são comumente classificadas como “marinhas” (descartes por embarcações e plataformas de petróleo e gás) e “terrestres” (depósitos e descartes incorretos feitos em terra e levados para os rios pelas chuvas e daí para o mar, onde também chegam carregados pelo vento e até pelo gelo).

       Apesar do sensacionalismo em torno desse tema, o estudo do lixo marinho tem bases científicas e envolve, em todo o mundo, cada vez mais pesquisadores e tomadores de decisão. Todos engajados na luta pela diminuição desse problema social e ambiental.

      Os impactos ligados à presença do lixo no mar começaram a ser observados a partir da década de 1950, mas somente em 1975 foi definido o termo “lixo marinho”, hoje consagrado. Essa definição, da Academia Nacional de Ciências dos Estados Unidos, diz que é lixo marinho todo material sólido de origem humana descartado nos oceanos ou que os atinge por rios, córregos, esgotos e descargas domésticas e industriais.

     O número de publicações mundiais, científicas e não científicas, sobre lixo marinho começou a aumentar a partir da década de 1980. Esse aumento se deve a três processos: 1) a contínua e crescente substituição, em vários tipos de utensílios, de materiais naturais pelos sintéticos – estes, como o plástico, resistem por mais tempo à degradação no ambiente marinho e tendem a se acumular; 2) o baixo custo dos materiais sintéticos, que não incentiva sua reciclagem e favorece o descarte no ambiente e 3) o aumento, na zona costeira, do número de habitantes e embarcações, que podem contribuir para o descarte de lixo no ambiente marinho.

7         Mas como evitar que o “lixo nosso de cada dia” chegue ao mar? E como retirar o que já está lá? É nesse ponto que a conservação marinha e a gestão de resíduos sólidos se encontram e se complementam. Em 2013, realizou-se no Brasil a IV Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente, que formalizou 60 propostas sobre o meio ambiente. Duas enfocam o lixo marinho: a primeira está ligada à redução de impactos ambientais e a segunda é ligada à educação ambiental, com campanhas educativas de sensibilização sobre as consequências da disposição incorreta do lixo, com ênfase no ambiente marinho e nos danos causados à população humana.

8        Em 2013, realizou-se no Brasil a IV Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente, que formalizou 60 propostas sobre o meio ambiente. Duas enfocam o lixo marinho: a primeira está ligada à redução de impactos ambientais e a segunda é ligada à educação ambiental, com campanhas educativas de sensibilização sobre as consequências da disposição incorreta do lixo, com ênfase no ambiente marinho e nos danos causados à população humana. 

OLIVEIRA, A. et al. Revista Ciência Hoje, n. 313, v. 53. Rio de Janeiro: SBPC. Abril 2014. Adaptado.
De acordo com as regras de concordância nominal da norma-padrão da língua portuguesa, a palavra destacada está empregada corretamente em:  
Q2323298 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Na seleção de alternadores para uma determinada instalação, devem ser consideradas diversas informações apresentadas nos dados de placa ou nos catálogos desses equipamentos.
O grau de proteção representa as informações referentes  
Q2323297 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
A escolha adequada dos dispositivos de proteção é essencial para a garantia da segurança da instalação e a de seus usuários.
Em uma instalação elétrica com esquema de aterramento TN, para o seccionamento automático visando à proteção contra choques elétricos, é permitido o uso de dispositivo de proteção à corrente diferencial-residual (dispositivo DR) para 
Q2323273 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
No que se refere a aspectos que interferem na segurança do manuseio de ferramentas, a prática que NÃO contribui para a redução de risco ao operador é a(o)
Q2323122 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the section of paragraph 6 “the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap”, the modal verb should indicates
Q2323121 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the passage of paragraph 6 “the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term”, the expression “over the long term” could be replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2323120 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the segment of paragraph 6 “Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition”, the term key means
Q2323119 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the fragment of paragraph 5 “Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change”, the verb form will indicates
Q2323118 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the fragment of paragraph 3 “Guyana can (…) address the energy crisis”, the term address means 
Q2323117 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the segment of paragraph 3 “becoming a top crude oil producer globally”, the term top could be replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2323116 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the segment of paragraph 2 “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through”, the term embedding could be replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2323115 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
The segment of paragraph 2 “technology is the driving force behind progressive changes” means that technology
Q2323114 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
In the sentence of paragraph 2 “Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security?”, the term nevertheless establishes the idea of 
Q2323113 Inglês
Technology And Innovation:
The Gateway To Development For Guyanese?

     We live in vulnerable energy times. The energy crisis, climate change and energy transition are all shaking and shaping the global future. “The energy realities of the world remind us that oil and gas will be here for decades to pivot a just, affordable and secure energy transition,” as John Hess, CEO of Hess Corporation, mentioned during the International Energy Conference and Expo in Guyana in February 2023.

2       As someone said, vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and technology is the driving force behind progressive changes. Nevertheless, how can Guyana play a vital role in reordering energy security? “By embedding innovation earlier in the process, Guyana can skip several steps and avoid what most economies went through” this idea was emphasized several times during the same conference. “If we integrate innovation into Guyana’s process today, there might be some accelerated success.”

3      Guyana can play an essential role in balancing the global energy supply and demand markets and address the energy crisis by becoming a top crude oil producer globally. The goal is to become competitive in the global oil and gas market and this can be achieved by attracting and establishing partnerships with companies that can bring increased efficiency and productivity to the local oil and gas operations, from exploration and production to storage and transportation. For Guyana, this means that improvements in regulations, a transparent, secure and competitive environment for foreign investment, and incentives from the government can serve as catalysts for technology and innovation.

    Collaborating with universities and creating a business innovation hub mentality for young entrepreneurs with government support, like loan guarantees, grants, and tax credits, will also spur the industry.

5       Innovative technology will play a critical role in climate change. The oil and gas sector must reduce its emissions by at least 3.4 gigatons of CO2 equivalent a year by 2050 – a 90 % reduction in current emissions. Guyana today can become a world leader in setting a benchmark around flaring and it’s possible for the country to achieve zero-flare objective, because “from day one the right solutions and the right technologies were properly planned and properly positioned in order to enable the extraction and the production with almost zero carbon footprint”, as the Emissions Director at Schlumberger vocalized about a year ago.

     Innovations and technologies are key to the energy transition, from floating wind farms to solar photovoltaic farm developments, waste-to-fuel projects and green hydrogen, shaping Guyana’s energy transition and future. All this requires not only massive financial support but an innovationoriented and technology-friendly environment, with a strong emphasis on education, training and research. Nevertheless, the decision in Guyana on what technologies to adopt and how much to innovate will have a big impact on results over the long term and the government should base it on a clear vision and roadmap.

Available at:
-caribbean-news/. Retrieved on: April 26, 2023. Adapted.
The fragment of paragraph 2 “vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation” means that vulnerability
Q2323112 Português
O afogado mais bonito do mundo

1         Sou antropófago. Devoro livros. Quem me ensinou foi Murilo Mendes: livros são feitos com a carne e o sangue dos que os escreveram. Os hábitos de antropófago determinam a maneira como escolho livros. Só leio livros escritos com sangue. Depois que os devoro, deixam de pertencer ao autor. São meus porque circulam na minha carne e no meu sangue.

2     É o caso do conto “O Afogado Mais Bonito do Mundo”, de Gabriel García Márquez. Ele escreveu. Eu li e devorei. Agora é meu. Eu o reconto.

3      É sobre uma vila de pescadores perdida em nenhum lugar, o enfado misturado com o ar, cada novo dia já nascendo velho, as mesmas palavras ocas, os mesmos gestos vazios, os mesmos corpos opacos, a excitação do amor sendo algo de que ninguém mais se lembrava...

4     Aconteceu que, num dia como todos os outros, um menino viu uma forma estranha flutuando longe no mar. E ele gritou. Todos correram. Num lugar como aquele até uma forma estranha é motivo de festa. E ali ficaram na praia, olhando, esperando. Até que o mar, sem pressa, trouxe a coisa e a colocou na areia, para o desapontamento de todos: era um homem morto.

5      Todos os homens mortos são parecidos porque há apenas uma coisa a se fazer com eles: enterrar. E, naquela vila, o costume era que as mulheres preparassem os mortos para o sepultamento. Assim, carregaram o cadáver para uma casa, as mulheres dentro, os homens fora. E o silêncio era grande enquanto o limpavam das algas e liquens, mortalhas verdes do mar.

6        Mas, repentinamente, uma voz quebrou o silêncio. Uma mulher balbuciou: “Se ele tivesse vivido entre nós, ele teria de ter curvado a cabeça sempre ao entrar em nossas casas. Ele é muito alto...”.

7       Todas as mulheres, sérias e silenciosas, fizeram sim com a cabeça.

8       De novo o silêncio foi profundo, até que uma outra voz foi ouvida. Outra mulher... “Fico pensando em como teria sido a sua voz... Como o sussurro da brisa? Como o trovão das ondas? Será que ele conhecia aquela palavra secreta que, quando pronunciada, faz com que uma mulher apanhe uma flor e a coloque no cabelo?” E elas sorriram e olharam umas para as outras.

9       De novo o silêncio. E, de novo, a voz de outra mulher... “Essas mãos... Como são grandes! Que será que fizeram? Brincaram com crianças? Navegaram mares? Travaram batalhas? Construíram casas? Essas mãos: será que elas sabiam deslizar sobre o rosto de uma mulher, será que elas sabiam abraçar e acariciar o seu corpo?”

10      Aí todas elas riram que riram, suas faces vermelhas, e se surpreenderam ao perceber que o enterro estava se transformando numa ressurreição: sonhos esquecidos, que pensavam mortos, retornavam, cinzas virando fogo, os corpos vivos de novo e os rostos opacos brilhando com a luz da alegria.

11    Os maridos, de fora, observavam o que estava acontecendo e ficaram com ciúmes do afogado, ao perceberem que um morto tinha um poder que eles mesmos não tinham mais. E pensaram nos sonhos que nunca haviam tido, nos poemas que nunca haviam escrito, nos mares que nunca tinham navegado, nas mulheres que nunca haviam desejado.

12     A história termina dizendo que finalmente enterraram o morto. Mas a aldeia nunca mais foi a mesma.

ALVES, R. Sobre como da morte brota a vida. F. de São Paulo.
Cotidiano. Disponível em: Acesso
em: 20 abr. 2023. Adaptado.
A frase em que a concordância nominal do elemento em destaque se dá de acordo com as regras da norma-padrão é:
Q2323111 Português
O afogado mais bonito do mundo

1         Sou antropófago. Devoro livros. Quem me ensinou foi Murilo Mendes: livros são feitos com a carne e o sangue dos que os escreveram. Os hábitos de antropófago determinam a maneira como escolho livros. Só leio livros escritos com sangue. Depois que os devoro, deixam de pertencer ao autor. São meus porque circulam na minha carne e no meu sangue.

2     É o caso do conto “O Afogado Mais Bonito do Mundo”, de Gabriel García Márquez. Ele escreveu. Eu li e devorei. Agora é meu. Eu o reconto.

3      É sobre uma vila de pescadores perdida em nenhum lugar, o enfado misturado com o ar, cada novo dia já nascendo velho, as mesmas palavras ocas, os mesmos gestos vazios, os mesmos corpos opacos, a excitação do amor sendo algo de que ninguém mais se lembrava...

4     Aconteceu que, num dia como todos os outros, um menino viu uma forma estranha flutuando longe no mar. E ele gritou. Todos correram. Num lugar como aquele até uma forma estranha é motivo de festa. E ali ficaram na praia, olhando, esperando. Até que o mar, sem pressa, trouxe a coisa e a colocou na areia, para o desapontamento de todos: era um homem morto.

5      Todos os homens mortos são parecidos porque há apenas uma coisa a se fazer com eles: enterrar. E, naquela vila, o costume era que as mulheres preparassem os mortos para o sepultamento. Assim, carregaram o cadáver para uma casa, as mulheres dentro, os homens fora. E o silêncio era grande enquanto o limpavam das algas e liquens, mortalhas verdes do mar.

6        Mas, repentinamente, uma voz quebrou o silêncio. Uma mulher balbuciou: “Se ele tivesse vivido entre nós, ele teria de ter curvado a cabeça sempre ao entrar em nossas casas. Ele é muito alto...”.

7       Todas as mulheres, sérias e silenciosas, fizeram sim com a cabeça.

8       De novo o silêncio foi profundo, até que uma outra voz foi ouvida. Outra mulher... “Fico pensando em como teria sido a sua voz... Como o sussurro da brisa? Como o trovão das ondas? Será que ele conhecia aquela palavra secreta que, quando pronunciada, faz com que uma mulher apanhe uma flor e a coloque no cabelo?” E elas sorriram e olharam umas para as outras.

9       De novo o silêncio. E, de novo, a voz de outra mulher... “Essas mãos... Como são grandes! Que será que fizeram? Brincaram com crianças? Navegaram mares? Travaram batalhas? Construíram casas? Essas mãos: será que elas sabiam deslizar sobre o rosto de uma mulher, será que elas sabiam abraçar e acariciar o seu corpo?”

10      Aí todas elas riram que riram, suas faces vermelhas, e se surpreenderam ao perceber que o enterro estava se transformando numa ressurreição: sonhos esquecidos, que pensavam mortos, retornavam, cinzas virando fogo, os corpos vivos de novo e os rostos opacos brilhando com a luz da alegria.

11    Os maridos, de fora, observavam o que estava acontecendo e ficaram com ciúmes do afogado, ao perceberem que um morto tinha um poder que eles mesmos não tinham mais. E pensaram nos sonhos que nunca haviam tido, nos poemas que nunca haviam escrito, nos mares que nunca tinham navegado, nas mulheres que nunca haviam desejado.

12     A história termina dizendo que finalmente enterraram o morto. Mas a aldeia nunca mais foi a mesma.

ALVES, R. Sobre como da morte brota a vida. F. de São Paulo.
Cotidiano. Disponível em: Acesso
em: 20 abr. 2023. Adaptado.
A colocação do pronome oblíquo átono em destaque está em acordo com os ditames da norma-padrão escrita em: 
Q2323109 Português
O afogado mais bonito do mundo

1         Sou antropófago. Devoro livros. Quem me ensinou foi Murilo Mendes: livros são feitos com a carne e o sangue dos que os escreveram. Os hábitos de antropófago determinam a maneira como escolho livros. Só leio livros escritos com sangue. Depois que os devoro, deixam de pertencer ao autor. São meus porque circulam na minha carne e no meu sangue.

2     É o caso do conto “O Afogado Mais Bonito do Mundo”, de Gabriel García Márquez. Ele escreveu. Eu li e devorei. Agora é meu. Eu o reconto.

3      É sobre uma vila de pescadores perdida em nenhum lugar, o enfado misturado com o ar, cada novo dia já nascendo velho, as mesmas palavras ocas, os mesmos gestos vazios, os mesmos corpos opacos, a excitação do amor sendo algo de que ninguém mais se lembrava...

4     Aconteceu que, num dia como todos os outros, um menino viu uma forma estranha flutuando longe no mar. E ele gritou. Todos correram. Num lugar como aquele até uma forma estranha é motivo de festa. E ali ficaram na praia, olhando, esperando. Até que o mar, sem pressa, trouxe a coisa e a colocou na areia, para o desapontamento de todos: era um homem morto.

5      Todos os homens mortos são parecidos porque há apenas uma coisa a se fazer com eles: enterrar. E, naquela vila, o costume era que as mulheres preparassem os mortos para o sepultamento. Assim, carregaram o cadáver para uma casa, as mulheres dentro, os homens fora. E o silêncio era grande enquanto o limpavam das algas e liquens, mortalhas verdes do mar.

6        Mas, repentinamente, uma voz quebrou o silêncio. Uma mulher balbuciou: “Se ele tivesse vivido entre nós, ele teria de ter curvado a cabeça sempre ao entrar em nossas casas. Ele é muito alto...”.

7       Todas as mulheres, sérias e silenciosas, fizeram sim com a cabeça.

8       De novo o silêncio foi profundo, até que uma outra voz foi ouvida. Outra mulher... “Fico pensando em como teria sido a sua voz... Como o sussurro da brisa? Como o trovão das ondas? Será que ele conhecia aquela palavra secreta que, quando pronunciada, faz com que uma mulher apanhe uma flor e a coloque no cabelo?” E elas sorriram e olharam umas para as outras.

9       De novo o silêncio. E, de novo, a voz de outra mulher... “Essas mãos... Como são grandes! Que será que fizeram? Brincaram com crianças? Navegaram mares? Travaram batalhas? Construíram casas? Essas mãos: será que elas sabiam deslizar sobre o rosto de uma mulher, será que elas sabiam abraçar e acariciar o seu corpo?”

10      Aí todas elas riram que riram, suas faces vermelhas, e se surpreenderam ao perceber que o enterro estava se transformando numa ressurreição: sonhos esquecidos, que pensavam mortos, retornavam, cinzas virando fogo, os corpos vivos de novo e os rostos opacos brilhando com a luz da alegria.

11    Os maridos, de fora, observavam o que estava acontecendo e ficaram com ciúmes do afogado, ao perceberem que um morto tinha um poder que eles mesmos não tinham mais. E pensaram nos sonhos que nunca haviam tido, nos poemas que nunca haviam escrito, nos mares que nunca tinham navegado, nas mulheres que nunca haviam desejado.

12     A história termina dizendo que finalmente enterraram o morto. Mas a aldeia nunca mais foi a mesma.

ALVES, R. Sobre como da morte brota a vida. F. de São Paulo.
Cotidiano. Disponível em: Acesso
em: 20 abr. 2023. Adaptado.
Em conformidade com o que prevê a norma-padrão, é obrigatório o uso do acento grave indicativo de crase na palavra destacada em:
Q2323108 Português
O afogado mais bonito do mundo

1         Sou antropófago. Devoro livros. Quem me ensinou foi Murilo Mendes: livros são feitos com a carne e o sangue dos que os escreveram. Os hábitos de antropófago determinam a maneira como escolho livros. Só leio livros escritos com sangue. Depois que os devoro, deixam de pertencer ao autor. São meus porque circulam na minha carne e no meu sangue.

2     É o caso do conto “O Afogado Mais Bonito do Mundo”, de Gabriel García Márquez. Ele escreveu. Eu li e devorei. Agora é meu. Eu o reconto.

3      É sobre uma vila de pescadores perdida em nenhum lugar, o enfado misturado com o ar, cada novo dia já nascendo velho, as mesmas palavras ocas, os mesmos gestos vazios, os mesmos corpos opacos, a excitação do amor sendo algo de que ninguém mais se lembrava...

4     Aconteceu que, num dia como todos os outros, um menino viu uma forma estranha flutuando longe no mar. E ele gritou. Todos correram. Num lugar como aquele até uma forma estranha é motivo de festa. E ali ficaram na praia, olhando, esperando. Até que o mar, sem pressa, trouxe a coisa e a colocou na areia, para o desapontamento de todos: era um homem morto.

5      Todos os homens mortos são parecidos porque há apenas uma coisa a se fazer com eles: enterrar. E, naquela vila, o costume era que as mulheres preparassem os mortos para o sepultamento. Assim, carregaram o cadáver para uma casa, as mulheres dentro, os homens fora. E o silêncio era grande enquanto o limpavam das algas e liquens, mortalhas verdes do mar.

6        Mas, repentinamente, uma voz quebrou o silêncio. Uma mulher balbuciou: “Se ele tivesse vivido entre nós, ele teria de ter curvado a cabeça sempre ao entrar em nossas casas. Ele é muito alto...”.

7       Todas as mulheres, sérias e silenciosas, fizeram sim com a cabeça.

8       De novo o silêncio foi profundo, até que uma outra voz foi ouvida. Outra mulher... “Fico pensando em como teria sido a sua voz... Como o sussurro da brisa? Como o trovão das ondas? Será que ele conhecia aquela palavra secreta que, quando pronunciada, faz com que uma mulher apanhe uma flor e a coloque no cabelo?” E elas sorriram e olharam umas para as outras.

9       De novo o silêncio. E, de novo, a voz de outra mulher... “Essas mãos... Como são grandes! Que será que fizeram? Brincaram com crianças? Navegaram mares? Travaram batalhas? Construíram casas? Essas mãos: será que elas sabiam deslizar sobre o rosto de uma mulher, será que elas sabiam abraçar e acariciar o seu corpo?”

10      Aí todas elas riram que riram, suas faces vermelhas, e se surpreenderam ao perceber que o enterro estava se transformando numa ressurreição: sonhos esquecidos, que pensavam mortos, retornavam, cinzas virando fogo, os corpos vivos de novo e os rostos opacos brilhando com a luz da alegria.

11    Os maridos, de fora, observavam o que estava acontecendo e ficaram com ciúmes do afogado, ao perceberem que um morto tinha um poder que eles mesmos não tinham mais. E pensaram nos sonhos que nunca haviam tido, nos poemas que nunca haviam escrito, nos mares que nunca tinham navegado, nas mulheres que nunca haviam desejado.

12     A história termina dizendo que finalmente enterraram o morto. Mas a aldeia nunca mais foi a mesma.

ALVES, R. Sobre como da morte brota a vida. F. de São Paulo.
Cotidiano. Disponível em: Acesso
em: 20 abr. 2023. Adaptado.
O trecho do texto em que a vírgula tem a mesma função dos dois pontos empregados em “Todos os homens mortos são parecidos porque há apenas uma coisa a se fazer com eles: enterrar” (parágrafo 5) é: 
3761: D
3762: D
3763: C
3764: B
3765: D
3766: C
3767: A
3768: C
3769: E
3770: B
3771: A
3772: E
3773: C
3774: A
3775: D
3776: B
3777: D
3778: E
3779: A
3780: C